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Peace has been the man's hope for the best and ideal assiduously seeking. Under the condition that direct violence such as local wars and violent conflicts going one after another, structural violence like exploitation, discrimination, prejudice and inequity surging, world peace and development are challenged, we should pay attention to education's positive role building long-time peace and resolving conflicts. In the circumstance which violent culture and campus conflicts are prevailing, peace education can serve as a good way to correct the young people's violent mentality and lead them grow healthily. The negative role that education has played necessitates schools regarding peace education as guiding ideology. Because of peace education's long-time and systematic nature, only schools can take on the dominant role. Researching on the orientation of school peace education, concluding some operable strategies, are regarded as key process putting peace education into schools practice.
     This thesis is aimed at constructing the goal system of school peace education, classifying the inside and outside factors influencing school peace education, concluding some operable strategies which are suitable for schools presently. For the purpose, this thesis selected the peace studies which are rising in academy as grounding theory, and through the analysis of the peace-building theory that the Swedish scholar John Galtung put forward, tries to probe into the intension and extension, history, goal, influencing factors and strategies, to make an exploratory study on school peace education.
     The present thesis starts with an introduction, which discusses the importance and necessity of this research. Based on defining key concepts, through an analysis of studies made by Chinese and foreign researchers, the introduction establishes the line of thought and framework for the thesis, and makes an introduction to the theoretical basis for this research paper.
     The current dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter One begins with an analysis of some core concepts including peace, violence and conflict, probing into the meaning and mechanism of peace, the classes of violence and conflict transformation. After discussing the relationship and interaction mechanism between peace, violence and education, this thesis analyzed the boundary, theoretical basis and humanity standpoint of peace education, put forward the author's opinion about integrating school peace education and informal peace education such as peace movement. The present thesis believes that peace studies revealed the abundant meaning of peace and violence conceptually, put forward different mechanism achieving peace creatively, discussed the interactive relationship among peace, violence and education. Peace education should have its own discipline boundary and theoretical basis. Although the inclusiveness of peace education is helpful to incorporate it into practice, it's necessary to pay close attention to the boundary's vague. Under the current condition, it's rational to emphasize the schools'role, to incorporate the families and communities into schooling, to harmonize informal peace education forms including peace movement.
     Chapter Two reviews the developmental history of peace education from the comparative perspective internationally, including issues such as theoretical change of peace education, teaching organization and implementation, teaching materials development, typical persons, as well as research status. After considering the popularity of peace education in educational history, organized level and representative events that put peace education forward, based on the popular opinion about historical period, this thesis classifies the historical development of peace education into four phases, that is early sporadic peace education thought, organized implementation, becoming maturity and popularity slowly after World War II, focused on peace culture after the Cold War. This thesis discovers that, peace education is always affected by politics, economy and social culture of each country, especially political factors. Peace education can evolve into current stage, owe to some international organizations'and professional organizations'continuing endeavors. The main place which peace education can be taken is schools, peace educators have been busy in material provision around peace education. Peace education has different themes and goals at a different time, its objects and scopes change continuously.
     After evaluating some popular scholars' and international organizations'opinions on orientation of peace education, Chapter Three analyzes the violence manifestation at different levels and corresponding themes of peace education, designs the goal system of school peace education as a whole. Afterwards, this thesis explains the goals of peace education from knowledge, skill and value dimensions, summarizes the connotation and educational meaning of peace culture that attracts the most attention, based on B. S. Bloom's taxonomy of educational goals. This thesis believes that, peace education should devote itself to the inner problems of human beings under the present condition which violent culture is prevailing, bring peace education into schools around cultivating peace culture. Establishing the goals'system of school peace education provides a clear starting point for schools, offers a reference standard for evaluating its effect. Only when schools have a clear orientation, can peace education not to be a comprehensible theory about how to prevent war and build peace, but a do-able and specific guidance.
     Chapter Four discusses the factors influencing goals'achievement of schools peace education, especially the outer factors including the political realism and emergences, social violent culture and educational intellect-first, as well as families' resistance. Meanwhile, this thesis emphasizes the importance of public educational system which integrated schools are dominant, school administrative reform and peaceful campus, renewing educational evaluation philosophy and technique, emphasizes the necessity of training pre-service teachers and in-service teachers centered on peace education, eradicating the curriculum contents which are opposite to peace education, developing curriculum materials suitable for peace education, selecting appropriate teaching methods displaying the philosophy of peace education. This thesis argues that, the achievement of school peace education's goals is not an easy and natural process, but affected by many elements. If some prerequisites are not met, no suitable social circumstance, school peace education will confront many difficulties, achieving its goals will become impossible. The achievement of school peace education's goals is such a process overcoming difficulties and advancing gradually.
     Chapter Five turns direction to strategies and approaches of school peace education, especially about the following modes including integrating peace education into existing subject curriculum, peace education subject, topical peace education practical activities, and peace education projects promoted by other groups. This thesis puts forward, the focus of peace education is behavioral change, and behavioral change can't take place automatically. It depends on wider social context composed by family, peer group and community, and necessitates the value change. From this point, peace education curriculum teaching can be seen basic phase of peaceful behavior's formation, offering students some basic knowledge about peace and violence, teaching students skills resolving conflicts nonviolently. On the other hand, the topical peace education practical activity such as specific conflict resolution and peer mediation, peaceful plays, arts festivals, peace museum, all of them provide opportunity for students practicing peace-building skills and internalizing peace values. Finally, the peace education projects promoted by other groups act as promoters'role, these modes above mentioned compose the strategies system of school peace education.
     The concluding part of the thesis concentrates to actual significance of peace education in Chinese schools, excavates the elements which favor peace education in current Chinese policies and practices, envision the possibility of introducing peace education into schools. In addition, the thesis makes a summary of the innovation points and insufficiency or limit of the study made in this paper, while outlining some topics for further study in this research.
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