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Arrival of the knowledge economy society and the complicated decision environment have been promoting the government to pay more and more attention to the inside knowledge management, organization study and working in coordination. This paper puts forward the concept of "government's virtual community " in a creative way in order to tackle actively the pressure and challenge to the government of era of knowledge-driven economy. " Government's virtual community " regards information technology as the motivity supporting and social software as the main characteristic .It offers government's organization tools for personal knowledge management, and organization systematic study; it founds the space for government organization exchange information , diffuse knowledge; and it supplies a totally new media for organization communicating and cooperation working. The setting-up of government's virtual community will clear up the stiff management system and the stuffy organization culture imperceptibly, contributing to under the new situation make the transition towards more high-efficient, more practical, more democratic service type government.The paper launches the discussion of government's virtual communities with the definitions of the community and the virtual community, and concentrates on discussing how to use new thinking and new technology of the social software to structure government's virtual community; and the paper explains the construction procedure of government's virtual community from the view of designing of technical and regular system. And it analyzes and prospects the operation of government's virtual community with the ecological analytic approach of system.
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