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     研究表明,Ackl(activated Cdc42associated kinase1)对恶性肿瘤的生长非常关键,并且作为一种关键转导蛋白,在许多肿瘤相关信号通路,诸如整联蛋白、EGF、PDGF信号通路等中发挥重要作用。它通过酪氨酸磷酸化作用调解着许多蛋白分子,而这些分子对于肿瘤细胞的生长、增殖以及迁移都至关重要。P130CAS适配器蛋白通过介导蛋白复合物的形成在细胞信号通路中发挥重要作用。小RNA干扰技术(RNAi)已经成为近年来发展起来的高效特异的阻断基因表达的新手段,具有广泛的应用前景。
     1.采用Western blot及RT-PCR方法检测AckI及P130CAS mRNA和蛋白在激素依赖性前列腺癌细胞株LNCaP及激素非依赖性前列腺癌细胞株PC-3中的表达水平。
     1. Western blot及RT-PCR结果显示AckI与P130CAS mRNA和蛋白两种侵袭潜能不同的前列腺癌细胞系中均有表达,AckI蛋白相对表达水平为(1.51±0.10VS0.22±0.09),P130CAS为(1.09±0.11VS0.51±0.10),差异有显著差异(P<0.05);AckI mRNA相对表达水平为(1.22±0.15VS0.12±0.11),P130CAS为(1.19±0.21VS0.32±0.13),差异有显著差异(P<0.05)。结果提示AckI与P130CAS的高表达与前列腺癌细胞的侵袭转移潜能可能相关。
     3.体外细胞研究结果显示敲减AckI的表达可以抑制PC-3细胞的侵袭迁移。划痕实验比较了PC-3细胞AckI基因敲减前后的迁移能力,结果显示敲减后较未干预的细胞迁移能力明显下降,24小时划痕愈合率分别为34%VS89%,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。采用Transwell侵袭小室测定PC-3细胞AckI基因敲减后侵袭能力的不同,结果显示PC-3细胞在AckI基因敲减后侵袭能力明显下降,24小时培养后穿过Transwell的每低倍视野细胞数分别为21.31±4.15VS12.15±3.13,差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。而且,AckI表达沉默的PC-3细胞后蛋白的表达为:下调AckI的表达的同时P130cas蛋白的表达下降,上调了Rac1的表达,而cdc42、RhoA、RhoC则无明显改变。P130cas蛋白表达下调(0.94±0.13VS0.32±0.11),Rac1蛋白表达明显上调(0.29±0.08VS0.67±0.10),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),cdc42、RhoA、 RhoC蛋白表达无变化(cdc42,0.61±0.14VS0.58±0.19;RhoA,0.67±0.15vs0.58±0.15;RhoC,0.55±0.15vs0.54±0.06).差异具无统计学意义(p>0.05)。表明Ackl可能通过P130cas、Rac1与其下游蛋白进一步作用。AckI可能通过反应性下调Rac1蛋白,上调P130cas蛋白表达在激素非依赖性前列腺癌细胞凋亡中起重要的作用机制。
     Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy generated from the male reproductive system. In the United States, it is the second cause of cancer mortality which is only less than lung cancer. During recent years, detection rate of prostate cancer has been increasing in China. Currently, endocrine therapy is a very effective method for ADPC, however, HRPC is still a therapeutic challenge not to overcome. Docetaxel and Mitoxantrone are the representative drugs for the advanced prostate cancer. Although these drugs, to some extent, can postpone the progression of the disease, it is still not an ideal, effective therapy for HRPC. Therefore, to explore and study novel therapeutic strategies for AIPC is of clinical significance.
     AckI(activated Cdc42associated kinase1) has been shown to be critical for malignant tumors growth, and to be a key transducer in several cancer-related signaling pathway such as integrins, EGF, PDGF pathways and so on. It regulates activity of a number of proteins by tyrosine phosphorylation especially proteins critical for cell migration, cell growth, and proliferation. P130CAS adaptor proteins play an important role during cellular signaling by mediating the formation of protein complexes. A new very efficient and special tool for gene knockdown, RNAi(RNA interference) technology, has developed rapidly and has a wide application prospect during recent years. Indeed, the detailed mechanism of AckI and p130cas in prostate cancer remain far from clear and is needed to be investigated, though many studies have shown some mechanism about it.. In view of this, we carried out the present study to investigate the expression of AckI and p130cas in Pca as well as the role of it in the growth and metastasis of Pca and the possible underlying molecular mechanism. By using plasmid transfection and RNA interference(shRNA), as well as a series of in vitro assays, we got results as follows.
     Methods and Results
     First of all, Western blot and RT-PCR methods were used to examine the expression levels of AckI and P130CAS in androgen-dependent prostate cancer(ADPC) cells LNCaP and andandrogen-independent prostate cancer(AIPC) PC-3cells. As a result, the expression levels of AckI and P130CAS was lower in LNCaP than PC-3with significant difference(P<0.05), indicating that AckI and P130CAS may play an important role in the development of prostate cancer.
     Second, by the aid of the Technology of RNA interference via lentivirus which Can transcribe a short hairpin RNA against AckI, we have successfully generated AckI knockdown PC-3cells lines. The interfection result was confirmed by western bolt and RT-PCR and fluorescence microscopy was used to determine the fluorescence.
     Third, Cell proliferation was quantitated by the3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyl-tetrazolium Bromide (MTT) assay and Colony formation assay, Cell migration was measured by in vitro wound healing assay and transwell healing assay. As a result, Inhibition of the expression of Ackl lead to decrease of the invasion ablitiy of PC-3cells migration in vitro. The results of scratch healing showed that migration ability of PC-3after AckI knockdown was significantly impaired,24-hour scratch healing rates of PC-3cells before and after AckI knockdown were34%VS89%, the difference was significan(P<0.05). Different invasive ability were found in pc-3cells before and after AckI knockdown by Transwell assay. After24hours cell culture, cell count of permeate through Transwell(10w power field)were21.31±4.15VS12.15±3.13, difference was significant(P<0.05). These results indicate that in vitro inhibition of AckI expression in PC-3cells can inhibit the invasion and metastasis of prostate cancer.
     We further detected the expression of cdc42, RhoA, RhoC, Racl, P130CAS protein levels in PC-3cells respectively after AckI gene knockdown. Down-regulating the expression of AckI-silenced in PC-3cells lead to down-regulated expression of p130cas protein expression (0.94±0.13VS0.32±0.11), up-regulated expression of Rac1(0.29±0.08VS0.67±0.10),with statistically significant difference(p<0.05).No statistically significant difference was found in cdc42, RhoA and RhoC protein expression(cdc42,0.61±0.14VS0.58±0.19; RhoA,0.67±0.15vs0.58±0.15; RhoC,0.55±0.15vs0.54±0.06).
     In the end, we evaluated the influence of knocking down of AckI gene with shRNA on the chemosensitivity of Docetaxel in PC-3cell line. PC-3cell was divided into three groups as previous study, Docetaxel was given as final concentration of0.25μM at24h after transfection. MTT test was used to measure the proliferation of PC3cell. Flow cytometer was used to measure cell apoptosis, cycle distribution. Inhibition ratio of PC3+AckI-shRNA+DTX group is higher than PC3+DTX group and PC3+NC-shRNA+DTX group (P<0.05, at48h), while there was no difference between two control groups(P>0.05). Cell apoptosis rate of PC3+AckI-shRNA+DTX group, PC3+DTX group and PC3+NC-shRNA+DTX group was23.79%,14.96%and15.10%respectively at48h after docetaxe1given. The apoptosis rate of PC3+AckI-shRNA+DTX group was the highest (P<0.05). Flow cytometry analysis showed there was less G0/G1phase arrest in PC3+AckI-shRNA group than two control groups without chemotherapy.
     Conclusions Our experiments have demonstrated AckI was overexpressed in AIPC cell and played an important role in the invasion and metastasis of Pca. we eidentified that P130cas was involved in AckI and AckI may promote invasion and metastasis of human prostate cancer via regulating P130cas and Racl. What's more, AckI-shRNA can enhance chemosensitivity of docetaxel in PC-3cell in vitro by knocking down of AckI gene expression. The possible mechanisms involved in chemosensitization of AckI-shRNA include increasing apoptosis rate and releasing cell cycle arrest of G0/G1. Our findings suggest AckI as a novel prognostic marker and a potential therapeutic target for treatment of Pca.
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