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     新种:神农架领针蓟马Helionothrips shennongjiaensis、苜蓿扁蓟马Hydatothrips alfalfer、萝卜近绢蓟马Sussericothrips radishi、红坪梳蓟马Ctenothrips hongpingensis、太白山梳蓟马Ctenothrips taibaishanensis、蒿坪似梳蓟马Paractenothrips haopingensis、叉鬃齿蓟马Odontothrips fissa、宝天曼片膜蓟马Ernothrips baotianmanensis、冯氏片膜蓟马Ernothrips fengi、横石小头蓟马Microcephalothrips hengshiensis。
     中国新记录种:微领针蓟马Helionothrips parvus Bhatti,1968、朴领针蓟马Helionothrips ponkikiri Kud(?),1992、桦树喙蓟马Mycterothrips betulae(Crawford,1939)、树花蓟马Franklinoella stylosa Hood,1912、蒲公英蓟马Thrips trehernei
This paper is a taxonomic study on Thripidae from China. It includes the following parts: resume, materials and methods, taxonomy and discussion. Firstly, the history in China and abroad, biological characters, economic importance and taxonomic characters are reviewed and outlined. Secondly, in the taxonomy part, 2 subfamily, 6 tribes, 36 genera and 99 species from China have been identified and descrided, of which 1 genus and 10 species are new to science, 5 species are newly recorded from China. The keys are given to all genera and species concerned. Finally, some problems in Thripidae are discussed. At the end of the paper, references and index to both Chinese and scientific names are attached.
    The new taxa and records to Chinese faura in this paper are listed as follows:
    New genus: Paractenothrips.
    New species: Helionothrips shennongjiaensis, Hydatothrips alfalfer, Sussericothrips radishi, Ctenothrips hongpingensis, Ctenothrips taibaishanensis, Paractenothrips haopingensis, Odontothrips Jissa, Ernothrips baotianmanensis, Ernothrips fengi, Microcephalothrips hengshiensis.
    New records: Helionothrips parvus Bhatti, 1968, Helionothrips ponkikiri Kudo, 1992, Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford, 1939), Franklinoella stylosa Hood, 1912, Thrips trehernei Priesner, 1927.
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