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     7.孵化期间胚体从蛋壳中吸收无机盐,含量不断升高, 14~18d增加幅度最大,钙增加4~5倍,铁增加50%以上,磷增加20%左右。
Embryonated eggs are edible eggs during incubated period. It is gift of food, nutrition and curative by its fresh taste and great efficacy.
     Four types of embryonated eggs (Domestic chicken, Black-hone silky fowl, Broiler and Layers) were used as materials in this study. By measuring and analyzing the changes of water, fat, protein, carbohydrate, mineral and vitamine concentration and SOD activity in the four types of embryonated eggs during the incubation, we discussed the changes of nutrient in the four types of embryonated eggs. The main results are as follow:
     1. In the four types of fresh eggs, the fresh eggs of layers have the highest water concentration and the lowest fat and mineral concentrations; the fresh eggs of domestic chicken has highest fat and mineral concentrations; the fresh eggs of black-hone silky fowl has lower nutrient than the domestic chicken; the fresh eggs of broiler has highest protein, amino acid and vitamine A concentrations; the carbohydrate and vitamine B2 concentrations are similar in the four fresh eggs.
     2. The water concentration declined during the incubation in the four types of embryonated eggs, especially in the 14 to 18 days. The embryonated eggs of layers had a highest reduced rate.
     3. The total fat concentration declined during the incubation in the four types of embryonated eggs, especially in the 14 to 18 days. The embryonated eggs of black-hone silky fowl had a highest reduced rate. The lecithin concentration increased from the 7th day, the embryonated eggs of Domestic chicken and black-hone silky fowl had a higher increased degree than the other two. The cholesterin concentration had a similar decrease in the four types of embryonated eggs, and it reduced to half in the 18th day.
     4. The protein and amino acid concentrations increased during the incubation in the four types of embryonated eggs, especially in the embryonated eggs in domestic chicken.
     5. The four types of embryonated eggs had a little carbohydrate and had little changes in the incubation.
     6. The SOD activity increased in the four types of embryonated eggs before the 14th day during the incubation.
     7. The mineral concentration increased in the four types of embryonated eggs in the 14 to 18 days, in which calcium had a 4 to 5 times increase, and iron incre- ased 50%, and phosphorus increased 20%.
     8. The vitamine A increased during the incubation in the four types of em- bryonated eggs, especially in the 14 to 18 days, while vitamine B2 had little change.
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