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     提出了一种利用FP-LD中模式竞争的全光波长变换的方案,该方案波长变换后的信号具有较小的啁啾,10Gbps信号通过波长变换后功率代价最大为1dB,而其传输20km普通单模光纤后的相同误码率条件下的功率代价也均小于1dB。基于以上波长变换的实验,首次提出了一种利用注入FP-LD产生多波长变换信号再通过光纤色散走离产生UWB信号的方案。该系统无需预先使用高斯脉冲信号,直接将1.25Gbps NRZ-OOK基带信号通过注入FP-LD产生了差分编码的UWB信号,半极大全宽最小为83.3ps,10dB谱宽约为4.6GHz,其频宽比为107%。
Radio over fiber (RoF), which combines the characteristics of fiber and wirelesstransmission, is the key technology of the new-generation broadband wirelesscommunication. In this dissertation, the research work are carried out mainly on theoptical microwave/millimeter-wave/UWB signal generation based on injection ofsemiconductor laser in RoF system.
     We propose a low-chip all-optical wavelength conversion scheme based on FP-LDmode competiton. The power penalty after wavelength conversion is less than1dB,and the power penalty of different wavelengths after20km transmission is also lessthan1dB. Furthermore, a novel all-optical UWB signal generation scheme isproposed. By injection locking the FP-LD with one wavelength signal light and twocontinuous probe light, multiple wavelength conversion is realized with twowavelength inverted signals output and one wavelength non-inverted signal output.After propagating through the fiber with a proper dispersion, time delay betweendifferent wavelengths output is introduced and the UWB signal pulse is generated.Differential UWB signal generation based on injecting1.25Gb/s NRZ-OOK signalsto the FP-LD is then demonstrated. The experiment results show that the minimumfull-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the pulse is83.3ps, the10dB spectrum widthis about4.6GHz with the fractional bandwidth of107%.
     We propose an optical microwave/millimeter-wave signals generation scheme withthe frequency-multiplication factor ranging from16to32. The scheme is based on thenon-linear effect in SOA and injection locking DFB-LD. We experimentallyimplement20-40GHz optical microwave/millimeter-wave signals generation from1.25GHz with the phase noise of40GHz better than-91dBc/Hz at10KHz.
     We experimentally demonstrated a novel radio-over-fiber technique to simultaneouslygenerate2.5Gbps baseband signal,20GHz optical microwave signal and40GHzmillimeter-wave signal using coherent semiconductor laser sources, which are injection locked by10GHz directly modulated DFB-LD. In base station(BS), the re-receiver can generate millimeter signal with different subcarrier by using differentfilter, and the higher sub-carrier frequency can be generated by the number expansionof the cohernet laser source.
     We propose a novel scheme of optical frequency up-conversion by using the highorder sideband of the directly modulated low-speed baseband signal to injectionlocking of a distributed feedback semiconductor laser (DFB-LD). We experimentallydemonstrated and achieved optical frequency up-conversion of a2.5Gb/s directlymodulated baseband signal to30GHz,35GHz,40GHz subcarrier modulation signalrespectively. The phase noise penalty at10KHz after10km transmission is4dB.
     We proposed an novel all-optical modulated millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signalgeneration scheme with the carrier frequency tunable based on continuous wave (CW)injection locking of direct modulation DFB-LD. We experimentally implement alloptical up-conversion from2.5Gb/s directly modulated optical data to30GHz,40GHz,50GHz,60GHz and70GHz mm-wave optical signal. The scheme has asimple structure, with no external modulator or RF local oscillator, and it is cost-savefor optical mm-wave signal generation in optical/wireless hybrid system.
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