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英国的大学新闻教育起步较晚,但英国以其悠久的历史和文化为背景,以其富有特色的大学教育传统和发达的传媒业等为基础,在新闻教育方面形成了自己的特点,形成当今世界上主要的一种新闻教育模式。在传统的学徒制影响下,今天大学新闻教育以及媒体和行业组织的新闻培训,都延续了学徒制的影响,注重技能的培训,与重理论传授的媒介研究、传播学界限分明。根据美国社会学家马丁·特罗(Martin Trow)提出的高等教育发展的“精英-大众-普及”三阶段的理论,英国19世纪中期以前成立的古代大学代表着高等教育的精英阶段;从1963年《罗宾斯报告》发表后英国的高等教育由此开始走向平民阶层,教育制度也告别传统深厚的贵族模式,进入现代模式,向大众化发展;而20世纪90年代以后,大量多科技术学院升级成大学,使得大学教育在英国真正进入了大众化阶段。大学新闻教育的迅猛发展,正是在20世纪90年代以后,伴随着高等教育的大众化而出现的。英国的大学从拒绝新闻教育到接受乃至大规模进行新闻教育,这个跨度达一个世纪之久的过程其实背后是整个大学走下精英教育的神坛而面向大众提供服务的大背景。这其中的核心问题就是从一个阶段到另一个阶段的转移,其实充满着各种矛盾和紧张状态。这其中有行业组织的互相角力,有国家通过大学拨款进行的间接调控,也有行业在20世纪60、70年代的发展自身所带来的强大推动力。从一个阶段到另一个阶段的转移决不是完全彻底的转移,不同阶段的教育往往同时存在。目前英国的新闻教育在大学新闻教育之外,还存在着行业组织所提供的培训、媒体提供的培训和商业公司的培训。学院制教育蓬勃发展,而学徒制的影响依然存在。随着更多人接受大学教育,获得大学学位将成为获得更好的工作机会和经济报酬的重要前提,这也为我们观察英国新闻教育的总的趋势,提供了一个参考的视角。本文共分为六个主要的部分。第一部分绪论介绍了研究问题的提出和意义、研究现状、研究方法及创新之处。第二部分介绍了英国新闻教育的历史。第三部分从文化环境、学徒制的影响、行业组织、大学的态度等方面分析了新闻教育发展的各个方面背景情况。第四部分介绍了英国大学新闻教育的理念和教育方法。第五部分是英国大学新闻教育对我国的启示。第六部分是从新闻教育产生的动机、指导的理念、使命、方向、趋势、社会语境、课程等方面对英国新闻教育提出了思考。
The journalism education in UK developed relatively late with interruption. However it has formed one of the main modes of journalism education in the world full of it's own features with the background of long history of culture and on the basis of distinguishing feature of university education tradition and quite developed media industry. Under the influence of traditional on-the-job learning, either the journalism education in universities or the vocational training run by media groups or trade organizations focus on the training of practical skills and is markedly distinguished from media research and communications which emphasize on theory impartation.According to the theory of Martin Trow about the three phases of elite to mass to universal of the development of higher education in western countries, the ancient universities founded before the mid of 19th century represented the elite phase. With the issue of Robins Report (1963),the higher education began to say goodbye to the profound tradition of elite education and step up to the great masses of people, and developed toward the mass phase. After the 1990s many polytechnics are upgraded to universities, and the higher education really enter a new mass phase in the UK. The boom of university education of journalism just came with the mass instruction of higher education in the UK.It was just because of the megatrend of the whole higher education which descended from the divine altar and served the masses that for a century the universities'attitude towards journalism education had varied gradually from resolute refusal to acception, and even involvement on a large scale. The transition of elite to mass education was full of contradictions and tension actually which included the wrestle among trade organizations and the indirect regulation and control of the central government through the University Grants Commission(UGC) as well as the great impulse of the boom of the media industy during 1960s and 1970s. During the transition from one phase to another there still were different forms of education. At present the journalism education contains not only university education but the training provided by trade organizaions,media group and trade corporations.On one hand the university education developed quickly,on the other side the influence of apprenticeship still existed.With more and more people enter universities than ever before, those who own a degree will get the best job opportunities and highest pay. And this gives us a referenced way of observing the tendency of journalism education in the UK.This thesis is divided into six main parts.The first part is the introduction of the research significance/the literature review/research methods and the innovation.The second part is about the history of journalism education in UK.The third part analyzes the background of journalism education with the cultural environment/the influence of apprenticeship/the development of trade organizations and the attitude of universities.Next part is the enlightenment of UK journalism education on that of China.Finally the thesis approaches the subject of journalism education in UK from the motive/the guiding ideology/the mission/the direction/the tendency/the social context and the curriculum provision.
    ① Political and Economic Planning(1938) Report on the British Press, London:PEP,p.10
    ② An Audit of Training Arrangements for New Entrants into Joumalism(2006),Spilsbury Research,p.2
    ① Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p.24-26
    ③ Jannette L. Dates (2006) Rethinking Journalism Education, Journalism Studies,7:1, p459
    ④ Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education,
    1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p44
    ① Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p296
    ② Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p298
    ① Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p.95
    ① Ansel Gray(1954),A Broader Approach to Journalism,The English Joumal,Vol.43,No.8
    ②GCE指通用教育证书(General Certificate of Education),在GCE制度中,高中毕业生(16岁)参加普通程度考试(GCE O-Level),大学预科毕业生(18岁)参加高级程度考试(GCE A-Level).1988年,英国的GCE O-Level考试被新的中学通用教育证书(GCSE)所取代。(整理自百度百科:GCE)
    ③ GCSE全称是General Certificate of Secondary Education(英国普通中等教育证书)。所有学生在11年级结束时要参加“中等教育普通证书”(GCSE)考试,学生在英语、数学、物理、化学、生物、宗教、历史、地理、音乐等学科中任选9门参加考试,考试结果分为A+、A、B……G计8个等级。考完GCSE,成绩较好的学生选择在本校或其他招收12、13年级的学校或学院继续学习3-5门课程,2年后参加升入大学所必需的”高级水平普通教育证书”(A-Level)考试;或者选择读补习学校或专修学院,2年后参加升读大学所需要的“国家普通职业资格”考试(GNVQ),也可以直接就业。
    ① Anthony Delano(2000),No Sign of a Better Job:100 years of British journalism, Journalism Studies, Vol.1,No.2,2000,p.264
    ② Anthony Delano(2000),No Sign of a Better Job:100 years of British journalism, Journalism Studies, Vol.1,No.2,2000,p.263
    ① Romy Frohlich, Christina Holtz-Bacha (2002) Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison,Hampton Press,p.225
    ①Andrew McBarnet (1979).Disciplining the Journalist:an Investigation of Training Methods, Media Culture Society,Vol.1,No.2,p.181
    ③Haynes,L.E.(1990).An Insider's View.UK Press Gazette,April,p.15-16
    ②Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.14
    ① Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.14
    ② Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.14
    ③ Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.14
    ④ Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.14
    ⑤ Peter Wilby, A job for the wealthy and connected, The Guardian, Monday 7 April 2008
    ① Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.15
    ② Mark Hanna & Karen Sanders(2007),Journalism Education in Britain, Journalism Practice.Vol.1, Issue 3,p.404
    ① Brian Beal(2003), the Making of a Modern Nosey-parker Careers inJournalism, ProQuest Education Journals, Vol.8,No.5,p.252
    ① Tim Gopsill & Greg Neale(2007), Journalists:100 years of the NUJ,London:Profile,p.14
    ② Peter Wilby, A job for the wealthy and connected, The Guardian, Monday 7 April 2008
    ①李琛:《英国新闻传媒专业:制度、论文和考试》,《新东方英语(New Oriental English)》,2007年第Z1期
    ① Mark Hampton(2005), Defining Journalists in Late-nineteenth Century Britain, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Vol.22, Issue 2, p.141
    ② Mark Hampton(2005), Defining Journalists in Late-nineteenth Century Britain, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Vol.22, Issue 2,p.141
    ① Mark Hampton(2005), Defining Journalists in Late-nineteenth Century Britain, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Vol.22, Issue 2,p.142
    ② Mark Hampton(2005), Defining Journalists in Late-nineteenth Century Britain, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Vol.22, Issue 2,p.139
    ③ Richard Keeble(1994),The Newspaper Handbook.London:Routledge,p.342
    ④ Peter Cole(1996),Are Journalists Born or Trained?, British Journalism Review, Volume 7, No.2,p.43
    ① Meryl Aldridge and Julia Evetts(2003),Rethinking the Concept of Professionalism:the Case of Journalism,British Journal of Sociology, Vol.54, Issue 4, p.548
    ② Mark Hampton(2005), Defining Journalists in Late-nineteenth Century Britain, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Vol.22, Issue 2,p.143
    ③ Brian Beal(2003), the Making of a Modern Nosey-parker Careers inJournalism, ProQuest Education Journals, Vol.8,No.5,p.248
    ① Geoffrey Millerson(1964),The Qualifying Associations:A Study in Professionalization,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,p.2
    ② Ernest Greenwood(1966),the Elements of Professinalization,in H.M.Vollmer and D.L.Mills(eds.), Professionalism, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall,p.134
    ③ Freidson,E.(1994),Professionalism Reborn,Theory,Prophecy and Policy.Cambrige:Polity Press,p.62
    ④ Mark Hampton(1999),Journalists and the 'professional Ideal' in Britain:the Institute of Journalists,1884-1907, Historical Research,Vol.72,No.178,p.185
    ⑤ Tunstall,J.(1971),Journalists at Work,Specialist Correspondents:Their News Organizations,Source and Competitor-
    ① Anthony Delano(2000), No Sign of a Better Job:100 years of British journalism, Journalism Studies, Volume 1, Number 2, p.261-272
    ② Andy Bull(2007), Training:a Matter of Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.18 No.3,p.54
    ③ Freidson,E.(1994),Professionalism Reborn,Theory,Prophecy and Policy.Cambrige:Polity Press,p.62
    ① Tim Gopsill & Greg Neale (2007),Journalists:100 Years of the NUJ, London:Profile,p.16
    ② Tim Gopsill & Greg Neale (2007),Journalists:100 years of the NUJ, London:Profile,p.14
    ③ Mark Hampton(1999),Journalists and the 'professional Ideal' in Britain:the Institute of Journalists,1884-1907, Historical Research,Vol.72,No.178,p.197
    ④ Meryl Aldridge& Julia Evetts, rethinking the concept of professionalism:the case of journalism, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. No.54, p.549.
    ① Meryl Aldridge and Julia Evetts(2003),Rethinking the Concept of Professionalism:the Case of Journalism,British Journal of Sociology,Vol.54,Issue 4,p.556
    ② Meryl Aldridge and Julia Evetts(2003),Rethinking the Concept of Professionalism:the Case of Journalism,British Journal of Sociology,Vol.54,Issue 4, p.556
    ③ Royal Commission on the Press Report(1949), London:His Majesty's Stationery Office,p.169
    ① Anthony Delano(2000), No Sign of a Better Job:100 Years of British Journalism, Journalism Studies, Vol.1, No. 2,p.269
    ② Tunstall,J.(1971),Journalists at Work,Specialist Correspondents:Their News Organizations,Source and Competitor-colleagues,London:Constable,p.69
    ③ Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.18
    ① NUJ does not speak for British journalism, http://www.cioj.co.uk/nuj_does_not_speak_for_all_journalists.html,2007-04-21
    ④ Romy Frohlich&Christina Holtz-Bacha(2002), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison, Hampton Press,p.217
    ⑤ Romy Frohlich&Christina Holtz-Bacha(2002), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison, Hampton Press,p.212
    ⑥ Oliver Boyd-Barrett (1970), Journalism Recruitment and Training:Problems in Professionalisation, in Tunstall, J.
    Ed., Media Sociology, Constable, London,p.181
    ① Meryl Aldridge & Julia Evetts, rethinking the concept of professionalism:the case of journalism, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. No.54, p.550.
    ② Report on the British Press(1938),London:PEP(Political and Economic Planning),p.149
    ③ Royal Commission on the Press Report(1949), London:His Majesty's Stationery Office,p.168
    ① Spilsbury Research(2006),An Audit of Training Arrangement for New Entrants into Journalism,p.24
    ② Report on the British Press(1938),London:PEP(Political and Economic Planning),p.14
    ③ Political and Economic Planning(1938), Report on the British Press, London:PEP,p.134
    ④ Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute, p.13
    ① Romy Frohlich&Christina Holtz-Bacha (2002), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison, Hampton Press, p.218
    ② Mark Hampton(1999),Journalists and the 'professional Ideal' in Britain:the Institute of Journalists,1884-1907, Historical Research,Vol.72,No.178,p.201
    ③ Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.10
    ① Report on the British Press(1938),London:PEP(Political and Economic Planning),p.283
    ① Mark Hampton(1999),Journalists and the 'professional Ideal' in Britain:the Institute of Journalists,1884-1907, Historical Research,Vol.72,No.178,p.201
    ② Tim Gopsill & Greg Neale(2007),Journalists:100 years of the NUJ,London:Profile,p.243
    ① Meryl Aldridge and Julia Evetts(2003),Rethinking the Concept of Professionalism:the Case of Journalism,British Journal of Sociology,Vol.54,Issue 4,p.551
    ② Meryl Aldridge and Julia Evetts(2003),Rethinking the Concept of Professionalism:the Case of Journalism,British
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    ② Peter Johansen, David H. Weaver and Christopher Dornan (2001) Journalism Education in the United States and Canada:not merely clones, Journalism Studies 2(4) p.475
    ① Becker,L.B.,Fruit,J.W.,& Caudill,S.L.(1987).The Training and Hiring of Journalists.Norwood,NJ:Ablex,p.8
    ③ Peter Johansen, David H. Weaver and Christopher Dornan (2001) Journalism Education in the United States and Canada:not merely clones, Journalism Studies 2(4) pp.476
    ④ Romy Frohlich&Christina Holtz-Bacha(2002), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison, Hampton Press, Introduction page ⅹⅲ
    ⑤ Peter Johansen, David H. Weaver and Christopher Doman (2001) Journalism Education in the United States and Canada:not merely clones, Journalism Studies 2(4) pp.478
    ④ Simon Frith and Peter Meech, Becoming a journalist:Journalism education and journalism culture, Journalism 2007,Vol.8,p.138
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    ③ Freidson,E.(1994),Professionalism Reborn,Theory,Prophecy and Policy.Cambrige:Polity Press,p.62
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    ① Meryl Aldridge and Julia Evetts(2003),Rethinking the Concept of Professionalism:the Case of Journalism,British Journal of Sociology,Vol.54,Issue 4, p.554
    ② Simon Frith and Peter Meech, Becoming a journalist:Journalism education and journalism culture, Journalism 2007,Vol.8,p.145
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    ⑤ Brian Beal(2003), the Making of a Modern Nosey-parker Careers in Journalism, ProQuest Education Journals,
    ① Mark Deuze(2005), What is Journalism:Professional Identity and Ideology of Journalists, Journalism, Vol.6(4),p.448
    ② Brian Beal(2003), the Making of a Modern Nosey-parker Careers in Journalism, ProQuest Education Journals, Vol.8,No.5,p.248
    ③ Mark Hanna & Karen Sanders(2007),Journalism Education in UK.Journalism Practice.Vol.1.No.3,2007,p.406
    ② An Audit of Training Arrangements for New Entrants into Journalism(2006),Spilsbury Research,p.1
    ③ Royal Commission on the Press(1949).Report, London:His Majesty's Stationery Office, pp153,p.166-167
    ④ National Council for the Training of Journalists, Who Are We?,
    http://www.nctj.com/who weare.php?abtid=abtid&PHPSESSID=ea3bbddfa7c9db689bd4d7fa2208ab5c
    ① Frank Esser(2003). Journalism Training in Great Britain:A System Rich in Tradition but Currently in Transition, In Romy Frohlich, Christina Holtz-Bacha (ED.), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison. Cresskill, NJ:Hampton Press, p.219-220
    ① Guy H. Stewart(1968).Journalism Education in Britain Enters a Period of Change, Journalism Quarterly,45(1), p.107
    ② Guy H. Stewart(1968) Journalism Education in Britain Enters a Period of Change, Journalism Quarterly,45(1), p.109
    ③ Frank Esser(2003). Journalism Training in Great Britain:A System Rich in Tradition but Currently in Transition, In Romy Frohlich, Christina Holtz-Bacha (ED.), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison. Cresskill, NJ:Hampton Press, p.223
    ① National Council for the Training of Journalists (1996). Journalism Training and Assessment, Handbook of the NCTJ,p.1
    ② National Council for the Training of Journalists (2008).Annual Report 2006-2007,p.10
    ③ National Council for the Training of Journalists (2008).Annual Report 2006-2007,p.10
    ① Andrew McBarnet (1979).Disciplining the Journalist:an Investigation of Training Methods, Media Culture Society, Vol. 1,No.2,p.181
    ② National Council for the Training of Journalists (1996). Journalism Training and Assessment, Handbook of the NCTJ.p.10
    ③ National Council for the Training of Journalists (2008). Annual Report 2006-2007,p.11
    ④ National Council for the Training of Journalists,About the NCJT, http://www.nctj.com/aboutus.php?abtid=abtid
    ⑤ Patrick Smith(2007), NCTJ Adds Online Element to Practical Journalism Exams, http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=1&storycode=38590&c=1,23 August 2007
    ① Romy Frohlich, Christina Holtz-Bacha:Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison,Hampton Press,2002,p219-220与 Andrew McBarnet (1979).Disciplining the journalist:an investigation of training methods, Media Culture Society,1; 181
    ① Stewart,G.H. (1968). Journalism Education in Britain Enters a Period of Change, Journalism Quarterly,45(1),p.110
    ① Royal Commission on the Press(1949).Report, London:His Majesty's Stationery Office,p.168
    ① Brian Beal(2003), the Making of a Modern Nosey-parker Careers inJournalism, ProQuest Education Journals, Vol.8,No.5,p.251
    ③ Brian Beal(2003), the Making of a Modern Nosey-parker Careers inJournalism, ProQuest Education Journals, Vol.8,No.5, p.249
    ① Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism, Vol.8.p.140
    ② Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Joumalism,Vol.8.p.140
    ① Steve Peak & Paul Fisher(2002), The "Guardian" Media Guide 2002, Atlantic Books,p76
    ② Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism,Vol.8.p.139
    ④ Andrew McBarnet(1979),Disciplining the Journalist:an Investigation of Training Methods, Media Culture Society, Vol.1,p.181
    ① Romy Frohlich & Christina Holtz-Bacha (2002), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison, Hampton Press, p224
    ① Tim Gopsill&Greg Neale(2007), Journalists:100 Years of the NUJ, London:Profile,p.243
    ① Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p265
    ① Frederic Newlands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p125
    ②大学分类参见维基百科http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red Brick university
    ① Andy Bull, Training(2007):a Matter of Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.18 No.3,p.59
    ② Royal Commission on the Press Report(1949), London:His Majesty's Stationery Office,p.166
    ④ Anthony Delano(2000),No Sign of a Better Job:100 years of British journalism, Journalism Studies,Vol.1,No.2,p.267
    ① Report on the British Press(1938),London:PEP(Political and Economic Planning),p.14
    ② Royal Commission on the Press(1949).Report, London:His Majesty's Stationery Office,p.167
    ③ An Audit of Training Arrangements for New Entrants into Journalism(2006),Spilsbury Research,p.1
    ④ Report on the British Press(1938),London:PEP(Political and Economic Planning),p14
    ⑤ FE 即 further education的字母缩写,指继续教育,通常是英国学生在16岁离校后所接受的教育和培训。
    ② Andrew McBarnet(1979),Disciplining the Journalist:an Investigation of Training Methods,Media Culture Society,Vol.1,p.181,p.181
    ① Angela Philips & Ivor Gaber(1996), the Case for Media Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.3,p62
    ② Angela Philips & Ivor Gaber(1996), the Case for Media Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.3,p62
    ③ Angela Philips & Ivor Gaber(1996), the Case for Media Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.3,p.64
    ① Stewart,GH. (1968). Journalism Education in Britain Enters a Period of Change, Journalism Quarterly,45(1), p.107.
    ② National Council for the Training of Journalists; Who Are We?, http://www.nctj.com/who weare.php?abtid=abtid&PHPSESSID=ea3bbddfa7c9db689bd4d7fa2208ab5c
    ③ Peter Johansen, David H. Weaver & Christopher Dornan (2001) Journalism Education in the United States and Canada:Not Merely Clones, Journalism Studies Vol.2,No.4,p.479
    ④ Ali Phillips(2003),A question of degree, British Journalism Review, Vol.14, No.1, p.71
    ① Andy Bull, Training(2007):a matter of degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.18 No.3,p.58
    ② Andy Bull, Training(2007):a matter of degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.18 No.3,p.56
    ① Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism,Vol.8,p.143
    ② Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism, Vol.8,p.150
    ① Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism,Vol.8,p.153
    ② Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism,Vol.8,p.143
    ① Mark Hanna & Karen Sanders(2007):Journalism Education in Britain, Journalism Practice,Vol.1, Issue 3,p.405
    ② Peter Cole(1996), Are Journalists Born or Trained?, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.2,p.44
    ③ Peter Cole(1996), Are Journalists Born or Trained?, British Journalism Review, Volume 7, No.2,p.48
    ④ John Steel, Bill Carmichael &David Holmes(1959), Experimental Learning and Journalism Education:Lessons Learned in the Practice of Teaching Journalism, Education+ Training, Vol.49, issue 4,p.326
    ① John Steel, Bill Carmichael & David Holmes(1959), Experimental Learning and Journalism Education:Lessons Learned in the Practice of Teaching Journalism, Education+Training, Vol.49, issue 4,p.330
    ④ Andy Bull(2007), Training:a Matter of Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.18 No.3,p.54
    ① Peter Cole(1996),Are Journalists Born or Trained?, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.2,p.45
    ② Andy Bull(2007), Training:a Matter of Degrees, British Journalism Review, Vol.18 No.3, p.65
    ③ Peter Cole(1996),Are Journalists Born or Trained?, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.2,p.46
    ① Peter Cole(1996),Are Journalists Born or Trained?, British Journalism Review, Vol.7, No.2,p.46
    ② Mark Hanna & Karen Sanders(2007):Journalism education in Britain, Journalism Practice.Vol.1, Issue3,p.415
    ③ Mark Hanna & Karen Sanders(2007):Journalism education in Britain, Journalism Practice.Vol.1, Issue3,p.416
    ③ Skillset Build Your Own MA, https://www.westminster.ac.uk/courses/subjects/journalism-and-mass-communications/skillset-build-your-own-ma,以及 Why take a Build your own MA media short course?见 http://courses.creativeskillset.org/build_your own_ma/why_take_a_build_your_own_ma_short course
    ④ Skillset Build Your Own MA, https://www.westminster.ac.uk/courses/subjects/journalism-and-mass-communications/skillset-build-your-own-ma
    ① Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism,Vol.8,p.144
    ①伦敦城市大学课程介绍,见http://www.city.ac.uk/journalism/courses/undergrad/joumalism/ba journalism.html
    ①卡迪夫大学课程介绍,见http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/jomec/library/doc_lib/M AJS_Standard_Handbook.pdf。
    ① Welcome to the Department of Journalism Work Placement system,http://jus.shef.ac.uk/work-placements, 2008-09-11
    ③见威斯敏斯特大学课程介绍,https://www.westminster.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/overview?coursecode=U09FUJOU&school=School%20of%20Me dia,%20Arts%20and%20Design
    ③罗宾斯报告(Robbins Report,1963)是对20世纪60年代至80年代中期英国高等教育发展所作的预测和规划,提出高等教育的目标是改变培养精英的传统,转向为人们提供在社会生活竞争中需要的技术和才能服务,国家办学的方针首先是使那些有能力、有条件、有愿望接受高等教育的人获得接受高等教育机会,后被称为“罗宾斯原则”。英国的高等教育由此开始走向平民阶层,教育制度也告别传统深厚的精英模式,进入现代化、民主化、多元化的现代模式。
    ④ Michael Shattock(1983),The Structure& Governance of Higher Education. Gulidford:SRHE,p.10
    ⑤ Peter Venables(1996), Dualism in Higher Education, In Michael Shattock.,The Creation of a University System,Blackwell Publishers. p.160
    ③Michael Allen(1988). The Goals of Universities,SRHE&Open University Press.p.105
    ① Peter Scott(1984), The Crisis of the University. Croom Helm Ltd., p.118
    ③Eric Ashby(1974), Adapting Universities to a Technological Society. Jossey-Bass Publishers,p.138
    ② Romy Frohlich&Christina Holtz-Bacha(2002), Journalism Education in Europe and North America:An International Comparison, Hampton Press,preface
    ①王永亮、韩运荣:《郭庆光:多角度审视传播学》,见新华网传媒在线,http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2004-11/10/content 2199432.htm
    ③ Frederic NewJands Hunter(1982), Grub Street and Academia:The Relationship between journalism and education, 1880-1940,with special reference to the London University Diploma for Journalism,1919-1939, PhD thesis, the City University,p.95,p.129
    ② Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.20
    ③ Mark Deuze, Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,2006,P23
    ④ Sloan,W.D., Makers of Media Mind:Journalism Educators and Their Ideas,Hillsdale, NJ,Lawrence Erlbaum Associate,1990,p.1-22.
    ① Joe Foote(2008), World Journalism Education Congress, Journalism Studies, Vol.9, No 1, p.132
    ② Brent Cunningham(2002), Q&A with Lee Bollinger:In His Own Words, Columbia Journalism Review, November/December
    ③ Jannette L. Dates(2006), Rethinking Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1, p.144
    ① Theodore L. Glasser(2006), Journalism Studies and the Education of Journalists, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1p.147
    ② Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1, p.21
    ③ Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1, p.21
    ④ Tom Dickson&Wanda Brandon(2000), The Gap between Educators and Professional Journalists, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator.Vol.55,No.3,p.52
    ① Isabel Macdonald(2006), Teaching Journalists to Save the Profession. Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No.5, p.746
    ② Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1, p.22
    ③ Isabel Macdonald(2006), Teaching Journalists to Save the Profession, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 5, p.747
    ④ Yu Xu, Leonard L. Chu and Guo Zhongshi(2002), Reform and Challenge:An Analysis of China's Journalism Education under Social Transition, Gazette:The international journal for communication studies, London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi, Vol.64,No.1,p.63
    ① Jo Bardoel(1996), Beyond Journalism:A Profession between Information Society and Civil Society, European Journal of Communication,Vol.11,No.3,p.297
    ② Stephen D. Reese & Jeremy Cohen(2000), Educating for Journalism:the Professionalism of Scholarship, Journalism Studies, Vol. 1,No.2,p.214
    ① Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.27
    ② Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003;Vol.4,No.1,p.109
    ③ Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism, Vol.8.p.137
    ④ Tanjev Schultz(2002), Does Education Matter? Characteristics ofJournalists Who Went to Graduate School,
    Journalism, Vol.3,No.2,p.234
    ① Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism, Vol.8,p.139
    ① Jannette L. Dates(2006), Rethinking Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No.1, p.144
    ③ Jannette L. Dates(2006), Rethinking Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No.1,p.144
    ④ Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003; Vol.4,No.1,p.109
    ① Colin Sparks & Slavko Splichal(1989), Journalistic Education and Professional Socialisation:Summary of a Survey Study in 22 Countries, International Communication Gazette,Vol.43,No.1,p34
    ② Tanjev Schultz(2002), Does Education Matter? Characteristics of Journalists Who Went to Graduate School, Journalism, Vol.3,No.2,p.223
    ③ Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No l,p.25
    ① Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.28
    ② G. Stuart Adam(2006), Educating Reporters, Writers, and Critics, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.153
    ③ Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.28
    ④ Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism
    2003; Vol.4,No.1,p.104
    ① Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.27
    ① Simon Frith & Peter Meech(2007), Becoming a Journalist:Journalism Education and Journalism Culture, Journalism, Vol.8,p.143
    ② Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003; Vol.4,No.1,p.10
    ① Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.28
    ① Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003;Vol.4,No.1,p.105
    ① Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003; Vol.4,No.l,p.97
    ① Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.29
    ② Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003; Vol.4,No.1,p.98
    ③ Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.28
    ④ Mitchell Stephens(2006), Rethinking Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1, p.150
    ① Stephen D. Reese & Jeremy Cohen(2000), Educating for Journalism:the Professionalism of Scholarship, Journalism Studies, Vol. 1,No.2,p.222
    ①Anthony Delano & John Henningham(1995),The News Breed:British Journalists in the 1990s,the London Institute,p.157
    ① Stephen D. Reese & Jeremy Cohen(2000), Educating for Journalism:the Professionalism of Scholarship, Journalism Studies, Vol. 1,No.2,p.223
    ② Hugh W. de Burgh(2003), Skills Are Not Enough:the Case for Journalism as an Academic Discipline, Journalism 2003;Vol.4,No.1,p.109
    ③Mark Deuze(2006), Global Journalism Education, Journalism Studies, Vol.7, No 1,p.31
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