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The Information technology revolution takes a huge effect on global industry groups and electronic information industry is increasingly becoming an important force in the economic field. Since the 21st century, informatization has a more profound impact on economic and social development. The intertwining of informatization and economic promotes deepening of global industrial division, adjustment of economic restructuring and reshaping the pattern of global economic competition. Speed up the development of informatization is the common choice of all countries in the world. Considering of industry clusters competition, services outsourcing and the efficiency of city development and combining with empirical studies we integrate methods of economics, management science, game theory and other disciplines, systematically analyze the development of information industry in Shandong Province, and put forward promotion strategies for infomatization.
     The paper mainly includes the following integrations:
     1. Based on GEM model, the quantitative analysis tool of researching competitiveness of industrial clusters, and characters of information industry in Jinan, an evaluation model of competitiveness is built. The competitiveness of information industrial clusters in Jinan is evaluated and the strategy for enhancing competitivness is proposed.
     2. The relationship between enterprise and ASP is analyzed and the game relationship is quantitatively studied via multiple principal agent theory. The framework of analyzing relationship between enterprise and ASP commissioned is established. Under conditions of asymmetric information the game relationship between informationfirms and ASP is studied, the effective mechanism to obtain benefits maximization of firms and high quality services from ASP is provided.
     3. Considering hierarchical clustering analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of urban economic development of 17 cities of Shandong Province, they are divided into different urban agglomerations according to the similarity level of economic development. On that basis, the economic development effectivenesses of cities belonging to various types of urban agglomeration are studied.
     4. The Informatization of various cities in Shandong Province are systematic studied based on evaluation of efficiency of urban development and empirical studies and the promotion strategies are also put forward.
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