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The rolling schedule is the main content of the cold rolling process, and reasonablerolling schedule is not only the fundamental guarantee of strip rolling accuracy and goodplate shape, but also the significant support of long-term reliable and stable operation ofcold rolling mill. In view of the complexity of the cold rolling process, the optimizationmethods and the rolling strategies chosen to optimize the rolling schedule will influencethe rationality of the final rolling schedule. At the same time, traditional methods ofrolling schedule optimization are ineffective, while the artificial intelligence algorithmsare immature. Both of them lead to a limited optimization of rolling schedule optimizationresults. In review of the optimization method, this paper designs the rolling schedule fromthe aspects of single objective and multi-objective respectively.
     Firstly, starting from the optimization method, a variety of optimization methods wasanalyzed, and the particle swarm optimization with the rapid convergence is chosen as theoptimization method of rolling schedule. Then, the collaborative optimization algorithm isput forward through the combination of particle swarm optimization and chaotic search.Simulation results of the test functions prove that collaborative optimization algorithm canovercome the premature convergence of particle swarm optimization by the uniformergodicity of the chaotic sequence.
     Then, considering the technical parameters and design features of the 1250mmeight-roller five-stand tandem cold rolling mill, a rolling schedule optimization is designedwith equal relative rolling power distribution as the target, using collaborativeoptimization algorithm as the optimization method. Experiment results show that therolling power achieves a balanced distribution after optimization.
     Finally, taking the many requirements from the actual production and study of paretooptimality theory into account, the dissertation explains the optimization methods dealingwith multi-objective problem, and then puts forward a multi-objective rolling scheduleoptimization design based on collaborative optimization algorithm. The rolling scheduleobtained through pareto optimality is more in line with actual production requirements.
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