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In order to control international trade risk effectively, in international business transactions, a ready, prompt and assuredly realizable guaranty is required and a new form of guarantee which is independent of underlying transaction has come into being, under the situation of the conversion from seller's market to buyer's market. The guarantee is called independent guarantee or demand guarantee.
     After development for many years, demand guarantee has been used widely in international trade, but there is not any specific law in our country, and we are not the member country of The United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit, we can't treat this convention as our legislation in independent guarantee area. So analyzing the rights and obligations of all parties of the demand guarantee will make it more available and convenient for the use of the demand guarantee and the operation of the international business transactions.
     This article starts with the analysis of the principles and techniques of the demand guarantee, and then demonstrates in detail about the rights and obligations of all parties (i.e. the principal, the guarantor, the beneficiary, and the instructing bank and issuing bank in indirect guarantee) of the demand guarantee, by discussing the definition, nature, structure legal sources, and classical cases of demand guarantee. Besides, attempts to examine a number of specific factual situations which constitute fraud in demand guarantee and their remedies. At last, the article presents a brief summary and analysis of China's current legislation and practice of demand guarantee and put forward the preliminary proposals for perfecting the relevant legislation and practice in our country.
    [3]笔者认为guarantee应当翻译成“保函”而非“保证”。因为guarantee一词在英文中往往是担保的通称或者指保证合同,而保证合同在实务中常常是以保函的形式出现,所以,应当翻译为“独立保函”或者“见索即付保函”更加合适。而我国台湾地区学者对Independent guarantee的翻译就是“独立保证函”。鉴于我国学界和实务界一般混用“独立担保”“独立保函”“见索即付保函”“见索即付担保”“凭要求即付保函”“凭要求即付担保”等概念,而国际上也普遍混用“独立保函(Independent guarantee)”和“见索即付保函(Demand guarantee)”,并且在联合国正式发布的公约名称中,似乎使用“担保”这个词来表示guarantee,如《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》,故笔者在文中不作特意区分。
    [2]Roy Goode,Guide to the I.C.C.Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publishing S.A.International Chamber of Commerce,The World Business Organization,1992.
    [3]Dr Georges Affaki,I.C.C.Uniform Rules on Demand Guarantees-A User's Handbook to the URDG,I.C.C.Publishing S.A.,2001.
    [4]R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit incivil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.
    [2]Harfield,U.C.C.Law Journal,1972.4:251;Verkuil,Stan.Law Review,1973.25:716-717;Wiley,Bus.Law,1965.20:495-496;Note,Yale Law Journal,1975.66:902.
    [3]R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.1.
    [2]R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.1.
    [3]Gerald T.McLaughlin,Remembering the Bay of Pigs:Using Letters of Credit to Facilitate the Resolution of International Disputes,32 The Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law,Summer,2004:751.
    [6]See R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.36.
    [2]Winnibald E.Moojen,Bank Security and Other Credit Enhancement Methods,1995.153.转引自周辉斌.银行保函与备用信用证法律实务.北京:中信出版社,2003.32。
    [5]Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.8.
    [1]See R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.5.
    [2]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.16.
    [3]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.8.
    [1]See U.N.Doc.A/CN.9/431.para 3.
    [1]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.10.
    [1]在法国的法律著作和案例中,从受益人角度出发,先提及的银行是第二银行,后提及的银行称为第一银行。See R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.18.
    [1]See Trib.Com.Paris,December 14 1990,D.1991 Somm.201.
    [2]See.I.C.C.UCP600 Article 5.
    [2]See URDG Art 1.
    [3]Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.24.
    [1]See Roy Goode,Guide To The ICC Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.25.
    [1]See Trib.Com.Brussels,December 15 1992,RDC 1993.1055.
    [3]工作组是贸法委下属的一个机构。贸法委第21届会议决定,工作组从其第12届会议起,开始有关统一独立担保和备用信用证法律规则的准备工作。See U.N.Doc.A/43/17,para.18.
    [3]截至2007年,《公约》的缔约方仅有白俄罗斯、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、加蓬、科威特、利比里亚、巴拿马、突尼斯。美国虽然于1997年12月签署了公约,但目前尚未批准《公约》的实施.http://www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/uncitral_texts/payments/1995Convention-guar antees_status.html.(Last visited Jan 5,2008.)
    [1]See Equitable Trust Co.of New Yorkv.Dawson Partners Ltd.,[1927]27.Also see,R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.111.
    [2]See URDG Art 14(a).
    [1]Gulf Bank v.Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,[1994]2 Lloyd's Rep.145.Also see,R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.119.
    [2]See http://www.cmbchina.com/corporate+business/common/zhbz.htm.(Last visited Nov.11,2007)
    [1]See http://finance.ce.cn/info/bank/200603/30/t20060330_6547377.shtml.http://business.sohu.com/20050109/n223852979.shtml.(Last visited Oct.28,2007)
    [1]See URDG Art 7(a)(b).
    [2]OLG Stuttgart,January 25 1979,Recht der International Wirtschaft 1980.729.转引自周辉斌.银行保函与备用信用证法律实务.北京:中信出版社,2003.261.
    [1]See URDG Art 9;UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 16(1).
    [2]See URDG Art 19;UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 15.
    [1]Also see URDG Art 15.
    [2]See Tecueil Dalloz Sirey,1982,I.R..496.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the lawand practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.163.
    [3]See UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 7(3)(4).
    [4]See UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 15(1),URDG Art 20(a).
    [1]在Harbottle(Mercantile)Ltd.v.Nat.Westminster Bank,[1977]2 All ER 862 中,法官Kerr先生在判决中写到:“这种不附带任何条件的保函让我非常吃惊,但是我却听说这种保函在实践中并非少见,尤其是在中东国家的交易惯例中”。
    [4]See OLG Hamburg,November 4 1977,Recht der international Wirtschaft.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.50.
    [1]See OLG Hamburg,November 4 1977,Recht der international Wirtschaft.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.263.264.
    [2]URDG Art 4;UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 8 and Art 9.
    [3]Goode教授认为“付款或展期”与“展期或付款”的表述并无实质分别,参见Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.109.
    [4]Georges Affaki.I.C.C.UniformTules on Demand Guarantees-A Use's Handbook to the URDG,I.C.C.Publishing S.A.,July 2001.98.
    [5]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.109.
    [3]See BGH,November 24 1983,Wertpapier-Mittelungen,1984.44.转引自周辉斌.银行保函与备用信用证法律实务.北京:中信出版社,2003.271。
    [4]See Brussels,June 26 1992,Revue Droit Commercial Belge,1994.51.
    [5]See OLG Hamburg,November 4 1977,Recht der international Wirtschaft.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.126.
    [2]See OLG Hamburg,July 7 1977,WM 1978.260.
    [3]IH Contractors Ltd.V.Lloyd Bank PLc(1990),转引自何美欢.香港担保法.北京:北京大学出版社,1994.146。
    [4]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.67.
    [1]See URDG Ar1 5.
    [3]See URDG Art 9.
    [4]See UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 19(1).
    [2]See OLG Hamburg,November 4 1977,Recht der international Wirtschaft.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.318-322.
    [4]See URDG Art 10(b).
    [1]See UCP600 Art 16.
    [1]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.45.46.
    [2]尽管只有法国的判例法和德国的学说明确承认反保证的独立性,英国、荷兰、比利时等国判例法中均尽量与国际惯例保持一致。参见See OLG Hamburg,November 4 1977,Recht der international Wirtschaft.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.139.
    [1]See Dr.Filip De Ly,The UN Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit,The International Lawyer Fall,1999.
    [1]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.79.
    [1]See Roy Goode,Guide To The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees,I.C.C.Publication No.510.76.
    [2]See Bark,Zeitschrift f(?)r Wirtschaftsrecht und Insolvenpraxis,1982.408.转引自周辉斌.银行保函与备用信用证法律实务.北京:中信出版社,2003.290。
    [3]从已经发生的此类案例中,可以看到银行的所谓合理判断往往被证明是错误的。详细内容参见See OLG Hamburg,November 4 1977,Recht der international Wirtschaft.Also see R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.106.107.
    [1]See R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.194.
    [2]See R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent(first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International,2004.184.185.
    [1]See Keith A.Towley,Anticipatory Repudiation of Letters of Credit,56 SMU Law Review,Fall,2003.2238.2247.2248.
    [3]See Norbert Horn and Eddy Wymeersch,Bank Guarantees,Standby Letters of Credit and Performance Bonds in International Trade,in The Law of International Trade Finance.1980.510.
    [1]See W.Seung.Chong:The Abusive Calling of Performance Bonds,Journal of Business Law,Sep.1990.417.
    [4]See UNCITRAL CONVENTION Art 19(2).
    [2]马利华禁令在1980年Mareva Compania Naviera sA v.International Bulkcarroers SA 一案中被正式确立,经过20年来的发展形成了一系列的指导原则,主要有:原告必须全面地、坦率地披露法官需要知道的以及原告所知道的一切重要事项;原告应当提出他认为被告在本地有财产的证明;原告获得禁令后,有义务尽可能快地提前诉讼等。
    [1]Roy Goode,Guide to The I.C.C.Uniform Rule For Demand Guarantees.I.C.C.Publication No.510.
    [2]James E.Byme,ISP98 & ucp500 Compared.Institute of International Banking Law & Practice Inc.,2000.
    [3]R.I.V.F.Bertrams,Bank guarantees in international trade:the law and practice of independent (first demand)guarantees and standby letters of credit in civil law and common law jurisdictions,third revised edition,I.C.C.Pub;Kluwer Law International;2004.
    [4]Georges Affaki,I.C.C.Uniform Tules on Demand Guamntees-A Use's Handbook to the URDG,I.C.C.Publishing S.A.,July,2001.
    [5]Kevin Patrick McGuiness.The Law of Guarantees.second revised edition,Carswell Thompson Professional Publishing,1996.
    [6]Pierce Anthony,Demand Guarantees in International Trade.London:Sweet & Maxwell,1992.
    [7]Roy Goode,Guide to The I.C.C.Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees.I.C.C.Publishing S.A.International Chamber of Commerce,The World Business Organization,1992.
    [8]Keith A.Towley,Anticipatory Repudiation of Letters of Credit.56 SMU Law Review,Fall.2003.
    [9]Filip De Ly,The UN Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit,The International Lawyer,Fall.1999.
    [10]David J.Barru,How to guarantee contractor performance on international construction projects:comparing surety bonds with ank guanantees and standby letters of credit,George Washington International Law Review,51.2005.
    [11]Gao Xiang & Ross P.Buckly,A Comparative Analysis of the Standard of Fraud Required nnder the Fraud Rule in Letter of Credit Law.Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law.Spring,2003.
    [12]Howard N.Bennett,Performance Bonds and The Principle of Autonomy,The Journal of Business Law,Vol 3,1994.
    [13]Michel Pelichet,Note on the Problems of Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit, Hague Conference on Private International law.Prel.Doe.No 2,Jan.1992.
    [13]I.C.C Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees.
    [14]I.C.C.Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees.
    [15]I.C.C.Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds.
    [16]Internan'onal Standby Practice.
    [17]United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantee and Stand-by Letters of Credit.
    [18]Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,2006 Revision,I.C.C.Publication,NO.600.

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