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For a long time, the grain production pattern and food security have caught people’swide attention in China. It is well known that because of the limitation of the geographicalenvironment and biological climate in our country, the traditional grian production pattern is”Diverting grain from South to North”. But, along with the development of market economy inChian, the grain production pattern changed form” Diverting grain from South to North” to”Diverting grain from North to South”. What’s reason caused the change? What’s influencewill bring to us on the food security? What’s trategies will be taken to deal with thoseproblems? All of thoes need further research. The agriculture is the foundation of nationaleconomy and social development, and the grain production is the core of the development ofagriculture. China is a big agricultural country and also a country with large population. Withthe rapid development of the modern agriculture and the increasing of domestic population,more pressure on agricultural resources and ecological environment, and the unsustainabledevelopment model of resource-environmental inputs barters for agricultural profit hasappeared which have brought serious influence on the sustainable development of socialeconomy. This paper proposed that the complete cost of grain production should includedirect costs and resource-environmental cost of grain production. For a long time the directcosts of grain production have been calculated while the resource-environmental economicloss was ignored, and there were no compensation for the cost due to the resources depletionand environmental degradation caused by grain production. Bring theResource-environmental economic loss into grain production costs accounting system, andopen the activity in green accounting for agricultural production, it’s beneficial to correctlyevaluate the ecological and economic benefit of agricultural production, and this study havesome reference value to formulate related agricultural and economic policies, adjust grainproduction distribution for relevant departments, ensure the regional grain security, promoteregional sustainable development further.
     After systematic analysis and investigation on Resource-environmental impacts of grainproduction in different area of China, this paper established mature and scientific Resource-environmental cost evaluation index system of grain production based on theResource-environmental economics, ecology and sustainable development theories. Andfinally, the Resource-environmental costs accounting model of grain production wereconstructed by using direct market method, surrogate market approach and hypotheticalmarket approach et al. This paper chose five different types of regions in southern, middle,and northern part of China: Wuchang county in Heilongjiang province, Changwu County inShaanxi province, Quzhou County in Hebei province, Yueyang county and Qiyang county inHunan province, basing on related statistical data and households investigation data in2008,with the application of resource-environmental costs evaluation model, theResource-environmental costs, direct costs, total costs and incomplete cost of grainproduction were separately analyzed, and we had detailed conclusions as follows:
     (1) The ecological destruction and environmental pollution caused by grain production inChina is very general and serious at present. There are large ecological damage cost caused bysoil and water loss of farmland in north dry farming regions, and large greenhouse gasemission cost in south paddy field, the external Resource-environmental cost of grainproduction can not be ignored. The results showed that the cost of Resource-environmentaldamage due to grain production in Wuchang, Changwu, Quzhou, Yueyang, Qiyangrespectively were2.360,0.075,0.200,0.148,0.313billion yuan, which was respectivelyequivalent to28.60%,17.76%,13.70%,3.16%,15.00%of the agricultural output in2008.
     (2) There were significant differences in Resource-environmental cost of grainproduction in different types of areas. The Resource-environment cost of grain in the northernregion is higher than in the south. The Resource-environmental cost of grain production ineach area respectively were3.00Yuan·kg~(-1)in Changwu county,2.50Yuan·kg~(-1)in Wuchangcounty,1.88Yuan·kg~(-1)in Qiyang county,1.42Yuan·kg~(-1)in Quzhou county,1.00Yuan·kg~(-1)inYueyang county, and it can be calculated that, the Resource-environmental cost of grainproduction in China maintained at1.00~3.00Yuan·kg~(-1), and the average value is2.00Yuan·kg~(-1). From the perspective of sustainable development, it is not difficult to recognizethat, there are more resources environmental advantages of grain production in southernregion than the north, and the national grain production layout should do more to considerfrom this.
     (3) The direct crop production costs in the five study areas were all high, and the laborcosts, chemical fertilizer cost, mechanical cost were three main aspects. The present high costand low profit situation has great influence on the farmers’ enthusiasm of grain production.The results showed that direct crop production costs in Changwu county reached themaximum value,2.61Yuan·kg~(-1), and the cost in Wuchang county got the minimum value, 1.01Yuan·kg~(-1). The direct costs of grain production in other three areas were2.60Yuan·kg~(-1)inYueyang county, and1.55Yuan·kg~(-1)in Changwu county, and1.21Yuan·kg~(-1)in Quzhoucounty in2008.
     (4) The total costs of grain production in Changwu county were the highest, reached4.55Yuan·kg~(-1), secondly it was in Qiyang county, reached4.49Yuan·kg~(-1), and the next were in theYueyang county, Wuchang county, and the Quzhou county, it respectively reached3.60,3.51,2.63Yuan·kg~(-1), However, the unit sales in different types regions were only1.83,1.87,1.50,1.60,1.50Yuan·kg~(-1)for each. The total costs of grain production were greater than the grainprice, one of the important reasons is that, the resource and environmental costs wereoverdrawn. If we ignored the bigger difference of labor costs in grain production, theincomplete cost of grain production in the five areas respectively were3.99,3.04,2.62,2.271.93Yuan·kg~(-1). Because of the bigger difference of labor cost, the income gap of grainproduction between southern and northern region increased, and the situation of sendinggrains from the north to the south appeared, it is against the natural suitability of grainproduction.
     (5) The comprehensive analysis of the cost of grain production in different types of ereashowed that, the current food production distribution will increase the gap between thenorthern and southern region, and increase the burden of the northern area, while bringingresources and environmental degradation. From the view of ecological economy andsustainable development, we should appropriately expand the grain production scale in thesouthern China, and reduced grain production in the northern. Make sure the industry layoutis reasonable, maintain the balance of ecological and economic development in both southernand northern China, ensure the regional food security, and promote the harmonious and stabledevelopment of Chinese socialism.
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