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     新种:贵阳棘腿管蓟马Androthrips guiyangensis、短鬃竹管蓟马Bamboosiella brevibristla、端大修管蓟马Dolichothrips apeventricosus、长鬃修管蓟马Dolichothrips longibristlus、陕西修管蓟马Dolichothrips shaanxiensis、河南修管蓟马Dolichothrips henanensis、黄色修管蓟马Dolichothrips flavescenus、基缩长吻管蓟马Neoheegeria contractas、安顺长吻管蓟马Neoheegeria anshunensis、异色前肢管蓟马Praepodothrips bicolorum、长前肢管蓟马Praepodothrips longus、梯形前肢管蓟马Praepadothrips scalariformus、包头前肢管蓟马Praepodothrips baotouensis、三角肢管蓟马Podothrips triangularus、杯状斑管蓟马Stigmothrips cupuliformus、南宁木管蓟马Xylaplothrips nanningensis、钟木管蓟马Xylaplothrips campanulatus。
     中国新记录种:丽竹管蓟马Bamboosiella exastis(Ananthakrishnan et Kudo)、支简管蓟马Haplothrips defractus Schliephake et Idimt、星补血草简管蓟马Haplothrips limisniastri Priesner、平简管蓟马Haplothrips tolerabilis Priesner、毛蕊长吻管蓟马Neoheegeria verbasci(Osborn)、舟前肢管蓟马Praepodothrips cymbapogomi Ananthakrishnan。
This paper deals with a taxonomical study on the Chinese thrips of the tribe Haplothripini . It includes the following parts: resume, materials and methods, result and discussion. Firstly, the history and present situation both in China and abroad, biological character, economic importance and taxonomic character are reviewed and outlined. Secondly, in the taxonomy part, 47 species of 12 genera in the tribe Haplothripini from China have been identified and described, of which 17 species are new to science, 6 species are newly recorded from China. Keys are given to all genera and species concerned. The male genitalia of some species have been illustrated supplementarily. Phylogenetic analysis of 12 genera of Haplothripini is originally carried out in the paper, 3 cladogram are obtained. The results show that the genera Stigmothrips and Bamboosiella would be removed from Haplothripini, all the other 10 genera is a monophyletic group and can be categorized into three groups: Apterygothrips group, Haplothrips gr
    oup, Androthrips group. Apterygothrips group contains Apterygothrips. Haplothrips group contains Neoheegeria, Dolichothrips, Xylaplothrips and Haplothrips. Androthrips group contains Podothrips, Praepodothrips, Karngothrips, Bagnalliella and Androthrips. Intergenera relationships in Haplothrips group and Apterygothrips group are consistent with the present knowledge, but relationships in Androthrips group need to be further studied.
    New species: Androthrips guiyangensis Bamboosiella brevibristla Dolichothrips apeventricosus Dolichothrips longibristlus Dolichothrips shaanensis Dolichothrips henanensis Dolichothrips flavescenus Neoheegeria contractas Neoheegeria anshunensis Praepodothrips bicolorum Praepodothrips longus Praepadothrips scalariformus Praepodothrips baotouensis Podothrips triangularus Stigmothrips cupuliformus Xylaplothrips nanningensis Xylaplothrips campanulatus,
    New records:Bamboosiella exastis (Ananthakrishnan & Kudo), Haplothrips defractus Schliephake et Idimt Haplothrips limisniastri PriesnerHaplothrips tolerabilis Priesne Neoheegeria verbasci (Osborn) Praepodothrips cymbapogomi Ananthakrishnan.
    At the end of the paper, some important information and figures were attached.
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