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This paper presents some research results in Steganography. The
    concepts, research background and on going research is
    introduced; The common
    terminology in this field are defined, and classifies different
    steganography systems;
    Then the security issue involved in steganography system is
    further analyzed, and gives
    examples of possible attack types. The relationships between
    digital signature
    technology and information hiding technology are also discussed,
    that is, the research
    on subliminal channel technology. Finally, four improved
    steganography schemes have
    been bring forward. Also provided are in-depth discussions of
    their respective security.
    The main contributions of this paper are:
    1. Based on the proofs given in [5], ordinary steganography system
    is insecure. In this
    paper, a new model of steganography scheme is established; the
    security is not only
    ensured by the selection of embedding function, but also in the
    whole hiding system.
    2. Observing the problem that the communicating parties aren't
    always able to share a
    predetermined secret key, an improved steganography scheme is
    brought forward. In
    this technique, at the beginning of the communication, the
    communicating parties are
    able to generate a secret key shared only by the two of them.
    3. Based on the idea of threshold, a new scheme of steganography
    is discussed. In this
    scheme, even some data is lost during the communication, secret
    communication can be
    still succeed if the receiver is able to get enough embedded
    information (more than the
    low limit in the threshold method).
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