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     随着显微成像技术(包括μCT, μMRI)广泛应用于实验研究和临床初期研究,研究者们已经能够获得骨骼的微观三维空间结构。然而,目前关于准确测量松质骨的结构参数和在临床实践中应用结构参数的研究很少。本研究的目的是探讨影响松质骨微观结构测量精确性的四个因素,并将微观结构测量的指标应用于骨水泥定量注射的计算。
     With the development of the micro imaging technology (including μCT andμMRI), scientists could acquire the three-dimensional spatial architecture ofhuman cancellous bone. However, there was few study on the clinicalapplication of the three-dimensional architectural parameters. In the currentstudy, we focused on whether the architectural parameters are sensitive to thevolume of interests, the threshold, ROI shape and anatomical site within thevertebral body. In addition, we proposed an algorithm for the injection volumeof the bone cement during the pedicle screw augmentation based on thearchitectural parameters acquired from μCT.
     Six human C5body samples were scanned by micro-CT. The measurement ofarchitectural parameters, large-scale finite element analysis, and calculation ofmechanical parameters were performed. We studied whether the architecturalparameters are sensitive to the volume of interests, the threshold, ROI shape andanatomical site within the vertebral body. In addition, we proposed an algorithm for the injection volume of the bone cement during the pedicle screw augmentationbased on the architectural parameters acquired from μCT.
     1. Based on present study, a recommended size of volume interest wasconcluded. The recommended size is216mm3if the sample meet threeconditions:(1). The samples are from human vertebral bodies.(2). Theshape of the sample is cubic.(3). The resolution of micro-CT scanning is80um or higher.
     2. The significant difference in architectural parameters and stiffness existedbetween the control group (threshold value determined by Otsu‘s method)and the other threshold groups when the variation of threshold value beyond2.9%.
     3. The architectural parameters and stiffness are not sensitive to the ROI shape.
     4. The architectural parameters and stiffness are sensitive to the anatomic sitewithin the vertebral body.
     5. The RoE and AIC was calculated based on a validated FE model in presentstudy. The results showed RoE was a circular region with a Δr of3.4mmaround the pedicle screw and the proper AIC was about2.6ml for a standard6.5mm pedicle screw augmentation in the osteoporosis patients.
     During the analysis of μCT image and LSFE, the architectural andmechanical parameters are sensitive to the ROI volume, threshold and theanatomical site within the vertebral body; not sensitive to the ROI shape. Thearchitectural parameters are helpful the calculation of AIC for pedicleaugmentation in the osteoporosis patients.
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