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     本文第四部分:以沙特阿拉伯为例探讨FIDIC合同条件在伊斯兰法系的适用性问题。对于沙特的雇主来说,无论是私人部门,还是公共部门,确定的价格和工期都非常关键,因为它有助于工程融资,而FIDIC合同条件中的银皮书是一种总价合同条件,其最终价格和工期更为不向定,因而FIDIC合同条件中的银皮书在沙特阿拉伯得到了广泛应用;然属于伊斯兰法系的沙特阿拉伯,其建筑立法有自身的特色,如其有两个基本的法律渊源:沙里亚(shari'ah,伊斯兰法)和国王指令。伊斯兰法中的若干规则与建设工程合同相关。尽管古兰经不是一个综合法典,但它的确包含了要求其信徒在商业文易中重合约、守信誉的若干教义。“睿巴”(Riba)、“咖喇”(Gharar)、“诚信”(Good faith)以及“过程正当”(Due process)四项原则对工程合同来说十分重要;此外,我国建筑企业也在中东地区承揽了一些大型建筑工程。有鉴于此,本文在该部分着重探讨了FIDIC合同条件银皮书在沙特阿拉伯的适用性问题。
FIDIC Contract Conditions is a set of standard forms of international engineering contracts, which have been compiled by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), based on the experience in the construction of the world's major engineering and UK ACE standard contract forms since the beginning of the20th century. Redbook first edition (Civil Engineering Construction Contract [international]) was introduced in August1957, and subsequently revised in1969,1977and1983. Its second, third, fourth edition was published one after another. In1999International Federation of Consulting Engineers published a new set of contract conditions co-existing with other contract standard forms that was still in use during the meantime. This new series of contracts include the following four:the first is Conditions of Contract for Construction, which is for building and engineering works designed by the Employer. This Conditions of Contract, known as the "Red Book1999, has guidelines for the preparation of the General Conditions and the Special Conditions, Tender format, and Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement. The second is Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build, which is for E&M plant, and for building and engineering works designed by the Contractor. This Conditions of Contract, known as" Yellow Book"1999, has guidelines for the preparation of the General Conditions and the special conditions, tender format, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement. The third is Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects, which is particularly for E&M and process plant turnkey projects at lump sum contract price. This Conditions of Contract, known as" Silver Book"1999, has guidelines for the preparation of the General Conditions and the special conditions, tender format, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement. The fourth is Short Form of Contract with guidelines for the preparation of the General Conditions and the special conditions, tender format, Contract Agreement and Dispute Adjudication Agreement, Commonly known as the "1999Green Paper. In2008FIDIC published the first edition of Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects (Gold Book), which integrates design, building and operational services into a single contract.
     FIDIC Conditions of Contract has been widely recognized and used internationally, due to its nature of science, fairness and rigor, and authoritative position in the field of international engineering contracting since its advent. The projects of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and foreign government loans are required to adopt it for project management. Contractors in the international engineering contracting projects, international financial organizations and project owners use it widely as the normative documents. It is known as the Bible in the international engineering contracting industry. In1966China Association of Engineering Consultants attended the FIDIC on behalf of China and became the official member of FIDIC. Some large construction projects in our country started using the FIDIC contract forms and the forms were required to adopt in overseas contracting projects built by China's contractors.
     The first part of this article:on the basis of the analysis on origin and development background and reasons of FIDIC contract conditions the article explores the nature of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, finds that FIDIC contract conditions are neither international practice, nor form contract, but widely used in the world as a standard contract. FIDIC Conditions of Contract mainly has the following characteristics:its type, the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for the total contract conditions; their content, the engineer has a special and important role in the FIDIC contract conditions; according to some of its concepts and terminology, FIDIC contract conditions is of the characteristics of the common law; FIDIC Conditions of Contract's structure is composed by the general conditions and the special conditions. This lays a theoretical foundation for further discussion of the Suitability of the FIDIC contract conditions in major jurisdictions including our country.
     The second part of this article:explored is the suitability of the FIDIC contract conditions in the common law system. FIDIC Conditions of Contract originated from ACE standard form in the United Kingdom, with the characteristics of the common law, and thus there should be no obstacles of suitability in the common-law system countries. However, as changed and evolved FIDIC contract conditions is the product of a compromise between the parties, the common law countries including the United Kingdom and the United States, based on their domestic needs, the specific national conditions and philosophy, drafted their respective standard contract forms, such as the NEC form in the United Kingdom and AIA form in the United States AIA. These two forms are different from FIDIC contract conditions in many respects. This part section mainly explores the suitability of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract in common law countries based on the analysis the differences of contract conditions between the FIDIC contract conditions and the forms of Britain and the United States.
     The third part of this article:explored is the suitability of the FIDIC contract conditions in civil law countries. There is no provision of the construction contract in civil codes of those countries, but the content of construction contracts can be found in the contract for work. Some concepts, terminology and characteristics of FIDIC contract conditions originated from a common law systems, so that the FIDIC Conditions of Contract encountered the conceptual and institutional confusion. In many the civil law countries, there is no concept of "engineer" or "consulting engineers". What more puzzling is legal status of "Engineer" or "consulting engineer" in the FIDIC Conditions of Contract. As certain concepts of contract for works in civil codes are not exactly same as ones in FIDIC contract conditions, this difference results in the conflict between some of the provisions of the FIDIC contract conditions and some mandatory provisions in civil law, such as the provisions of the FIDIC Silver Book on the burden of risk, which makes the application of FIDIC contract conditions encounter legal obstacles in civil law countries. In addition, Germany, Japan, and other civil law countries, in order to adapt the development of the construction industry and make up the shortcoming of the civil code provisions, have developed some of model forms or similar documents, such as Germany Architectural Engineering Contracting Rules (VOB/B) in Germany, and the General Conditions of Construction Contract, Standard Format and General Conditions of the Public Works Contract, Demonstration Format of ENAA International Contract and so forth. This part of the article takes France, Germany, Japan and Switzerland as examples, on the basis of the comparative analysis of the differences between FIDIC contract conditions and the relevant provisions of civil codes and the relevant model forms, to explore the suitability of the FIDIC conditions of contract in civil law countries.
     The fourth part of this article:explored is the suitability of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract in the Islamic law countries such as in Saudi Arabia. For Saudi employers in both the private sector or the public sector, it is critical to determine the price and duration, because it helps the project financing, and FIDIC Conditions of Contract of the Silver Book is a lump sum contract conditions and the final price and the duration is more fixed, thus the Silver Book FIDIC contract conditions has been widely applied in Saudi Arabia. Since the law in Saudi Arabia belongs to the Islamic legal system, its construction legislation has its own characteristics, such as its two basic sources of law: the Sharia (shari'ah, Islamic law) and the King's instructions. Certain rules of Islamic law are related to the construction contract. Although the Koran is not a comprehensive code of law, it does contain the doctrines requiring its followers to abide by in commercial contracts. Riba, Gharar, Good faith, and Due process are the four important principles of the project contracts. In addition, China's construction enterprises are active players in the Middle East for large construction projects. In view of this, in this part focused is on the suitability of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Silver Paper in Saudi Arabia.
     The fifth part of this article:explored is the suitability of the FIDIC contract conditions in China. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up policy, FIDIC Conditions of Contract have been used widely in some of some large-scale construction projects. The Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Railways and other ministries also reference to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for drafting a construction contract standard forms. However, these forms encountered a series of problems in practice. For this reason, this article not only discusses the differences between FIDIC contract conditions and Building Construction Contract Model Form (GF-1999-0201) drafted by the Ministry of Construction, also analyzes the problems encountered in practice, and explore the suitability of the FIDIC contract conditions in our country based on the discussing the conflicts of FIDIC contract conditions with our current building of the legal system.
    ②[英]Reg Thomas:《施工合同索赔》,崔军译,机城工业出版社2010年版,第38页。
    ①张水波、庞定惠"FIDIC新版合同条件的特点与应用范围”, 载《中国港湾建设》2001年第2期。
    ②Jeremy Glover,FIDIC an overview:the latest developments, comparisons, claims and a look into the future,p6
    ③ E.C.考们特:《FIDIC第四版实用法律指南》,张明峰、彭凤国译,航空工业出版社1999年版,第8页。
    ③Sutchlitle v Thackrah(1974)A.C.,727
    ④Arenson v. Casson Beckman Rutley & Co(1975)(3 All E.L.R.901)
    ⑤Groudace v. Lambeth(1986)33 Build.L.R20
    ⑥Nicholas Gould:"Preparing the Construction Contract",London 1998,p.6以下
    ① 国际咨询工程师联合会、中国工程咨询协会编译:《施工合同条件》,机械工业出版社2011年版,第Ⅻ页。
    ② 同上书,第165页。
    ③ 吕文学、张水波:《FIDIC设计—建造和运营(DBO)项目合同条件导读与解析》,中国建筑工业出版社2010年版,第206页。
    ②[英]Reg Thomas《施工合同索赔》,崔军译,机械工业出版社2010年版,第39页。
    ③英国联合合同委员会(Joint Contract Tribunal, JCT)于1931年在英国成,是由英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)主导的建筑业多个专业组织组成的联合会,是一个由九家英国与建筑有关的协会组成的民间组织,其成员包括咨询工程师协会(ACE)、英国资产联合会(BPF)、地方政府协会(LGA)、英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)、英国皇家注册测量师学会(RICS)、建筑业联盟(CC)、国家专业承包商理事会(NSCC)和苏格兰建筑合同委员会(SBCC)的代表,以及业主、咨询工程师、承包商和分包商的代表。并于1998年成为一家在英国注册的有限公司。其编制的合同文本在英国和英联邦国家得到广泛应用。
    ① Andrew Bartlett, Humphrey Lloyd, Emden's Construction Law, Butterworths Law,2002, Part1, Chapter 1, para 87.
    ①[英]Reg Thomas:《施工合同索赔》,崔军译,机械工业出版社2010年版,第28-29页。
    ①Thorn v London(1876)1 App.Cas l 20(HL)
    ①Wraight Ltd v PH&T(holdings)(1968)13BLR26.
    ②Grosby&Sons v Portland UDC 5 BLR 121.
    ③Antaios Compania Naviera SA vSalen Rederierna AB[1985]AC191. ① Prenn v Simmonds[1971]1 WLR 1381;Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 All ER 98(HL)
    ② Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking [197112 QB 163(CA)
    ③ Tersons Ltd. V. Stevenage Dev. Corp [1963] 2 Lloyd's Rep.333 at 368, CA.
    ④ See Design Liability in the Construction Industry 4th edition, DL Comes, Blackwell Scientific Publications Oxford 1994.
    ⑥ [1983]AC 520.
    ①Holt v PayneSkillington(1995)49 CON LR 99 (CA).
    ① Pezim v British Columbia (1992)96 DLR (4th) 137 at 149(BCCA)
    ② Federal commerce v Molena[1978]QB927
    ③见NEI Thompson Ltd v Wimpey Constrution CILL 1987 p378(CA),该案要求在“任何付款”被拒绝之前必需发出通知,它不排除通过衡平法上的抵销权扣款。相反,当承包商违约时,担保定期付款的条款不生效。SonatOffshore v Amerada Hess CILL November 1987 p375 (CA).
    ④ Sutcliffe v Thackrah [1974]AC 727.
    ①Imperial College v Norman & Dowbarn (1986)8 ConLR 107(QBD).
    ①Pedk v Mckinney(1969)1 BLR 111(CA)
    ②McAlpine Humberroak v McDermott Internationa,(1992)58 BLR 1(CA) ①[英]Reg Thomas:《施工合同索赔》,崔军译,机械工业出版社2010年版,第182-183页。
    ② Peak v McKinney(1969 1 BLR 111 (CA)
    ③ EGGD v Universal Oil [1983] WLR 399 HL.
    ① Nicholas Dennys, Mark Raeside, Robert Clay:Hudson's building Contracts 10th ed, Sweet&Maxwell,1970, London, P.489.
    ② A.G of Hong Kong v Wang Chong Construction Company Ltd 8 Const.L.J.137(1991)
    ③ Phil Gray and Tim Irwin "allocating exchange rate risk in private infrastructure projects" topics, asp.
    ①See paragraph8.088 in Wallace Hodson's Building Contracts 11th edition, London, Sweet and Maxwell,1995.
    ① Duncan Wallace:The International Civil Engineering Contract, Sweet & Maxwell, London,1974 pp 152-153.
    ② Suisse Atlantique Societe d'Armement Maritime S.A v N.V. Rotterdmsche Kolen Centrale [1967] 1 A.C 361,HL (E.).
    ③ Laing & MonrissonKnudson v Aegon (1997)86 BLR 70(QBD)
    ①Davis Contractors v Fareham, UDC[1956]AC 696.
    ① Merton v Leach(1985)32 BLR 68 @ 90
    ② Channel Tunnel vBBCL 1993 61 BLR1 HL.
    ③ Bank Melat v Helliniki Techniki SA[1983]3 WLR 783 CA
    ④ Coppee Lavalin SA v Ken-Ren Chemicals[1994] 2 WLR 631 HL.
    ①[英]Reg Thomas:《施工合同索赔》,崔军译,机城工业出版社2010年版,第42页。
    ① FAR43.205(d);FAR52.243-4
    ②Grane Construction Co. v. commonwealth,290 Mass.249,195N.E.110,112(1935)
    ①United States v.Spearin,248 U.S.132(1918)
    ②Justin Sweet,Legal Aspects of Architecture,Engineering and The Construction Process§25.02(2000)
    ①Kelly v. Mass,428 Mass.877,705 N.E.2d.1114(1999)
    ① FAR52.242-14(a)
    ② FAR52.242-14(b)
    ③ FAR52.211-12
    ④ Westinghouse Electric Corp. v. Garett Corp.,6012d 155(4th Cir 1979); 也见Harford Electrical Applicators of Thermulux,Inc. v. Alden, 169 Conn. 177,363 A.2d 135(1975).
    ⑤ Kelly v. Marx,428 Mass.877,705 N.E.2d 1114(1999)
    ①George Hyman Construction Co.V Washington Metro.Area Transit Authoriy,816 F.2d
    ⑨ FAR42.1302;FAR52.242-14
    ① FAR52.249-10(b)(2)
    ② FAR52.249-10(c)
    ③ FAR 52.249-6(a)(2)
    ④ FAR 52.249-6(b)
    ⑤ FAR 52.249-14(a)
    ⑥ FAR 52.249-14(b)
    ⑦ Paul Hardeman ,Inc, v. Arkansas Power and Light Co.,380 F.Supp.298(E.D. Ark. 1974)
    ⑧ Department of Transportation v. Aropaho Construction,Inc.,257Ga.269,357S.E.2d593(1987)
    ① FAR52.249-2(b);52.249-6(c)
    ② FAR52.249-2(e);52.249-6(f)
    ③ FAR52.249-2(f)(在固定价格合同下讨论利润);52.249-6(g)(在成本补偿合同下讨论酬金)
    ④ FAR52.249-2(g)(Alternate l);52.249-6(h)(Alternate
    ⑤ FAR52.249-2(j);52.249-6(j)
    ⑥ Tomecello v. U.S.,681 F.2d 756(Ct.C11982)
    ② Ingenstau/Korbion, "VOB-Teile A und B"13th edition 1996,p.72,marginal note 18
    ③主流观点,见、Verner/Paster, "Der Bauprozess",9.edition 1999
    ⑤ BGH,Bauercht1997,p.1027.
    ⑥ Werner/Pastor,ib,p.364,marginal note 1006 with further references
    ①廉悦东:“联邦德国建筑法规和建筑技术规定”, 建筑经济1999.10
    ①《德国民法典》和其它法律都使用了"hohere Gewalt"一词,却未对其进行定义。法院已经发展出主要用于责任法规定的定义,这一定义也可适用于民法典和VOB/B.德国联邦最高法院认为,不可抗力是指不可预见的、“外来的”导致损害发生的事件,“即使尽了极大的谨慎也不可能在不危及企业整体经营和经济效益的前提下加以抵制,且也不因其经常性而经营者就应该预见到。”([德]克雷斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》下,焦美华译,法律出版社2001年版,第422页。)
    ① T. Kawashima, "Risk Undertaking under Construction", Keiyakuho taikei Vol.IV,1963,第155页。
    ③ H. Arai, "Treaties on Construction Contract",1967,第281页;N. Nakamura, "Owner's Obligations and Contractor's Obligations",1982,第188,190-191页。
    ④ H.Arai,同注释4,第119页。
    ⑤ Takenaka诉战争部(司法大法院,1978年6月28日,Meiji Zenki Dashinin Minji Hanketsu-roku 324).
    ③H. Tsubaki, "Introduction to Research of General Conditions for Construction Contract" 42, No.7,1970,第9页。
    ① S. Uchiyama, "Modern Construction Contract" 1999,第3页。
    ② "kyogi'一词翻译成英语用“谈判”(consultation)。该词在日本通用条件里的某些条款中翻译成“协商”(negotiation)会更好。
    ③ T. Kurita, "Prospect for Construction Conract", Jurist, NO. 100, May 1-15 1992,第14页。
    ④ MOC,"Construction White Paper(1999)".至于承揽合同争端裁定委员会,请看第三章(5)和第七章(2)。
    ② S.Wagatuma, "Lectures on Civil Code-Rights Obligations",1962,第603页;Nohu v. Inomata, Niigata地区法院,1963年11月14日。
    ②《公共会计法》第29-8(2)条;《市政府法》(1947)对于当地政府于中标者的主合同也有着相同的原则;Akimoto v. Japan,最高法院,1960年5月24日。在该案中,最高法院裁定对当事人负有订立建设工程合同义务的预合同,应当以书面形式订立。
    ④除了针对特殊工程的建设省示范文本(1978年)以外(MOC Notice No.69,1978年11月1日),MOC还颁布了复杂工程JV示范文本(1962),该复杂工程可能持续特定一年的期间(MOC Notice No.79,1962年11月27日)。
    ③H.Arai,同上注释4,第131页。MOC(建设省)曾发布一个通知(MOC通知,No.9,1953年3月10日),内容根据民法(第430条)JV被看成是“共同承揽合同”,但随后该观点被‘'Kumiai"理论所取代;O. Iwasaki, "Research on Construction Contract",1987,第21至41页。
    ④ F. Teramoto v. Wakayama-ken,最高法院,1970年11月11日1970,24-12 Minshu 1854; Katsura Kogyo v. Takagaki Gumi,最高法院,1998年4月1日,52-3 Minshu 813。
    ⑦ MOC Notice No.9,1953年3月10日。
    ① Nishitana v. Nakamura, Court of Great Judicature,1902年12月18 日,8-11 Minroku。
    ②Arima v. Yanagi, Great Court of Judicature,1914年12月26 日,20-11 Minroku 1209。
    ① H.Arai,司注释4,第727页。
    ② Yabi v. Usukawa, Great Court of Judicature,21 Minroku 2295,1915年12月28 日;通用条件(私有)第27 (3)条。
    ③ K.K.Fudo-gumi v. Takusyoku, Tokyo DistrictCourt(东京地区法院),1972年5月29日,668 Hanrei Jiho 49; K.K.Shibata Komuten v. Nagahama, Osaka District Court,1967年4月4日495 Hanrei Jiho 72.
    ① Seki v. Hishi Kotanbetsu Oko Kumiai, Great Court of Judicature,1919年10月1日,25Minroku 1726; Taneya Sangyo K.K. v. Nishimura, Osaka District Court,1974年6月6日,779 Hanrei Jiho 6。
    ② Yano v. Shikawa, Great Court of Judicature,1915年12月28日,21 Minroku 2295。
    ③ Saito v. Kuroaki, Supreme Court(最高法院),1961年7月7日,15-7 Minshu 1800.
    ④ Taiyo Kasei v. Fuji Kansetsu, Nagoya High Court,1974年11月27日,774 Hanrei Jiho 80.
    ② Supreme Court(最高法院),1974年3月28日,718 Kinyu Homu 32。
    ③ Swallow Kigyo K.K. v. Fudo Kensetsu K.K. Nagoya High Court,1974年11月27日,774 HanreiJiho 80。
    ④ Kaifu Kogyo v. Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto District Court (Fukuchiyama Branch),1987年5月28日,1262 Hanrei Jiho 12。
    ⑤ S. Takii, "Commentary on Standard Conditions for Construction Contract" ("Chikujo Kaisetsu Koji Ukeoi Keiyaku Yakkan") (1998)第五版,第236页。
    ② S. Takii, "Legal Practice of Construction Contract" ("Kensetsu Koji no Horitsu Jitumu"),1981第161页。
    ③ S. Takii,同上文注释45,第238页。
    ① MOC, "Commentary on General Condition(Public)" ("Kokyo Koji Hyojun Ukeoi Keiyaku Yakkan no Kaisetsu"),1995,第370页。
    ② S. Takki,同上文注释46,第156页。
    ③ H.Arai,同上文注释4,第664页。
    ④ S. Takki,同上文注释46,第157页。
    ⑤ " Legal Guide on Drawing up International Contract for Construction of Industrial Works", United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, A/CN.9/WGV/W.P.11/Add.61983, at5-6。
    ⑦《公共会计法》第29-3(1)条;Municipal Government Act(市政法)第234条;Municipal Government Enforcement Order (市政强制执行命令)第167-1条至第177-16条。
    ①Tomoe v.Shimomura,Tokyo District Court(东京地区法院),1982年10月20日,489 Hanrei Times 84.
    ② S.Takii,同上文注释46,第158页。
    ③ MOC,同上文注释2,第195页。
    ③ I.Ando, "Legal Nature of Architect-Engineer Agreement and Liability of Architect",1976,125NBL,第24页至第27页。
    ④ Biwako v. Matsuki-ya Yokohama District Court,1963年8月29日,14-8,Kaminshu 1651。
    ①MOC, "Commentary on Standard Contract Conditions for Civil Design Services for Public Projects",1995,第222页。
    ⑥S. Takii,同上文第四章注释1,第104页。
    ③例如, T. Hara v. Matsuki-ya Co. Ltd, Yokohama District Court,1963年8月29日,14-8Kaminshu 1651; Fuji Gumi Co. Ltd. v. Maruwa Department Store Co. Ltd. Tokyo District Court,1966年9月11日,465 Hanrei Jiho 49。
    ③ Haruzuki v. Kurokawa, Osaka High Court,1976年3月10日, Hanrei Jiho 60。
    ⑤《建筑企业法》第25-11(2)条和涉及《建筑企业法》的《政府条例(Government Ordinance)》第15条,Ordinance No.272 (1956).
    ⑥《仲裁法》第800条;“Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards" (1959) (New York Convention),于1961年9月18日生效(Convention No.10)。
    ⑦I. Ando, "Construction Disputes and Arbitration Proceedings",1995,第90页。
    ②S.Uchiyama "New Construetion Business Act",1999,第209页;T.Kojima和A.STakakuwa,"Commentary on Arbitration Law",]988,第273页。
    ③T. Kojima和A.Takakuwa,同上文注释91,第267页。
    ② I.Ando,同上文注释89,第141页。
    ③T. Kawashima,"Legal Consciousness of the Japanese",1967,第101页至第108页。
    ① J. Nakata, "Special Litigation Procedures",1938,第115页;N. Koyama, "Conciliation and Arbitration Laws", Horitugaku Zenshu (1983),第33页至第34页;Y. Arai v. Odawara-shi Nokyo, Supreme Court,1982年2月23 日 36-2 Minshu 183; M. Takahashi v. Daiwa Kensetsu, Supreme Court,1972年10月12日,26-8Minshu 1448, 685 Hanrei Jiho 36。
    ② Nakajima Tekko v. Itoshu,最高法院(Supreme Court)(1980年6月26日)979Hanrei Jiho第53至56;424 Hanrei Times 77.
    ③ H. Kobayashi,同上文注释90,第111页至第112页。
    ④ Maruuchi v. Nakamura. Tokyo High Court,(1979年11月26日)954 Hanrei Hoji,39-40; Kida Kensetsu v. Sion Denki, Tokyo District Court(1977年5月18日)867 Hanrei Jiho, 110。
    ⑤ S. Uchiyama,同上文注释91,第209页。
    ⑥ Kokusai Kinzoku v. Gado Raifu, Supreme Court,75年7月15日,29-6 Minshu 1061; K. Saeda v. Ikcuch Kenchiku Seisaku, Tokyo District Court,1973年12月17日,30Hanrei Times 227。
    ⑦ Y. Aoyama, "New Commentary on Civil Procedural Case Law",1995,第639页。
    ① Dr. Peter Gauch,, "Der Werkvertrag", Zurich 1996 ("Gauch")第57段及以后各段,评论丫联邦法庭关于全球工程合同(Global Engineering contracts,工程师提供工程准备、施工和监督的合同)的案件。联邦法庭认可了业主在任何时候终止合同的权利。还有Jean-Samuel LEUBA, "Le Contrat de Vente avec Obligation de Montage ", University of Lausanne,1995.
    ① United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("Vienna Sales Convention",维也纳销售公约),1980年4月11日。Peter Schlechtriem, "Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht-CISG", Munchen 2000.
    ② Gauch第361段及之后各段。
    ③③ Dr. Peter Gauch, Dr. Jorg Schmid和Dr. Theodor Buhler, "Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch", Vol. V2d, Zurich 1998,第21页第38段。
    ④ "Zurcher Kommentar",第18-20页。
    ① SIA-118规范,Conditions generals pour 1'execution des travaux de construction 1977,修改于1991年。请阅读Gauch,第261段。还有Peter Gauch等,‘'Kommentar zur SIA-Norm 118 Art.38-156", Zurich 2004.
    ② Gauch第268段至第282段,这是关于不利于提供者原则的适用的。
    ③ Gauch第201段及以后各段,和Thevenoz和、Verro, "Commentaire Romand-Code des Obligations I",第145段。
    ④ SCD 108 Ⅱ 140和Gauch第201段。
    ⑤ Gauch第202段和第294段,其是根据S1A-118规范关于不利于提供者原则的适用的。
    ① SCD of 10.3.1995, in ZBJV 1995,第241页; SCD of 5.7.01,4C.31/2001=127 Ⅲ444; SCD of 17.2.02, 5C.134/2002; Wolfgang Wiegand, "Heimlich, still und leise verabschiedet sich (auch) das Bundesgericht von der Eindeutigkeitsregel, rechi",2002,第200页。
    ② CC第2条。
    ③阅读Thevenoz和Werro,第145段中提出SCD 122 Ⅲ 118,第158段及以后各段关于空白弥补解释。
    ① Penalty:Art.160 CO, SCD 97 Ⅱ 350, Liquidated damages:Gauch, para.709, Jean-Claude Werz, "Delay in Construction Contracts-A comparative study of legal issues under Swiss and Anglo-American law",1994, ("Werz") para.347。
    ②Pierre Tercier, "Introduction au droit prive de la construction"("Tercier") p120-125.
    ①Council of Ministers Resolution No.266,dated 21/2/1398H
    ②Labor Regulation,Article 16
    ③Sub-Clause 4.3:Saudi Contact Clause 14
    ④Saudi contract clause 12.3
    ⑤Saudi Contract Clause 6;Council of Ministers Resolution N0.58,dated 17/1/1/1383H[9 June 19631
    ⑥Labor Ragulation,Article 17
    ①Saudi contract Art9(1)
    ②Vol 1 1989-1990 contemporary jurisprudence research Journal,36,40-41在多数阿拉伯国家的商法典中也有类似文段
    ③Rules are in ministerial order N0.264 of 16.9.1402(H);Regulations issued under Ministerial Order N0.1003,dated 21.9.1416(H)
    ④Royal Decree NO.M/1,dated 21.2.1416(H)
    ① See discussion at delay fines section;Notes 55-60 supra
    ② Royal decree NO.M/14,dated 7/4/1397H(27 march 1977)
    ③ Ministerial Resulution No.2131/17,dated 5/5/1397H(23 April 1977)
    ④ Council of Ministers Resolution NO.124,dated 30/5/1403H(14 March 1983)
    ⑤ Eliss, Government Procurement:Growing Saudi Emphasis on direct contracting, MEER April,1995,23
    ⑥ Suadi contract clause 12/2b
    ⑦ Suadi contract clause 12/2d
    ⑧ Rules for the implementation of council of ministers resolution NO.124,dated 13/3/1406H(I January 1988)
    ① See joint Venturing in the kingdom,20,MEER,Feb 1995
    ② Royal decree NO.28,dated 25/6/1382H
    ③第61款,由通告第7/1680/D, dated 1414H(Herjrah历法),1993年8月1日,修改如下:第二方(承包商或卖方)承认他已获知如下事实,沙特王国的进口和关税规章和条例,包含禁止进口的规定,适用于采购和运输任何进入或来白沙特王国的产品或改产品的部分。
    ④ 15 CFR Part 769,Supplement 1 paragraph 2 A.
    ⑤ Clause 39
    ⑥ Clause 37
    ⑦ Clause 40
    ① Law of stav.Roval Assent NO 17/2/25/1337.dated 11/9/1371H.Article 1
    ② And see section seven-clause 6 re labor law
    ③ Sub-clauses 8.11 and 16.2d
    ④ Clause 32
    ①Council of ministers decision NO.21909,dated 15 Ramadan 1403H[6 June 1993]
    ②See EHis,23,MEER April 1995
    ③Declaration of Ismail Nazer,Chadwickv.Aramco,民事诉讼86-231,US District court for the district of Delaware(1986)
    ① Qur'an,Sura 6:164
    ② RoyalAssent No 17/2/25/1337,dated 11/9/1371H
    ③ Arbitration Regulations adopted by Royal Decree NO.M/46,dated 12.7.140366H
    ④ Council of ministers resolution NO.58,dated 17/1/1338H[9 June 1963]
    ⑤ Saudi contract clause 57
    ⑦“如果你担心夫妻间的决裂,请指定仲裁员吧,一名来白男方家庭,另一方来白女方家庭,如果双方希望友好,神会让他们和解的。"Qu'ran surat An-Nisa,verse35
    ① Labor and workmen law, Article 183
    ② Chamber of commerce Regulation Royal Decree NO.M/6,dated 13/4/1400H[29 February 1980]
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