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Objective:To explore serum protein change between renal cell carcinoma patients,and the healthy person, and between Uygur with RCC and Han with RCC, and theperioperative dynamic variation of patients with RCC in XinJiang,①To screen andconstruct diagnostic model of RCC in XinJiang;②To construct differentethnic(including Han and Uygur)diagnostic model of RCC in XinJiang and screen serumdifferentially expressed protein between Han with renal cancer and Uygur with renalcancer in Xinjiang;③To screen the perioperative dynamic variation of serumdifferentially expressed protein for prognostic monitoring of recurrence and metastasisafter surgery in patients with RCC. Methods: To use weak cation exchange andhydrophobic surface protein chip (CM10) and Surface-enhanced laser desorptionionization time of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) to detect the serum protein.The data was analyzed and the diagnostic model was established by using ZhejiangUniversity Protein Chip Data Analyze System software package (ZUCI-PDAS). Supportvector machine (SVM) analyze the data of spectra and establisha diagnostic model,which it was evaluated and validated by leave one cross validation. Wilconxon rank sumtest was used to compare two groups and it will has statistical significance when p valuewas less than0.05.1)To analyze serum specimens from40RCC patients and44healthycontrols in order to screen out the serum differentially expressed proteins of RCC andconstruct RCC diagnostic model;2) To detected serum specimens from patients (36Hanand24Uygur)with RCC and60healthy controls so as to construct different ethnic RCCdiagnostic model and screen out disparate serum proteins between Han with RCC andUygur with RCC.3) To screen serum protein change between preoperative andpostoperative serum specimens from40patients so as to screen out monitering dynamicvariation of biomaker. Results:1) Significantly difference existed between healthycontrols and RCC patients (P<0.05). total ten proteins peaks(5914,5940,8087,8155, 5949,8067,5986,5346,15946,6116) were all high-expressed in RCC group and all ofthem were low-expressed in healthy controls. After cross validation, diagnostic modelwas composed and established by ten proteins. The specificity and sensitivity were93.18%(41/44)and92.50%(37/40);2) Obvious disparity existed between healthy controlsand RCC patients in Uygur (P<0.05). All of them (5935,5945,5911,13766,13965,6887) were high-expressed in RCC group and all of them were low-expressed in healthycontrols. After cross validation, diagnostic model was composed and established by sixproteins. The specificity and sensitivity were91.67%(22/24) and100.00%(24/24);Obvious disparity existed between healthy controls and RCC patients in Han (P<0.05).Total four proteins peaks (5937,5345,5947,5912) were all high-expressed in RCCgroup and all of them were low-expressed in healthy controls. After cross validation,diagnostic model was composed and established by four proteins. The specificity andsensitivity were94.44%(34/36)and91.67%(33/36); disparity existed between UygurRCC patients and Han RCC patients in terms of serum protein finger prints. Threeproteins peaks M/Z6887,13766,13965existed diagnostic model of Uygur patients groupwhile lacked in Han patients group, meanwhile, one proteins peaks M/Z5345existeddiagnostic model of Han patients group while lacked in Uygur patients group;3) It hadconspicuous distinction of serum protein profiling between postoperative andpreoperative patients (P<0.05). Among them,19proteins peaks (8777,2748,8646,8734,8701,8087,7982,8155,8072,15946,16141,16306,16116,8135,8017,2760,6672,4301,6471) were all high-expressed in preoperative group and all of them werelow-expressed in postoperative group. Three(8155,8087,15946)of protein peaks weresame as preoperative sample, which was higher in preoperative patients than healthcontrol, was higher postoperatively. Conclusion:1) It is a effective method for theaffiliation of bioinformatics software analysis and SELDI-TOF-MS to look forbiomarkers of renal cell carcinoma (RCC), RCC and healthy controls in Xinjaing can beaccurately distinguished by constitutive sensitive diagnostic model; Four (M/Z5914,5940,8067,6116) of protein peaks may be Amyloid betaA4protein, HumanBeta-defensin, ProGRP and Metallothionein;2)RCC and healthy controls in Uygur andHan in Xinjaing can be accurately distinguished by constitutive sensitive diagnosticmodel respectively; It has difference for protein finger prints between Han with RCC andUygur with RCC in Xinjing. M/Z6887,13766,13965,5345may be differential markersbetween Uygur with RCC and Han with RCC and M/Z6887,13766,13965may beKeratin, transthyretin and interferon-induced transmembrane protein-1;3) The three screened protein peaks (M/Z8155,8087,15946) between preoperative and postoperativepatients may be specific markers secreted by RCC, which may be ST6Gal I, CCchemokine receptor4and GW112.
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