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In recent years, with the development of high-speed electronic technology, thesignal frequency and the integration densities of components continuously improve inelectronic equipments and the rising edge of signal is increasingly steep. Whenhigh-speed signals through interconnect, they will produce electromagnetic integrityproblems such as reflection, crosstalk, dispersion, electromagnetic interference etc inhigh-speed interconnect systems. The electromagnetic integrity issues have been aconstraint to the overall performance of an electronic system. This makes the researchof electromagnetic integrity problem in electronic devices have an importantsignificance.
     In this paper the electromagnetic integrity problems of high-speed interconnectsystems encountered in practical engineering are investigated. With full-waveelectromagnetic analysis method based on electromagnetic field theory, theelectromagnetic modeling and parameter extraction are investigated. Combining withthe circuit test and analysis of experiments, conclusions from the results of theanalysis to establish design rules are obtained to solve the electromagnetic integrityproblems in high-speed interconnect design. It makes sure that the high-speed circuitsystem has a good electromagnetic integrity. The contents of dissertation are mainlylisted as follows:
     1) For the discontinuity problem of interconnect in high-speed circuit design,electromagnetic simulation and circuit analysis are used to take into account all thephysical effects to find the scattering parameters of the location of discontinuities. Bymodifying the structure of discontinuity to ensure the electromagnetic integrity ofhigh-speed interconnect.
     2) In high-speed circuit (micro-strip circuit) design, spatial resolution and circuitsize are often huge different. A new hybrid finite-difference method is proposed toanalyze and design the circuit. At geometrical details the edges of micro-strip line’splanar metal, the quasi-static field simulation is used to estimate the field and currentdistribution. Then the result is incorporated into dynamic part of the hybrid method.This will maintain accuracy of the general finite-difference method while reducingcomputational complexity.
     3) High-speed interconnect often encounters discontinuous reference plane, suchas: reference surface slot, mesh-like reference plane and the power/groundsegmentation. By experimental measurement and electromagnetic simulation, theelectromagnetic integrity of a variety of discontinuous planes is investigated. Thedesign rules of high-speed interconnect about discontinuity reference plane arederived from the results obtained.
     4) The electromagnetic radiation of cable-PCB connecting structure isinvestigated. Based on previous studies, focusing on current-and voltage-drivenmechanisms of the common-mode current emissions, the equivalent circuit isproposed to model and analyze the structure of cable-PCB connecting radiatedemissions problems, The proposed two-step technique modeling methods could beused to predict the radiation emission in the power and ground plane. Summarizedthese results, design rules are drawn to ensure reliable data transmission in cable-PCBconnecting system.
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