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It is the necessary way that speed up the development of modern agriculture to ensure food security and effective supply of major agricultural products. But the agricultural labor forces have been difficult to adapt to the development of modern agriculture because aging degree is serious and education level is lower.Cultivating a team of new professional farmers has the very vital significance to promoting the development of modern agriculture and consolidating the base status of agriculture. Therefore, this paper will study several main issues concerning new professional farmers cultivation. The main contents are follows:
     Firstly, using the relevant statistical data, analyzes the quantity,structure and cultural quality of Chinese agricultural labor force.
     Secondly, using Chinese second agricultural census data, analyzes the impact of agricultural labor force aging and education level on modern agricultural production factors and scale operation situation.
     Thirdly, to begin with, analyzes theoretically the influence of the learn ability, age and investment risk of human capital on human capital investment. Furthermore, contrastively analyzes the learn ability, age and investment risk of human capital of professional agricultural producers, returned migrant laborers, middle school graduates, college and secondary school graduates.
     Fourthly, with the theory of human capital investment, analyzes the investment demand of individuals, the farmers' professional co-operatives and government for cultivating new professional farmers, and analyzes their investment situation and the reasons of the lack of investment.
     Fifthly, analyzes the status quo and problems of rural basic education, agricultural vocational education and agricultural vocational training, and puts forward corresponding suggestions.
     Sixthly, to optimizing the growth environment of new professional farmers, puts forward multiple aspects of suggestions which can support and improve farmers.
     The main conclusions are involved.
     Firstly, although the number of agricultural labor force is very large in our country, but the labor force demand is still large in agricultural production because of underdevelopment of mechanization and scale operation. Under the condition of existing agricultural production techniques, agricultural surplus-labor is very small. In addition, the agricultural labor forces aging degree is serious, and education level is lower, and lack agricultural vocational education and vocational training.
     Secondly, the empirical analysis results show that the agricultural labor force aging has significant negative effect on the adoption of agricultural machinery and scale operation, and education level has significant positive effect on the adoption of agricultural machinery and scale operation.
     Thirdly, when attend the cultivation of new professional farmers, professional agricultural producers and returned migrant laborers have the advantage in learning ability and age compared with common agricultural practitioners, and investment risk of human capital is smaller than middle school graduates and college and secondary school graduates. Although middle school graduates and college and secondary school graduates have the advantages in learning ability and age, they have more investment risk of human capital because they may not rent land or raise fund to engage in agriculture. At present, we should regard professional agricultural producers and returned migrant laborers as major cultivation object of new professional farmers.
     Fourthly, as long as the expected return of investing to cultivating new professional farmers is greater than the investment cost (including time cost), individuals (or families) and the farmers' professional cooperatives (or agricultural enterprises) will produce investment demand. The expected income of government investment in new professional farmers cultivation is mainly including consolidating agricultural foundation status, maintaining rural area stability and narrowing the gap between urban and rural residents. As long as the investment income is greater than the investment cost, the government will also produce investment demand. The causes of lack of individuals investment is mainly including that agricultural comparative benefits is low, farmers income is low, and the agricultural vocational training effect is not ideal. The causes of lack of the farmers' professional co-operatives is that their scale is small and profitability is not strong. The causes of lack of government investment is mainly that government do not realize the importance of agriculture for the national economy development and new professional farmers' role in the modern agriculture. Government should be responsible for investment responsibility for cultivating new professional farmers to consolidating agricultural foundation status.
     Fifthly, the problems of rural fundamental education is mainly that teaching reform lags, exam-oriented education tend is very serious, and so on. The problems of agricultural vocational education is that social identity is low, recruiting student is difficult and funds investment is insufficient, and so on. The problems of agricultural vocational training is that training funds investment is insufficient, training funds is scattered, and training programs is lack of sustainability. Government should make long-term planning for cultivating new professional farmers, make efforts to promote the integration among rural basic education, agricultural vocational education and vocational training, increase investment, improve the quality of teaching, so that cultivate a team of high-quality new professional farmers.
     Sixthly,we should establish law and regulation concerning new professional farmers cultivation, improve agricultural benefits, actively encourage land circulation, develop agricultural mechanization, promote rural financial service level and improve rural infrastructure and public services, so that create a good environment for new professional farmers.
     This paper may make three innovations.
     Firstly, this paper analyzes empirically the effect of agricultural labor force aging on development of modern agriculture. Recently, the problem of agricultural labor force aging has attracted great attention, many scholars analyzed qualitatively adverse effect of agricultural labor force aging on agriculture. Using Chinese second agricultural census data, this paper analyzes the impact of agricultural labor force aging on adoption of modern agricultural production factors and scale operation situation.
     Secondly, analyzes the cultivation objects of new professional farmers from learning ability, age and investment risk of human capital. Few scholars have in depth study on the cultivation objects of new professional farmers. But this paper researches the possibility of every objects attending new professional farmers cultivation from their learning ability, age and investment risk of human capital.
     Thirdly, using the theory of human capital investment, analyzes the investment subjects of new professional farmers cultivation. Cultivating new professional farmers will expend some resources. Who should invest? Few people study this question. This paper studies the demand of individuals,the farmers' professional cooperatives and government under the framework that the marginal benefit of human capital investment should be equal to marginal cost.
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