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The ocean currents has an impact and constraints on ocean physical processes, chemical processes, biological processes and geological processes, as well as over the ocean climate and weather formation and change, so to understand and master the law of currents, has great significance for fisheries, shippinggreat, sewage etc. Ocean currents is an important factor in considering the operations for the Naval Operations. However,the high-frequency real-time observation of a large area sea surface currents is almost impossible, to conventional means. Therefore, Remote sensing inversion of surface currents has a very important theoretical and practical significance.
     Based on the thinking of optimized combination of channels and reduce the threshold set, used of multi-spectral characteristics of the MODIS data,an of the cloud detection optimization method has been proposed. A high clear sky pixel credibility has been provided to calculation of the currents monitoring. Ocean currents have been retrievaled by using sea surface temperature data and550nm reflectance data and MCC method.And, using DINEOF interpolation method, fill the data of lack ocean currents generated by the cloud and the MCC method itself For the filled data, using the variational assimilation method combined with the idea of the regularization,a ocean surface currents to optimize and adjustment method has been proposed. The joint sea surface wind speed calibration method of Vandemark-Chapron algorithm and Young algorithm has been launched. Sea surface height data has been used to calculate the geostrophic flow component, and the causes of the differences geostrophic currents component,the MCC currents and measured currents. The conclusions are:
     (1) Sea thin cloud and transparent cloud have been detected nicely. The identification accuracy of low clouds, broken cloud, and part of the cloud,has been improved on the sea.
     (2) The surface currents of MCC method is the same with the measured data.And, different tracer inversion results, complements each other, greatly improves the coverage of the inversion.
     (3) Using the variational assimilation method combined with the idea of the regularization,a sea surface currents to optimize and adjustment method has been proposed. Retrieval accuracy is significantly improved.
     (4) Sea surface wind speed calibration method has been proposed to avoid a single method in the0-20m/s and20-40m/s wind speed retrieval error. In the near-shore region,geostrophic currents component have a big difference with the measured data,MCC method currents are more practical.
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