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百合(LiLium spp)是单子叶植物亚纲百合科(LiLiaceae)百合属(Lilium)的所有种类的总称。百合的鳞茎含有丰富的营养,具有很高的食用价值;中医普遍认为百合入药具有补中益气、养阴润肺、止咳平喘的功效;百合也是一种名贵切花,其花形美丽、花色多样,是继鹤望兰和红掌之后的又一只切花新秀。百合的快繁主要有小鳞茎分株繁殖、鳞片扦插及组织培养。本实验利用百合属的兰州百合(Liliun davidii var.Unicolor(hong)cotton)及野百合(Lilium brownii F.E. brown ex Miellez)进行组织培养,从外植体的取材、消毒、初代培养物的建立、激素的种类及浓度的筛选、芽的增殖、根的诱导、移栽及组织培养过程中两种百合染色体的行为和B染色体进行了研究,初步提供了一组用于两种百合组织培养的培养基,阐述了组织培养过程中两种百合染色体的变化和B染色体的有无。
This article research the tissue culture and cloning propagation and the chromosomal variation of two kinds of lilies —Lilium davidii Var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton and Lilium brownii F.E.Brown ex miellez.At the same time, we also observed the nuclear and the B-chromosome. The tissue culture and cloning propagation include the establishment of aseptic culture, bud induction and proliferation, selection of suitable hormone , rooting and acclimatization. The chromosomal variation include the change of chromosome number mainly.
    When the explants were collected in the spring, high induction rate can be achieved. Brushing the dust and washing the explants under ranning tap water to remove some of the dirt and contaminations, in 75%CH3CH2OH for 30 second and in 0.1%Hgcl2 for 13 minutes, rinsed 5-6 times with sterile water. The two kinds of explants were cultured on Murashige&Skoog medium(MS) added with 0.6-1.0mg/lN-benzyladenine(BA)+0.2mg/l naphthalane acetic(NAA)and added with 0.1-0.5mg/lBA+0.1-0.2mg/lNAA or indole-3-acetic(IAA).The induction rate can reached 70-100%.The best explants were the parts that were below and linked the scales.
    During the buds poliferation,the best medium of L.davidii Var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton
    is MS+0.5mg/lBA+0.1mg/lNAA, the best medium of L.brownii F.E.Brown ex miellez is MS+1.0mg/lBA+0.1mg/lIAA. It good to keep the culture at 23-25℃,photoperiod with a light intensity of 2,000Lx,keep 16 hours lighting and 8 hours darking or 12 hours lighting and 12hours darking on culture, to subculture every 28-32days.The poliferation can be reached 4-5 times.
    One-half MS basal medium added 0.1-0.2mg/lNAA or IAA can make the root long and strong. The activated charcoal is good to root formation and growth. When the length of root is 1-1.5cm,lilies can be acclimatized. If the living condition is good, the survival rate were over 80%
    During the tissue culture, we found the chromosomal variation in cells of two kinds of lilies. The variation rate of callus of L.davidii Var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton is 54.4%and the L.brownii F.E.Brown ex miellez is49.4%, the chromosome number varied from 9-50
    and 12-50;the variation rate of buds of L.davidii Var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton and L.brownii F.E.Brown ex miellez are 17.5%and 19.5%,these show that the variation rate of callus is higher than buds. The hormone can affect the deeds of the chromosome. The variation rate caused by single hormone is lower than two kinds of hormone, the kind and intensity of hormone is different, the variation rate is different. We think that No.5and No.11 are best medium to two kinds of lilies when we thought over the induction rate and variation rate. The times of subculture should be limited because we found when the subculture times is increasing, the variation rate is higher and the differentiation capacity is lower. The best times of L.davidii Var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton is 4-5,the other is 6 times.
    We observed the cells of root-tip, callus and bud of two kinds of lilies, we could not find the B-chromosome in cells of L. brownii F.E. Brown ex miellez, but find it in L.davidii Var.Unicolor(Hoog)Cotton,the number is 1-2.
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