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In this paper, the technique of automatic finite element mesh generation is
     studied based on STEP neutral files. The boundary information of a 3-D solid is
     extracted from the STEP neutral file according to the semantic model of STEP/AP203
     schema. The data are thus transfered from a CAD system to a CAE system. The finite
     element meshes are generated automatically using the Delaunay method.
     In chapter 1, the present development on the CAE technology is reviewed. Then,
     the purpose and the main line of the technique of the research is discussed.
     In chapter 2, the author introduces the current status and the development of the
     STEP standard. The main content of the standard is also listed .The EXPRESS
     language is detailed in this chapter with EXPRESS-G figures. The data types in STEP
     are also stated. At the end of chapter 2, the structure and the format of the STEP
     neutral file are studied.
     In chapter 3, the research work on the technique of automatic modeling of FEM
     is brought forward based on STEP neutral files. The data exchange realization
     between different systems is expatiated. Three modules were designed for the mesh
     generation system based on STEP neutral files.
     In chapter 4, the technique of the realization process is explained, which includes
     core data of the program( the data structure storing the geometry information) and the
     four modules of the program: the STEP neutral file access module, module of
     converting EXPRESS into C++, the mesh generation of FEM module, and the
     graphics display module.
     In chapter 5, the OpenGL graphics library used for the display module,which is
     independent of operating system. The programming method under MFC of VC++6.O
     is explained.
     In chapter 6, two examples were given.
     In chapter 7, conclusions and some research directions of the future are
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