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The object of this dissertation is the Jews of the Byzantine Empire, research time is from the year of641to1453. The social status of Jews in the Byzantine Empire is very unique, it's neither subordinated to the orthodox Christian system, nor to the polytheism and other pagan groups, but existed between the two. Their fate is closely connected to the Byzantium's, showing a dynamic balance. In the long river of the Byzantine history, their social status was mainly depended on four factors:first, Byzantium's powerful national strength; second, Byzantium's strict centralized system, numerous bureaucratic politics, and the separate powers of administrative and military third, Byzantium's sound and perfect legal system; fourth, Byzantium's sympathy to retain Judaism, and shelter the Jews.
     From60BC, the Jewish kingdom's national strength had been weakened, increasingly under the control of the Rome. In order to get rid of Roman rules, the Jews once erupted the largest uprising in AD66. After four years (70AD), the Romans conquered Judea (Judah), burned the Jewish Second Temple. A large number of Jews were in exile from Palestinian territories, they dispersed to North Africa, Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor and Greece. With the rise of Byzantine Empire, these Jews were under the Byzantine rules. They mostly lived in cities, mainly engaged in handicrafts, commerce, and some professional careers, such as doctors and teachers. Although the Byzantine Jewish population shared less than10%, the social activities of the Jews did have profound effects to Byzantium. Dynamic Jewish economic activities provided Byzantium a great amount of money, and promoted development to Byzantine economy. Especially from the13th century, Western Europe experienced Business Revolution and enhanced their abilities of economy. But the continued development of the Jewish economy stimulated the revival of the Byzantine economy and slowed down the trend of decline of the Byzantine economy.
     At the aspects of political and religious lifes, the Jews were forced to drop as second-class citizens because of the "Eternal the Gentiles" identity, their lifes were strictly limited. In the coming centuries, they went through discrimination, persecution, and converting by the emperors, the churches, and the Christian Crusades. However, the hard period was not invariable. In the hard times, the Jews also got some protections from some of the emperors and the bishops, their heavy weight of lifes were at some release. In particular, after the year of1204, the Fourth Crusade aggressed Byzantium and Western Europe gradually caught up with the Byzantine Empire in political and economic aspects, Byzantium was more and more in dependence on the Jews, the Jewish social status had a greater degree of upgrading.
     In short, whether in economic, political or religious aspect, the social status of the Jews was closely related to the situations in home and abroad of the Byzantium, rendering dynamic equilibrium.
     This paper is divided into four parts, introduces the entire circumstance, the economy status, the political status, and the religious status of the Byzantine Jewish communities separately.
     The first part explains in detail of the origin, distribution, population, and management mechanism of the Byzantine Jewish communities. Byzantine Jewish communities are unique in Byzantine style, with strong characters of regional, autonomy, loss and transformation with dynamic equilibrium.
     The second part focuses on the economic status of the Byzantine Jews. This part is divided into two aspects:the occupations and the ratepayings of the Byzantine Jews. The Byzantine Jewish occupations had the Byzantine style. In the economic life of the Jews, the textile and leather industry became the star industries. The Jews had not only excellent skills, but also a large domestic and foreign markets as well, thus they had strong economic strength. In the aspect of ratepaying, the Jews were discriminated, being compelled of paying heavy taxes and so-called "Special Taxes" to the Byzantine emporers. However, in some periods, the Jews enjoyed loose and comfortable times, for instance, they had holden the position of "Tax Farmer", collecting taxes to Christian for the emporers. In brief, Jews stimulated the recovery of the Byzantine economy, and supplyed the Byzantine treasury funds. Especially in the difficult periods of the Byzantine economy, it relyed on the good running of the silk industry of the Jews in some degrees. Despite of restriction and discrimination, the Byzantine Jews had a great deal of contributions to the Byzantine economy, and this could not be denied.
     The third part analyzes the political status of the Byzantine Jews. This part is divided into three aspects:the Byzantine Jews political rights, the relationship with the Byzantine Emporers, and the political conflicts to the Byzantine Emporers. Byzantium was a centralized monarchy, having the supreme imperial power and the complete legislation. Therefore, the Jewish legal position and the attitude of the Byzantine Emperors to the Jews were the two important parts of the political status of the Jews. In the early ages of Byzantium, the Jews still had more privileges, because they were used by Christians to testify the victory of Christianism, in addition to the Roman period of antiquity. Until the beginning of Justinian I, Byzantine emperor gradually achieved a doubt, persecute anti-Semitic tradition, impacted by the Justinian I's policy of governing the state and the invasions by the Persia. In the8-10th centuries, this anti-Semitic was in performance obviously. But, in this3centuries, due to some of the emperors'personal reasons and the domestic political backgrounds, the Jewish social status was up and down frequently. After the13th century, Byzantium experienced the pain of subjugated the nation, and again revived. During this period, the relationship between the Byzantine emperors and the Jews gradually eased, and the political status of Jews had been enhanced.
     The fourth part discusses the religious status of Jews breifly. Although Jewish religious status is closely related to their legal position, in this part, I will emphasis three aspects:the relationship bewteen the Christian Church and the Jews, the Crusades, and the Jewish religious culture. The Christian Church had a complex relationship with the Jews:sometimes they were the side of the emperors, persecuting against the Jews commonly; sometimes they were against the Byzantine emperors, protecting the Jews, despite using some tougher methods. From the Crusades aspect, in1096and1204, the first and fourth Crusades left the Jews not only the heavy disasters, but also lessons of blood and firm belief to Judaism. Jews were not only understood how to protect themselves in the difficult life of a foreign land, but also had more firmly Jewish faith. Last but not least, in the riligious culture aspect, although the Jews were restricted, but this situation did not affect their religious culture growing prosperity. Under the guidance of their frim faith, they created an outstanding achievement of Jewish religious culture.
①A. A. Vasiliev:History of the Byzantine Empire, vol.1, the University of Wisconsin Press, Madison,1952, p.56.
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    ④ Tessa Rajak:The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome:Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction, Leiden; Boston:Brill, 2001.
    ⑤ Richard Kalmin and Seth Schwartz:Jewish Culture and Society under the Christian Roman Empire, Leuven:Peeters,2003.
    ⑥ Catherine Hezser:The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine, New York:The Unversity of Oxford Press, 2010.
    ① Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire,641-1204, Athens, Greece:1939.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:From Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, Schocken Books, New York,1971.
    ③ Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, Tuscaloosa, Alabama:University of Alabama Press,1985.
    ④ Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:A Microcosms in the Thousand Year Empire, Lanham, MD:University Press of America, c2007.
    ⑤ Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, The Unversity of Oxford Press,2009.
    ① Yiddish. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.11th. Springfield, Mass.:Merriam-Webster.2004:p.1453.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, Schocken Books, New York,1971; p.1.
    ① Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.3.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.3.
    ③ Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.3.
    ④ Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.3.
    ①Warren Treadgold:A history of the Byzantine state and society, Stanford, Calif.:Stanford University Press,1997, p.8.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, pp.134-136. Marcus Nathan Adler, M.A.:The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela-Critical text, Translation and Commentary, Oxford University Press, Amen Corner,1907; p32.
    ③ Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, The University of Alabama Press,1985; p.254.
    ④ Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, p.401.
    ⑤ Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, p.96.
    ①根据Marcus Nathan Adler, M.A.:The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela-Critical text, Translation and Commentary一书整理。
    ②底比斯因犹太人口众多,故犹太社区的领导人也比较多,共四位:R. Kuti, R.Moses, R.Hiyya, R.Elijah。
    ⑤君士坦丁堡因犹太人口众多,故犹太社区的领导人也比较多,共四位:R.Abtalion, R. Obadia, R. Aaron, R. Joseph。
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, pp.134-136.
    ① Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, p.254.
    ② Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, p.62.
    ①Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453, p.164.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.36.
    ②Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire (641-1204), Burt Franklin, New York,1938, p.26-27.
    ③Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire (641-1204), p.68.
    ④Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire (641-1204), p.147.
    ② Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, University Press of America,2007, p.196.
    ① Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, p.197.
    ② Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, p.198.
    ①Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews: a microcosms in the thousand year empire, p.198.
    ①根据Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, Cambridge University Press,2009一书整理。笔者需要在这里致歉:此表只是笔者对近千年拜占庭帝国犹太人职业的汇总,并不能看作为某一时期内拜占庭帝国犹太人的职业分布表。拜占庭帝国犹太人的职业分布是一个动态变化的过程,因此此表应具有其与拜占庭历史之间所展现的互动性。但因为笔者缺乏相关具体史料,故无法将这种互动的动态性和平衡性表现出来。
    ② Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:A microcosms in the Thousand Year Empire, University Press of America,2007. p. 69.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, Schocken Books, New York,1971. p.136.
    ①普罗科皮乌斯记载,查士丁尼一世在位期间,查士丁尼鼓励几位来自印度的僧侣从赛林达(中国)将蚕种和养蚕生丝技术带到拜占庭。详见Procopius:History of the Wars,Book 8,ⅩⅦ, Harvard University Press, reprinted 1996, pp.229-231崔艳红:《古战争——拜占庭历史学家普罗柯比<战记>研究》,北京:时事出版社,2006年,第27页。
    ② Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, Cambridge University Press,2009, p.136.
    ③ Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.142.
    ② Marcus Nathan Adler, M.A.:The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela-Critical text, Translation and Commentary, Oxford University Press, Amen Corner,1907; p46.
    ③ Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.281.
    ① Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.281.
    ② Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.149.
    ① Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.295.
    ③Patricia Fortini Brown, Venice and Antiquity:The Venetian Sense of the Past, New Haven and London:Yale University Press,pp.24-25。陈志强:《巴尔干古代史》,北京:中华书局,2007年,第384页。
    ②Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.221.
    ②Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.274.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, pp.79-82.
    ①赫西:《拜占庭世界》(Hussey J. M.:The Byzantine World),伦敦,赫特金森大学出版公司,1961年,第50页。徐家玲;《拜占庭文明》,第294页。
    ② Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.144.
    ② Joshua Holo: Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.159.
    ③ Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.161.
    ④ Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.201.
    ⑤ Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire (641-1204), Burt Franklin, New York, p.12.
    ①Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire (641-1204), p.198.
    ①Joshua Holo:Byzantine Jewry in the Mediterranean Economy, p.206.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, New York, Shocken Books,1971, p.23.
    ③ Catherine Brewer:"The Status of the Jews in Roman Legislation:The Reign of Justinian 527-565 CE." European Judaism 38(2005):127-39.
    ④ Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jews:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.23.
    ①Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium (1204-1453), Tuscaloosa, Alabama:University of Alabama Press,1985, p.9.
    ① Peter Charnis:"The Jews in the Byzantine Empire under the First Palaeologi." Speculum,22(1947):75-77.
    ② Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium (1204-1453), p.19.
    ③ Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium (1204-1453), p.18.
    ①Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire(641-1204), Burt Franklin, New York, p.221.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, pp.52-53.
    ②Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire(641-1204), p.182.
    ①Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, University Press of America,2007, p.71.
    ① Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium (1204-1453), p.18.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p53.
    ③ Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p53.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, pp.91-92.
    ① Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewr:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, pp.179-180.
    ① Joshua Starr:The Jews In The Byzantine Empire (641-1204), pp.127-128.
    ② Joshua Starr:The Jews In The Byzantine Empire (641-1204), pp.127-128
    ③ Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewr:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, pp.83-84.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewr:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p.85.
    ① Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewr:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p.43.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewr:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p.47.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewr:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p.51.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the fourth Crusade, p.58.
    ①Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire, (641-1204). Athens, Greece:1939, pp.127-128.
    ①Joshua Starr:The Jews in the Byzantine Empire,(641-1204), pp.133-134.
    ②Theodor Mommsen:The History of Rome (vol 5), Benediction Books,2012, p.254.
    ①Steven Bowman:The Jews of Byzantium 1204-1453. Tuscaloosa, Alabama:University of Alabama Press,1985, p320.
    ②R. Solomon ben Samson:The Massacres of 1096, in A. M. Haberman, ed., Massacres of Germany and France, Jerusalem, 1946, p.24.
    ①Haberman, Massacres of Germany and France, p.41
    ② S. Spiegel, ed., Mipitgemei Haakeda, in M. M. Kaplan Jubilee Volume, New York,1953, p.286.
    ③ S. Spiegel, ed., Mipitgemei Haakeda, in M. M. Kaplan Jubilee Volume, p.289.
    ④ R. Ephraim ben Jacob of Bonn, in Haberman, Massacres of Germany and France, p.117.
    ② Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, Schocken Books, New York,1971; p.168.
    ①Andrew Sharf:Byzantine Jewry:from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, p.172.
    ① H. H. Ben-Sasson:A History of the Jewish People, London, Dvir Publishing House,1976, p.412.
    ③ Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, Lanham, MD:University Press of America, c2007, p.3.
    ④ Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, p.46.
    ⑥ Elli Kohen:History of the Byzantine Jews:a microcosms in the thousand year empire, p.10.
    ①Selected and adapted from Amon Linder, The Jews in Roman Imperial Legislation, Wayne State Univ. Pr.,1987.
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