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From the standpoint of future development trend about theory of strategicmanagement, business ecosystems, business models and corporate dynamic capabilitiesare the main trends of development of strategic management and indicate some intrinsiclinks among them concerned by scholars. Up to now, the study about business ecosystemhas reached a groundbreaking stage, but it still stay at the theoretical level, not tomentioned the practice of corporate strategic planning in which no effective tools andmodels are used by enterprises. Many scholars have researched on business ecosystemfrom different aspects and introduced business ecosystem to the practice of strategicmanagement planning useful to build a suitable and extends new ideas in developingfuture enterprise competitive strategies.
     This empirical study about dynamic capabilities and environmental uncertaintyindicates that enterprise can be better adapt to the environment by organizational learningwhen external environment changes. That is to say, organizational learning is on of keyfactors to adapt to environment. At the same time, enterprise information transfer systemis the decisive factor to rapidly response to change of external environment. Differentadjustment of dynamic ability will have different impacts on enterprise performance, andwhether employees personal learning converts rapidly into organizational learning plays adecisive role in the adaptation of the external environment for enterprises. Establishmentof learning organization plays a vital role in the nurture of dynamic capabilities, while theconstruction of information systems is the key to individual enterprises to connect externalbusiness ecosystem, and the identification and conduction of the external key factors playthe same critical role in adjusting dynamic capability of enterprises.
     The most important value of business model is to incorporate achieve internalresources and external environment simultaneously into the framework of sustainable andhealthy growth. Business model only match the height of the external environment forenterprises, which can be contribute to the strategic performance. The dynamic evolutionof business model is the power of the enterprise business model innovation, and businessmodel is initial result in the match of internal resources and capabilities and external environment. Once this balance dislocation or offset, enterprises have to innovate businessmodel which is the reconstruction of business model in the conduction of dynamiccapabilities.
     Business model is designed under the guidance of some strategic intent by enterprises,in response to the specific environment. If there are some changes in the externalenvironment and business strategy, rules to construct business model have to adjust withnew enterprise environment, which means any kind of business model has its specificscope. Which business models enterprises choose largely depends on the macroenvironment, industry characteristics and its own resources and capacities. Business modeland corporate strategy is complementary rather than substitutes. Match of business modeland strategy is a dynamic process, in any environment of uncertainty, there is no absolutebusiness model and corporate strategy match, which is a relative balance process.
     In a dynamic environment, enterprises resource capacities have to adjust timely toexternal environment. Dynamic capabilities in the business ecosystem is divided into fivesub-capacity including environmental awareness capability, integration reset capability,organizational flexibility skills, learning and absorption capacity and innovative capability,which form the basis of the model of BDBC, but also build the basis of informationtransmission from the business ecosystem-dynamic capabilities-business model-corporate strategy model. Combining with design of indicator system of dynamiccapabilities, there is theoretically feasible to further empirical study and construction ofmodel.
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