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In this paper, the efforts are made in the discussion on the development course of international environmental education and the analysis of the curriculum system of environmental education in internal high education. In combination with the present status of the curriculum system, the paper point out that litter research has been down in the environmental education, which is faced to the students who are major in humanities and social studies.
    The process of our study work consists of curriculum design, curriculum execution and curriculum evaluation. In two aspects: practically and theoretically, we focus on the environmental education curriculum of the students who are major in humanities and social studies.
    During the design process, by comparing and analysising two curriculum organization models (infusion model and single subject model), we choose the latter one; based on the purpose of environmental education made in the international environmental conference and combined with the meaning of environmental education, we can determine the general purpose of the curriculum of environmental education; through the specific analysis of students, social demand and the property of the curriculum, and based on Hungerford's purpose of subjects, we establish the purpose of our curriculum. We choose six modules such as ecology principle, global climate and atmospheric pollution, water source and water pollution, solid waste, energy and green life to be the basic material, and compile teaching materials in the form of special topic.
    During the execution process, we give a selective course called environmental education to those who major in humanities and social studies, and we try to find out suitable teaching strategies and methods; we try to use written examination, participation in class, report to as assessment methods, we found that the report is a good way.
    In the evaluation process, we analyse the curriculum design process and the assessment result, then we find that our study work has remarkable effect on improving the environmental consciousness of the students those major in humanities and social studies.
    Further, we design and compile the teaching materials applicable to environmental education of students who major in humanities and social studies, and establish our own unique assessment pattern. We believe they are worth improving and popularizing.
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