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In the knowledge economic age, the agricultural higher education plays a key role in promoting country agriculture development and answering the challenge of internationalization. Meanwhile, agricultural higher education institutions also shoulder the important responsibility of cultivating agricultural talents. With the effect of globalization, the idea of Taiwan agricultural higher education change from the localization to internationalization, such as, study abroad, branch school, region curriculum and joint degree and so on. Moreover, because of the application of internet, the new mode of distance education breakthrough traditional knowledge service and knowledge communication, which offers quick, innovative, multivariant and elastic higher education, marching forward the globalization. The government review of the rationalization distribution of resources, and promoting or evaluating advanced countries that their internationalization efforts, nation develop and internationalization will bring light into the possible uses for higher education of agricultural institution, to vision that between to agricultural, society and agricultural higher education, this trend is relevant a nation development in the long term.
     As time goes on, the globalization trend has become the primary development focus of the whole education system is enveloped in transform internationalization strategy of planning and must have the courage to innovate, especially in the agricultural higher education to universalizing in Taiwan. For example, the executive master's and doctor's program was growing very rapidly and expanding abroad, the operating models which made localized perspective to internationalization development. The reason is clearly, customerizational learning are advanced educational systems becoming an alternative to traditional classroom settings, let's studies no longer learning in the same and common contents of traditional teachings. The fictitious farms have to find ways of making the existing practical training system work better, furthermore, the internationalization development of agricultural higher education that will need in the future. All the operating models are endeavoring innovative and shifting ways to execute teachers and students in order to fulfill interaction demands and offer diverse services, only by moving with trends and developments can sustainable survive.
     The internationalization development of agricultural higher education in Taiwan, face the challenge in interaction between globalization and internationalization, the core value is suitable to agricultural higher education of all colleges, just like any school motto or college spiritually, but agricultural colleges should pay close attention to the problems of the globalization trend has become the primary development goal, press for speedy response agricultural higher education development. Presently, the internationalization development of agricultural higher education in Taiwan, all colleges are according to the government's internationalization policies, in practice, we need to continually summarize our varied management plan on the internationalization strategy, themselves lack of the care of international planning of exclusively characteristics and development opportunities, The main questions need to have the government's support for the purpose of internationalization development.
     Currently, A great deal of the scholar's topics focused on the internationalization strategy, most of which is involved in universities evaluation, view of internationalization elements, aspects of internationalization strategy. There's a lack review of agricultural higher education. Therefore, study of internationalization strategy of agricultural higher education in Taiwan, can provide as a direction or reference for agricultural colleges, government and higher education institutions in promoting their internationalization efforts. The new evidence establishes the internationalization strategy of agricultural higher education, It is a systematic discover to strengthen strategy of competitive ability, there are includes campus internationalization, academic exchange, student exchange, learning network, education cooperation, internationalization curriculum, universities evaluation, Taiwan's scholarship, education industries export, term services, cross-strait interflow and receive system, the amount to 13 items of internationalization strategies.
     Exploration of the internationalization strategies of agricultural higher education including 13 items strategies in Taiwan will be presented for the further development of Executive YUAN and colleges ministries and commissions and college in decision making and raise the competitive advantages rankings, conditional selection can create competitive advantages and meet the needs. Setting up a variety of internationalization strategies and supporting policies, the ultimate way out for Taiwan will be integrate the internationalization system and its own strengths to create a better development framework to internationalize its agricultural higher education, it is our hope to take a leading role in the world. The executive power is an essential rather than the only reason for a highly successful experiment, and that it improves the competitive ability to compete is out of question. Simultaneously, it is necessary to look at the issue from a localization charactering perspective, so as to responses the internationalization interaction and dialogues, and to find direction for the future development. We can accord to present internationalization policies of Ministry of Education, but also offer's globalization a development opportunity. Against the backdrop, how to redesign strategies planning for the integration, adjustment, and innovation in cope with the developing trends and to leverage Taiwan's competitive is central to the policy superiority.
[1]涵化理论(cultivation theory),1976年Geroge Gerbner提出融合教养、潜移默化的一种认识,并认为不同于教化,教化一般指称学校或家庭之正式教育,涵化则广纳了一切正式与非正式的历程,涵盖显着课程与潜在课程。涵化的作用,是主体接受启发,而后产生认同,进而内化为价值观的历程与结果(杨国赐等b,2011.2:14)。
    [2]全球化的均质效果(homogenization effect),常被指为“普遍的特姝化”,是根据世界贸动组织主张世界经济一体之自由移动的角度视之,例如麦当劳品牌的同构型之均质效果。另就逻辑本质观而言,全球化亦具有“特殊的普遍化”,此关系相对于地区或地方性之本质的异质性,亦即是同时具有异质效果之共生共存的关系。
    [3]强化策略(Strengthen the strategy),在企业管理领域,是指企业之竞争策略的重新定位,意即打破原有策略的竞争位置与结构,以创造一个有利于企业发展之新的竞争秩序(Hong Kong Port and Maritime Board,2003.1:14—21)。
    [4]优生化(excellent biochemical),优生是指遗传健康的意思,优生学是一门改善人类遗传素质,消除不良因素,促进优质人口的综合科学。优生化的概念,即籍由优生学的概念,将之拓展至企业管理之竞争模式的策略过程,也是一个企业体经由体经由一般竞争转变为优协竞争的共性原则(Altbachb, 2006.8:55-58)。
    [5]蓝海策略(blue ocean strategy),是一种新的市场空间之概念,红海是指所有行业存在或已知的市场空间:蓝海则指所有行业不存在或未知的市场空间,因而企业经营首应寻求开创没有竞争的新市场,以获取独占新市场的最大利益(Kim,& Mauborgne,2005:1—22)。
    [6]不平衡性的动态性(imbalance of dynamic),系指在非线性的因果关系作用下,事物的发展,系处在一种不平衡发展的过程。例如各国的国际化之发展,会因国家竞争力的不同,而显现出强者扩张并影响到弱者之不平衡的发展状态(Fiol,2001:691—699;Nilson,2003:27-40)。
    [7]参考自庞元正,丁冬红,2000:12-20;邬志辉,20041:33-34:陈伯璋,盖浙生,2005:14-15;工椿法,2008.4:92—93;Eggcnhuizcn,1990:153-163;Antony,1999:1261-1265;Wende,2001:249-259: Bartell,2002:43—50;Yang,2002:81-95:Roger,2004:242—251。
    [9]将全球化视为一种互动性的概念,具有两种拓展性含意,狭义是指从孤立的区域国家走向国际社会的进程;广义则是全球经济、文化交流日益发展的情况下,世界各国之间的影响、合作、互动愈益加强,使得具有共性的文化样式逐渐普及推广成为全球通行标准的状态和趋势(居继清等,2009:132-135;邬志辉,2004.1:33-34;简红珠,蔡宗河,2006.6:160-163;Giddensb,1995:80— 81;Hannertz,1990.:237—251:Held & Anthony,2000:1-5;Rust,1999.11:33)。
    [10]全球化的复杂转变过程概念,是指全球各种社会关系交换行为之空间结构的改变,这一种空间结构转变的力量,可在国际间或跨地区之间促成各种活动、互动、支配权力等在互联网络中流动,亦可使用广度、密度、速度、深度等4个构面衡量其程度(Helt & Antony,1999:16)。
    [13]蝴蝶效应(the butterfly effect),是美国气象学家洛兰兹(Lorentz, Edward N.)于1963年提出来的。其大意为蝴蝶在热带轻轻煽动一下翅膀,遥远的国家就可能造成一场飓风。狭义是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。蝴蝶在热带轻轻煽动一下翅膀,遥远的国家就可能造成一场飓风。广义则是指初始条件十分微小的变化经过不断放大,对其未来状态会造成极其巨大的差别。
    [14]德菲法(Delphi method),是一种集思广益来推测未来现象的方法,具体作法是利用一连串有系统的问卷,征询与研究问题有关的专家学者意见。在匿名及彼此不面对面的情况下,进行数回合的问卷调查,且每次调查后分析结果连同新问卷再分送各专家,作为修正先前意见的参考,如此反复进行直到各专家间的意见差异降至最低为止,汇集形成一致性具体的共识。其兼具会议和传统问卷调查法优点,是建立在结构化的信息流通、匿名的群体决定和专家判断的原理上(Blow,& Sprenkle,2001:385—401)。
    [18]四不一没有” 的政策,2000年5月20日,民进党陈水扁在其当选总统就职典礼上,提出所谓“四不一没有”的承诺,即“不会宣布台湾独立”,“不会更改国号”,“不会推动李登辉的两国论入宪”“不会推动改变现状的统独公投”,也“没有废除国统纲领与国统会的问题”
    [19]世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO),戊立于1995年1月1日,总部设在瑞士日内瓦,成立宗旨是提高生活水平保证充分就业,扩大货物、服务的生产和贸易,坚持可持续发展促进对世界资源的最优利用,确保发展中国家及不已开发国家在国际贸易增长中获得发展,通过实质性削减关税等措施建立一个完整的的多边贸易体制(参考自WTO,http://www.wto.org)。
    [22]国际双联学制(international joint degree),是指两所大学独立的系所课程之结合,完成双联学位之学程,即签有合作协议的两校间之大学生或研究生,在原本学校修业满至少两学期后,即可免考托福、美国研究生入学考试GRE、多益TOEIC或其他相关入学测验而直接至有合作协议的学校就读,继续修习剩下的相关学分,只要符合双方学校的毕业资格后,就可以较短的修业年限同时取得两校的学位。教育部于2004年开始推行国际双联学制,并与2006年开始正式实施的一种国际学术交流模式(教育部g,2011-08-10)。
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