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     3.首次建立了系统的学习型组织评价指标体系,采用层次分析法( AHP )确定各指标的权重,运用模糊综合评价法(FCM)建立了学习型组织模糊评价模型。该评价模型有利于组织从整体上明确自身所处的位置,并根据组织自身的特点进行改善和提高。
This dissertation starts with a literature review of the basic theory of learning organization and organizational learning and then follows up with a further and more systematic study in such five areas as (1) the structural feature of the learning organization; (2) dynamic modeling method of the learning organization; (3) the influential factors and the assessment method of results of organizational learning; (4) appraisal system of learning organizations and (5) the management method of the learning organization. Generally, the major contents of this dissertation can be specified as follows:
     1. The major achievements on theoretical research and practical exploration of learning organization both at home and abroad are reviewed. Then,deficiency in depth and systematic study of structural model and assessment system of learning organization are pointed out since these two aspects are closely related to the effectiveness of organizational learning and the results from building the real learning organization.
     2. The structural features of the learning organization such as flatness, networking, dynamic and boundlessness are discussed. Then, the design method of the learning organization is proposed.
     3. A stochastic Petri net-based structural design is investigated. The traditional organizational structure design method will no longer fit the design of the learning organization completely because of the new features of the learning organization. Petri net is chosen as a modeling tool based on analyses and the Petri net model of the learning organization is built based on the design of stochastic Petri net model of organizational unit. Then, the design procedure is summed up.
     4. The influential factors on and the assessment method for results from organizational learning are investigated. After discussion on the barriers and methods of organizational learning, the learning ability of the organization is discussed in such aspects as learning style and facilitation factors of organizational learning. The assessment index system and evaluation module of organizational learning ability are built.
     5. An appraisal index system for the learning organization is developed. The system of a learning organization is divided into such four sub-systems as learning, organization, personnel and knowledge. The appraisal index system is developed based on the above four sub-systems and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to determine weights of indices. Then, a fuzzy comprehensive method (FCM) is used to build a fuzzy comprehensive assessment model.
     6. The management method of the learning organization is discussed. Traditional rigid management and heroic leader will no longer fit the learning organization. Flexible management, leader role transformation, team management are the basic features of the learning organization management.
     7. The research work of this dissertation is concluded and the orientation of further subsequent studies is put forward.
     The initiative ideas of the study that this dissertation brings forth lie in the following:
     1. The structural feature of the learning organization is discussed systematically. Stochastic Petri Net is introduced into the structural design of learning organization and the methodology of dynamic modeling of the learning organization is developed which puts up new ideas for organizational structure design and lays a groundwork for computer simulation of organizational structure model.
     2. The influential factors on and the assessment method for results from organizational learning are investigated. The learning ability of the organization in aspects of learning style and facilitation factors is discussed. Assessment index system and evaluation module of organizational learning ability are developed. The strength and weakness of an organization can be oriented by the evaluation method and organizational learning result will be improved pointedly.
     3. The appraisal index system of the learning organization is developed for the first time. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to determine the weights of indices. The Fuzzy Comprehensive Method (FCM) is used to build the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal model. This model is helpful to determining the present position of an organization and to improve according to its practical situation.
     4. The management method of the learning organization is studied. The basic features of the learning organization management such as flexible management, leader role transformation and team management are discussed.
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