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森林是陆地生态系统的主体,也是陆地生态系统中生产力最高的系统,森林生态系统在全球碳收支中扮演着重要角色,森林碳库的任何变化都将对大气CO2浓度产生影响。准确估计森林生态系统的生物碳储量以及森林生长与气候因子之间的关系将有利于探明森林生长对气候变化的响应。本论文以白皮松(Pinus bungeana Zucc. et Endl.)为研究对象,在甘肃徽县采伐30株白皮松标准木,分析比较了不同林龄(16a、35a、50a和68a)白皮松林分的生物量、碳、氮密度分配,同时建立关键气候因子-年轮宽度模型,利用白皮松生物量方程预测未来气候变化下森林生物量以及碳汇能力的变化。本研究探讨了在未来气候变化下森林生长对气候变化的响应机理,为减少预测森林生态系统碳储量估算中不确定性提供一些方法,并为制定应对气候变化下的森林可持续经营与碳汇功能评估政策提供依据。主要研究结果如下:
     (3)乔木层各组分生物量也随林龄增加,总生物量由16a的47.96t ha-1增加至68a的299.23t ha-1,植被总生物量由16a的54.13t ha-1增加至68a的313.73t ha-1。林下植被的生物量随林龄先增加后减少。
     (6)林分总碳密度和总氮密度分别从16a的93.38t ha-1和6.60t ha-1增加到68a的240.34t ha-1和8.63L ha-1。幼龄林(16a)和中龄林(35a)阶段,土壤碳库是白皮松林生态系统最大的碳库,乔木层其次:而在近熟林(50a)和成熟林(68a)阶段,乔木层碳库为最大碳库,土壤层其次。在各要龄阶段土壤为生态系统的最大氮库,乔森层其次
Forests play an important role in carbon (C) exchange between the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere, and store more C per unit area than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Therefore afforestation/reforestation may act as an effective measure to mitigate elevated atmospheric CO2concentrations. Information on tree biomass is essential in the sustainable ecosystem management and estimation of C pools. There is therefore a continuing need for accurate information on forest biomass, the capacity of forests to sequester C and the relationship between forest growth and climate factor. Accurate data on biomass accumulation and partitioning are crucial for many ecological applications, from forest management to global carbon accounting. We investigated in an age-sequence of secondary lacebark pine (Pinus bungeana Tucc. et Endl.) forests (16-,35-,50-, and68-year-old) in western China, to understand the pattern of biomass partitioning, C and N pools during stand development, to develop allometric equations, to build climate factor-treering-biomass model and to predict the biomass, C and N pools under global warming scenarios. The main results showed that:
     (1) With stand ageing, biomass in all tree components of lacebark pine increased. The mean biomass of each of tree component increased steadily as the stand aged. The average tree growth rate increased with stand age, being1.91,4.72,6.16and9.75kg tree-1year-1for the16-,35-,50-, and68-year-old stand, respectively. The ratio of below-to aboveground biomass (~0.28) was, independent of stand age. The pattern of biomass distribution for different components of the tree was in the order of stem wood> branch> root> foliage> stem bark> fine root.
     (2) Power equation is the best model for predicting the biomass of lacebark pine components. Compared to DBH-H allometric equations, the DBH-only equations performed slightly better and are much more efficient to apply.
     (3) Total tree biomass demonstrated a rapid increase from the young stand to the mature stand, from47.96t ha-1for the16-year-old stand to299.23t ha-1for the68-year-old stand. The forest ecosystem biomass increased from54.13t ha-1in the16-year-old stand to313.73t ha-1in the 68-year-old stand. The understory biomass increased in earlier stages of stand development and then declined in later stages.
     (4) C concentrations of individual tree components varied conservatively from49to52%over stand age but N concentrations differed significantly among components and remained constant across stand ages, ranging from0.21to1.55%, suggesting a constant C concentration of49.62%for C and0.43%for N conversion in modeling.
     (5) Mineral soil organic C and N amounts decreased with increasing soil depth in all stands. Soil C and N concentrations in the younger stands tended to be lower than that in the older stands. Approximately60%of mineral C and N were stored within the upper20cm soil layer.
     (6) Ecosystem C (93.38~240.34Mg C ha-1) and N (6.60~8.63Mg N ha-1) of lacebark pine increased with stand age. However, the changes in C and N stocks during stand development showed the reverse U-shaped pattern for understory and the U-shaped pattern for mineral soil. Mineral soil was the dominant N pool for all stands (79-96%) and was the largest C pool in younger stands (53%~71%). Trees were the largest C" pool in older stands (55%~62%). The contribution of trees to ecosystem C and N pools increased, but that of mineral soil decreased, with stand age.
     (7) The relationship between radial growth of lacebark pine and climate factors was analyzed and the following model was built: RWI=0.277-0.029×TmaxC3+0.058×TmeanP9, where RWI is the index of tree-ring, TmaxC3the mean temperature in current March and TmeanP9the mean temperature in previous September. Assuming a future temperature increase of1.4,2.7and4.0°C the radial growth of lacebark pine was predicted to increase by4.5%,8.6%and12.7%, respectively. The biomass of lacebark pine would increase by11.9%~32.2%,6.1%~25.4%,11.8%~32.2%and5.9%~25.2%for the16-,35-,50-, and68-year-old stand, respectively.
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