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     论文在基于精细网格划分、人工势能场的行人行为模型的基础上,提出了人群疏散的仿真系统框架。仿真流程主要包括四个步骤:场景建模、势能场生成、仿真运行、结果输出与分析。在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005的开发环境下使用Visual C++语言进行开发,编写完成了初步的人群疏散仿真软件EVA 1.0,对模型和仿真软件的应用进行了说明,通过仿真算例证明行人行为模型和疏散仿真软件具有良好的应用效果。
The cultural and physical activities are more and more in China. The traffic pressure of train station and airport are increasing. The flow pattern and characteristics of crowd evacuation is attracting increasing research efforts because of its important implications in the fields such as architecture design and emergency management. The pedestrian behavior model describes the process in which pedestrians make decisions in traveling. This model is a core algorithm, based on which we simulate pedestrian traffic and evacuation in different temporal and spatial dimensions. This dissertation aims at modeling and simulating the movement and evacuation of pedestrians, by following the processes of observing pedestrian movements, analyzing data, modeling behaviors, building simulation model, validating the model and applying in practice.
     First, this dissertation reviews existing literature on pedestrian modeling and evacuation studies. It systematically summarized the basic theories, assumptions, core algorithms, and evolution of models based on physical theories and cellular automata, respectively, and pointed out the insufficiencies of existing models. This study analyzed the characteristics of pedestrian behavior and factors affecting their behavior, using video data collection, coordinate transformation, and analysis of pedestrian trajectories. The major influential factors considered in this dissertation include the destination, obstacles, other pedestrians, and special events. Based on findings from this analysis, this dissertation proposed a behavior model based artificially potential field and fine grid division. The fine grid division method divides pedestrian space into 10cm by 10cm grids, which enhanced our ability to describe the space in buildings, as well as pedestrians themselves compared to traditional disaggregate models. By adopting the method of artificial potential field, this paper combined the macroscopic route planning in the strategic decision-making and microscopic decisions (e.g. avoiding other pedestrians) in the field. This research method could consider different factors with great flexibility, which provides significant potentials for further expansion. This dissertation finally established a four-step framework for simulating pedestrian evacuation based on the behavior model, including space modeling, potential field construction, simulation, and interpretation of outputs. A software package, EVA 1.0, was developed to simulate evacuation, using Visual C++ under the environment of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The simulation experiments reveal that both the behavior model and the simulation software package are effective in field studies.
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