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Interaction between urban and rural refers to the city and its surrounding area are constantly engaged in material, energy, personnel, information exchange, the urban and rural areas to strengthen ties to pass on, and expand development space, get more development opportunities, promote the common development of urban and rural and the formation of urban-rural integration.
     This paper retrospective analysis the history of the domestic form of economic relations between rural and urban evolution, summed up China's successful experience in urban and rural practice, examine and analysis of urban network of urban role in promoting the integration process; On this basis, analysis the development process and the status quo of integrated urban and rural in Northeast, relying on scientific evaluation of urban-rural integration, analysis the problems in process of regional integration in Northeast, through the economic factor mobility mechanism in Northeast urban-rural integration process, relying on a more mature urban Northeast network system, relying on capital, technology, human resources and other production factors in the smooth flow between urban and rural areas, urban and rural areas to promote the region's integration process. Finally? for the Northeast region of the integration process in urban and rural problems and the future direction of development in areas such as in-depth discussion, practical strategies were put forward to the relationship between urban and rural areas in the Northeast region to provide guidance and further integration of reference.
     Part I. Focus on the topics of research significance interpretation of the urban-rural integration in Northeast, analysis research status and latest progress of Domestic and international issues of urban and rural Research and practical exploration mode, analysis the theory involved in the process, built papers research framework.
     Part II. Northeast evolution of urban networks and present situation analysis. By examining the Northeast urban development and evolution of the network system, indicating the main factors which contributed to the northeast of the town a special network system formation; the same time into points early, modern, reform and opening up, reform and opening up the Northeast and other urban network system shows the evolution of the relationship stage of development and spatial pattern, by selecting relevant indicators for the Northeast region (34prefecture-level city) level of urban and rural development cluster analysis to identify different groups of the main problems and difficulties, as the network system of urban development in Northeast models provide the basis for selection.
     Part III. Analysis on flow of economic factors between urban and rural.in the process in Northeast First study some concepts of the interpretation of economic factors flow between urban and rural, analyzes urban network system impact of economic factors, urban network system integration, the role of urban and rural, introducing economic factors between urban and rural distribution channels and dynamic mechanism. Northeast urban-rural integration process of the major economic factors:To focus on financial factors, technical factors and human resources factors, and construct the flow diagram by their flow characteristics of the different systems, the system dynamics simulation, With the model results, in the urban-rural integration process for the financial factors, technical factors, human resource factors in urban and rural areas do not call the flow characteristics, respectively, in urban and rural areas on the promotion of its mobile response method.
     Part IV. From the perspective of urban and rural industrial development, promote the development of the urban and rural. The integration of urban and rural industry in the elimination of urban-rural dual structure, the development of the rural and urban integration, balanced development of rural and urban economy, building a harmonious society and building of urban and rural economic and social integration, achieve a unified social has played an important role. Though analysis the development situation of northeast targeted urban and rural industrial and the factors restricting industrial integration, integration-related industry on the promotion of urban and rural strategies.
     Part V. Industrial cooperation during urban and rural integration process in Northeast, public goods supply, policies and innovation to promote urban and rural integration. In the development of the Urban and rural, the supply of public goods plays a vital role, in the actual development of urban and rural areas in Northeast, building an effective system of public goods. From our point of view the process of urbanization, industrial development has become the main driving force of urbanization.
     Part VI. Aim the development model for the relations between urban and rural real urban network in the Northeast region, put forward the macro and micro policy to support the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in Northeast, including complete network system in Northeast cities and promote the economic factor mobility between urban and rural areas, to improve the state of the uneven development between urban and rural areas, urban and rural development, system security and policy control, integrated development of urban and rural infrastructure in northeast region, accelerate Co-ordinate the development of the urban and rural industries, establishment of coordination mechanisms for development and other issues.
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