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In modern enterprises, professional managers are getting more and more important roles. As China having entered World Trade Organization, the enterprises, especially Chinese stated-owned enterprises (SOE), face dramatically market competition from international and native aspects. And the heavy shortage of the excellent managers have greatly restricted the development of SOE and its' capability for competing. The main reason for this shortage is non-professionalizations of Chinese enterprise managers. Another reason is without a full set system for attracting, encouraging and supervising to those excellent managers and do not form the same professional system as America do The study of this article, which specially pin on professional managers and its' system, will be befit on improving the theory of modem enterprises and establishing and increasing the system of professional managers; meanwhile, it also will impact on the growth of professional managers and the establishment of the teams of professional managers, and will be god at the improvement of the economical efficacy. For all these sakes, the study is very important not just for theory but also for reality of modern enterprise professional system.
     The article is divided into three parts according to the different function. First part, is the preface which introduces the goal, content and method of the study and generalizes the situation of international and native relating to the study. It focus on the professional managers and its' system indeed. Second part, including two and three chapter, it mainly analyses the generation, progression, situation of the professional managers and give the clearly things as what must be with professional managers in six capabilitise, what should have in this career in five characters, what will be with professional managers in four abilities, and give the method on how to differentiate the professional managers. Third part, including four and five chapters, which emphases the condition of professional managers in China through analyzing the actual state of SOE, private-owned enterprise and foreign-owned enterprise. It debates prominently on how to professionalize and market manegers of SOE, how to realize the system of professional managers in SOE, how to encourage and restrain the professional managers, how to choose, use and forest the managers, how to exam
    and check the efficacy of the system. Based on all the evidence and study, the article provides us the strategy on how to professionalize and market manegers of SOE and the system on how to estabtish the professional managers in China.
    At last, the article generalizes all the material and look forward to the future's study.
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