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With the Party Central Committee, the State Council put forward the constructionof an innovative country, implementation goal and planning innovation drivedevelopment among different regions, due to geographical proximity, cultural contactand interaction is easy, the implementation of innovative cooperation has becomeincreasingly more important and become possible. Regional location ofBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei be richly endowed by nature, between three cooperation has along history, strong complementarity, in the implementation of innovative drivingstrategic goal, explore the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional industrial technologyinnovation cooperation, has the important theory and the practical significance. Fromthe existing literature at home and abroad, research on industrial cooperation,technical cooperation, cooperation in science and technology across the region is stillrelatively small, especially for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional industrialtechnology cooperation research, has not formed a clear framework to support theactual demand.
     Based on this, this paper takes the regional innovation theory as the background,takes the industrial technology alliance of opportunity, taking theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional as object, carries on the statistical description ofBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Science and technology resources distribution,further analysis of the three industry technology innovation difference, find out themeeting point of three cross-regional Industrial Technology alliance, further analysisto promote the role of external source of innovation of industrial technologicalinnovation, the concept model of regional industrial technology alliance impact onenterprise performance, and taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei main industry technicalcooperation as a case study. The study include the following aspects.
     Firstly, the statistical description of R&D resources allocation ofBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei industry, analysis on the difference of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiindustry. On the basis of R&D density of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei manufacturingcomparable industry high, low technology, industry types, according to the differentstages of vertical industrial chain reclassifies the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei manufacturingindustry, technological innovation characteristics and differences of the relevantdepartments of the longitudinal association of the industrial chain of carding, theresults show that: technological innovation is a process of organizational learning,with similar or complementary innovation and technical path of the industry, has thepossibility of cooperation in industrial technology R&D and the use of this.
     Secondly, to study the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei manufacturing technologyinnovation ability and external source of innovation relations. To explore the relationbetween the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region innovation system and enterpriseinnovation system, but also to explore the dual role of knowledge intensive businessservice organization has the source of innovation and innovation of bridge, researchresults show that: the external information available to affect the overall innovation capability of enterprises, external expert organizations affect R&D and resourceallocation capability of enterprises, for enterprises to obtain external knowledge andknowledge integration capability of technological innovation capability andinnovation performance has a significant impact.
     Once again, puts forward the theoretical framework and conceptual model of therelationship between regional industry technology alliance and enterprise innovationperformance. Based on the relevant theories of the interaction, technology allianceand innovation performance, the technology alliance process influences theperformance of innovation by knowledge interaction of this key intermediatevariables as the connecting point, puts forward the theoretical framework and theconcept of technology alliance and enterprise innovation performance model based onknowledge interaction.
     Finally, the main industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei to cooperation in science andtechnology as an example, makes an empirical study of the proposed conceptualmodel. Using SEM structural equation modeling and the method of factor analysis forthe empirical analysis, research results show that: the interaction within the enterpriseknowledge alliance including knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and knowledgeintegration has a significant impact on innovation performance; the individualcharacter, coalition partners, the close relationship between the degree and nature ofthe alliance alliance as a whole management level has significant effect on knowledgeinteraction.
     The research results of this paper enrich and perfect the theories of knowledgeinteraction and technology alliance, as the regional industrial technology allianceenterprises how to make better use of technology alliance to provide theory support toenhance their innovation performance.
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