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Energy-oriented cities and regions have always hugely contributed to China’s economic development and construction. However, many disadvantages and problems have turned up in the economic development of energy-oriented regions under the new-times background of economic system transformation and market economy reform. In new economic situations, it’s a problem urgently solved how to exert rationally resource advantage of energy-oriented regions, and effectively drive rapid, harmonious, and sustainable development in order to avoid falling into a resource advantage trap by energy exploitation in energy-oriented regions. The study on economic sustainable development of energy-oriented regions in academic circles is still in an exploring stage, and some theoretical and practical problems still remain to be solved. Aimed at the weakness in existing researches and realistic problems, this paper theoretically and empirically discussed the effects and its action mechanism of energy exploitation on economic growth of energy-oriented regions based on endogenous growth theory in order to provide some theoretical support and practical guidance to economic sustainable development of energy-oriented regions.
     Based on country-level classical Dutch model with exogenous technology, the paper analyzed the action mechanism of de-industrialization resulted from resource movement and spending effect. And by introducing endogenous growth mechanism with learning by doing into Dutch model, it discussed effects of energy exploitation on manufacturing’s technical progress and total factor productivity in the country-level and with single labor production factor. According to the actual situations of China’s energy-oriented regions, the paper constructed a domestic region-level mathematical Dutch model to illustrate effect mechanism of energy exploitation on economic growth potentially through de-industrialization in energy-oriented regions.
     Based on the relative theory of the relationship between human capital and regional economic development, the paper proposed a virtuous operation mechanism of regional economy based on human capital accumulation, and analyzed important role of government in inducing and impulsing the mechanism, furthermore discussed the risk of energy development to the virtuous cycle. The paper also constructed an three-sector endogenous economic growth model of energy-based regions based on the conceptual frame of human capital accumulation above, and described potential effects and its action mechanism of energy exploitation on human capital accumulation and regional economic growth in energy-oriented regions through dynamic equilibrium analysis respectively under the condition of decentralized market competition and social planner.
     Based on the analysis of implication and role of technological innovation in regional economic development, the paper discussed the characteristic of energy industrial cluster in technological innovation and its potential effects on regional economic development performance from structure, function, cognition, and culture. And based on Romer’s idea and model of endogenous technological change, it established a four-sector endogenous growth model of energy-oriented regions, and put forward the theoretic interpretation on the intrinsic relationship among energy exploitation, regional technological innovation and economic growth, and discussed the condition and mechanism on the respective likelihood of resource curse’s appearance and elusion in energy-oriented regions through model’s market competition dynamic equilibrium analysis and comparative static analysis.
     In the empirical research, the paper carried out an econometric test about the main theoretic proposition considering the marketization degree as a control variable, and respectively validated effects of energy exploitation on manufacturing development, human capital accumulation, and technological innovation through cross-province panel data from Western China. Finally, it observed relationship between energy exploitation and economic growth since 1990s, and comparatively analyzed dynamic change and its cause of the relationship before and after the western development, and quantitatively verified transmission channels resulting in resource curse in Western China.
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