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Content: As a significant component of human civilization and crystalization of human political intelligence, political civilization gains wide-ranging concerns of politicians and theorists of home and abroad in recent years. Especially with the practice of our country's reform and open deepgoing, how to construct the socialist political civilization has become a theory problem and practice task which should be solved urgently in the process of China's political development. On January 10th, 2001, comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out on the National Propaganda Minister Conference: "Rule by law belongs to political construction, belongs to political civilization; Rule by virtue belongs to ideological building, belongs to spiritual civilization." Henceforth, comrade Jiang Zemin has officially advanced in the report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "That developing socialist democratic politics and constructing socialist political civilization is the significant target of building the well-being society in an all-round way. It should continue to positively and reliably carry forward the political system reform in the prerequisite of upholding the four fundamental rules, enlarge socialist democracy, amplify the socialist legal institutions, construct the socialist country ruled by law, consolidate and develop the democratic and united, vivid and vigorous, stable and harmonious political phase." These remarks not only fully display that rule by law and socialist political civilization construction have inseparable intrinsic connection, but also that the rule by law has an important role and great significance in the process of our country's political civilization construction. This essay tries to explore how to accelerate our country's political civilization construction with rule by law building from the angle of rule by law.
    The essay elaborates the scientific implications of "rule by law" and "political civilization". From the implications of the two concepts we can easily see that rule by law and political civilization have inseparable intrinsic connection. On the one hand, rule by law is the outcome and reflection of political civilization; On the other hand, the political civilization is also being molded by rule by law. Without the support of rule by law, the political civilization can become a mere formality. Socialist political civilization can't do without rule by law, rule by law has significant value for our country's socialist political civilization construction: First, it is the core substance of
    our country's political civilization construction; Second, it is the fundamental sign of our country's political civilization development; Third, it is the important guarantee of our country's political civilization construction; Fourth, it is the indispensible way of our country's political civilization construction. Rule by law is of such an important role in our country's political civilization construction, the realization degree of political civilization is decided by the realization degree of rule by law. Therefore, the process of strengthening the socialist rule by law is the process of constructing the socialist political civilization. However, the rule by law building process is really not plain sailing. There still exist some defects at the present situations of our country's rule by law. This essay plainly expounds the difficult problem that the rule by lawization is confronted with in the process of our country's political civilization and analyzes the factors that lead to the difficult problem.
    Finally, uniting analysis of this difficult problem that the rule by lawization is confronted with and its contributing factors, I put forward some simple proposals on how to strengthen the socialist rule by law building and how to accelerate the socialist political civilization construction with rule by law: First, insist on that the ruling party should be in power in conformity with law, achieving lawization of exercising the ruling power; Second, breed the contemporary concept of
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    [1] 《马克思恩格斯全集》第42卷,人民出版社,1979年版。
    [2] 《邓小平文选》第二卷,人民出版社,1994年版。
    [3] 《邓小平文选》第三卷,人民出版社,1993年版。
    [4] 《列宁选集》第4卷,人民出版社,1995年版。
    [5] 《列宁全集》第33卷
    [6] 中国人民大学法律系国家法教研室:《中外宪法选编》,人民出版社,1982年版。
    [7] 江泽民:《全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面》,人民出版社,2002年11月。
    [8] 亚里士多德:《政治学》,商务印书馆,1963年版。
    [9] 李步云:《走向法治》,湖南人民出版社,1998年版。
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    [13] 周叶中主编:《宪法》,高等教育出版社,2000年版。
    [14] [美]诺内特、塞尔兹尼克:《转变中的法律和社会》,中国政法大学出版社,1994年版。
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    [21] 1993年9月2日八届全国人大常委会第三次会议通过的《关于加强对法律实施情况检查监督的若干规定》。载于1993年9月4日《人民日报》。
    [22] 王文博,程燎原:《法治论》,山东人民出版社,1998年版。
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