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     (一)提出了计算机处理情感的基本流程(FAC——flow ofaffective computing)。首先提出将计算机模拟情感视为一个完整的事件过程的思想,然后对情感的产生、发展、表现的一系列具有本质联系的连续流程以及其驱动、运行原因进行深入的探讨与研究,最后综合情绪心理学领域的相关研究成果,针对情感计算的特点与需求,分析、概括出情感产生发展的机理,为情感建模提供有利的理论支持。
Affection is essential to the learning process; Positive feelings can greatly improve the efficiency of learners and learning effectiveness. Excellent teachers can learn students' state of study and grasp of knowledge timely by aware of the feelings. But also through the affective exchanges of students to encourage or supervision, so as to enhance good feelings, negative sentiment weakened. Due to the lack of affective interaction, there is a significant difference between traditional face-to-face education and the practical effect of the virtual study environment or long-distance education system. How can teachers access the learners the students' affections, making use of affective remote teaching in virtual study environment, are currently the issues requiring urgent solution.
     This article based on the feelings in the learning process and the important role of the virtual learning environment and significance of the realization focuses on the learner's achievement motivation, affection in computer simulation methods and structures construction of the Agent based on learning and affective problems-flow of affective computing (FAC). In-depth study of the affections generated and development mechanism, motivation to learn and its affective mapping relationship, achieving simulation framework of affection, Agent methodology based on learning and affective, affective computing theory and modeling and learning motivation model based on the affective psychology and their implement model are advanced to the and affection in a virtual learning environment in the implementation model. On the basis of this researches appealing Agent methodology to adapt to study process. FAC model of individual is implemented based on this methodology. Agent technologies based on affective computing in virtual learning environment, is a bold innovation, and plays a role as possible. This will greatly improve the virtual learning environment and the practicality of distance education system. The specific contents are as follows:
     (A) Computer simulation for affection will be made as an integrity of the process, as well as affective creation, development, performance of a series of continuous nature of the processes associated with driving, running reasons for the in-depth study and research, comprehensive The Psychology of Affection - related research results, affective computing against the characteristics and needs, analysis, have summarized the affective development of the mechanism and advanced flow of affective computing (FAC) to explore new computers to handle the basic affective process, affective modeling for providing the theoretical support.
     (B) This paper demonstrates the significance of two typical study motivation theories and practicality in the virtual learning environment, constructs a model of study motivation in accordance with its meaning and characteristics - achievement motivation theory as the overall framework of model and drive model as the detailed algorithm. According to the theory of affective computing flow based on psychology of affection, the affective is viewed as motivation which composes a learner's personality, mapping with learning model, used in a virtual learning environment for learners in the affection generated simulation and recognition.
     (C) The use of existing multi-agent technology and learning theory will achieve the model of affective computing in the computer, single-agent structure in the system of individual learners used to simulate learner in the learning process affective excitation process, which is same as the process of the FAC. In this final FAC-agent system will be constructed to form affection-driven virtual learning environment through detailed design and implementation for agent's system and function modules. Considering the individual properties, through experiments and tests, after BP fitting way by the individual motivation to learn and to build character, so that FAC model can stimulate individual feelings.
     (D) Making use of several most representative and extensive Agent-BDI-based methodology, Agent FAC methodology is advanced to adapt to the learning process, the methodology is an appropriate learning environment, easy to achieve, in line with affection excited nature of the Agent methodology used to achieve the Agent module, solve the communications problem of response and interaction amang multi-Agent, design multi-Agent organizational structure for planning and design. Individual FAC-Agent can be implemented based on the methodology.
     Finally, the combination of theoretical research results and characteristics, select the relevant algorithms and technical means to carry out the program and verification so that the FAC-Agent can be as learners in a virtual environment for learning and simulate learners' the real affective change. At the same time, the paper conducted a study concluding that the present papers required further study the issue and content.
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