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Energy is the most basic and important natural resources which back up the human survival and development. The countries all over the world ascend the importance of energy production and consumption to the national development. For China, GDP growth needs the support of fossil energy, namely high-intensity consumption of non-renewable energy. Especially from1980s, the constraint to economic development by non-renewable energy has been increasing prominent. On the one hand, from the impact of economic growth and energy intensity, the pressure of China's nonrenewable energy consumption has been increasing year by year. Meanwhile, the gap of supply and demand has been enlarging. In addition, due to the containment of obtaining overseas resources, China's non-renewable energy security crisis is becoming more and more serious. On the other hand, with the accelerating process of industrialization, the amount of pollutants emission caused by energy consumption especially coal has gone far beyond the world's average level. While fossil energy plays the irreplaceable-support role in China's industrialization process, which causes dilemma among non-renewable energy consumption, environmental impact and economic development. Additionally, in terminal application fields, the economic benefit from non-renewable energy input is lower than the world average level. At present, in the fast period of economic development, the efficient utilization of coal, oil and natural gas namely non-renewable energy ensures the sustainable development. Thus it can be seen, improving non-renewable energy consumption efficiency is an inevitable choice of China's economic development in the future. That is to say which are the driving factors of increasing pressure and enlarging gap? How to calculate non-renewable energy efficiency of China? How to identify the key factors of efficiency change? How to improve non-renewable energy efficiency effectively and ensure the harmonious and sustainable development among non-renewable energy, economy and environment? In view of above questions, this thesis carries out a series of researches.
     First of all, this thesis analyzes the current situation of non-renewable energy consumption of China, using IP AT equation and LMDI method, and calculates the driving mechanism and affecting level of driving factors of non-renewable energy consumption pressure. The research verifies that the increase of consumption pressure derives from economic factors, while the decrease of that derives from inhibitory effect of consumption intensity. Therefore, the decrease of consumption pressure of non-renewable energy should start with consumption intensity namely improving non-renewable energy efficiency.
     Secondly, based on Douglas production function and total factor productivity, this thesis constructs non-renewable energy efficiency model and index system and calculates efficiency respectively at the national level and provincial level. Then the interaction relationship among efficiency can be studied by impulsion response function model. The results confirm that the national level efficiency of non-renewable energy presents alternating fluctuation situation, with worse situation of economic benefit efficiency and environmental loading efficiency. The average efficiency of provincial level has been decreasing each year. The average level of economic benefit efficiency is low and below the effective frontier, similarly the average level of environmental loading efficiency shows a trend of fluctuating downward. After the impulse of time series and panel pulse response function, there is interactive relationship among each efficiency at the national level and provincial level with different impacting direction and intensity.
     On this basis, this thesis makes a confirmatory analysis of fluctuation of efficiency at national level and difference of efficiency at provincial level. By means of unit root and cointegration test as well as convergence model, this thesis makes further research on the proportionality and convergence of efficiency. The results show that the efficiency at national level presents a fluctuating change situation with smaller range. The efficiency of30provinces exists significant differences, which means convergence degree has been enlarging compared with optimal efficiency value, meanwhile the speed which low-efficiency province surpass high-efficiency province is relatively slow.
     Again, this thesis identifies key factors of efficiency change of non-renewable energy using multi-level grey perception evaluation model, and verifies the affecting direction and degree of the key factors at national and provincial level. The results confirm that optimization and upgrading of industrial structure as well as advancement of urbanization play an important role in improving non-renewable energy efficiency at national and provincial level. While the key factors namely improvement of non-renewable energy consumption structure and informationization level as well as R&D expenditure proportion and opening level, are typical bi-directional influencing factors, the specific effect of which depends on the researching object, environment, policy and geographic conditions.
     Finally, from the perspective of network platform of efficiency promotion, symbionts and continuous ability construction of efficiency promotion, this thesis constructs technological innovation network platform, policy intervention network platform, behavior intend network platform and material exchange network platform, and coordinates management of national strategy, provincial planning, terminal utilization and public cognitive level so as to continue construction of efficiency promotion, in order to continuously improve non-renewable energy efficiency and reduce environmental pollution effect.
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