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Three decades after the reform and opening-up, in China, both of the regionaleconomy and industrial economy has made a considerable development in each area,but the regional development between each other is unbalanced or unsustainable,these problems have become emergent increasingly. In order to guide the greatpractice of economic and social development for the main functional areas better, inMay,2011, our National Development and Reform Commission have promulgatedthe “12th Five-Year” Plan that raised the construction of the main functional areas tothe level of national strategy officially, which reflects that the party and governmenthave attached great importance to these issues of regional sustainable development.Given the significant importance of industrial clusters in the process of our regionaleconomic development, this paper is aimed to make some researches on the problemof how to develop the industrial clusters in the main functional areas, which has astrong theoretical significance or practical significance.
     By some relevant theoretical and empirical analysis, the aims of this study are asfollows: to explore the methods and ideas of how to cultivate or develop industrialclusters in the main functional areas; to establish the index system for selecting theleading industry that can meet the development requirements of the main functionalareas and explore the supporting measures of the related industries that around theleading industry, which can promote their developments towards the direction of thecluster; to construct a comprehensive evaluation index system of performance for theindustrial clusters in the main functional areas, all of these researches are purposed toprovide the specific reference standards and development proposals for enhancing thedevelopment level of industrial clusters.
     According to the planning framework of the main functional areas and thedevelopment status of industry cluster in our country, this paper, which start by theinteractive development relations between of industrial clusters and the mainfunctional areas, thinks that industrial cluster is an important force to promotecomprehensive development of the main functional areas, and has adopted theresearch methods of biological symbiosis theory to analyze the symbiotic mechanismamong the functional areas, industrial clusters and related organizations respectively, on the basis of this, this paper have discussed the environments or conditions thattheir mutual symbiotic effects are need to occur. On the development issues of leadingindustry, which is in favor of shaping the main regional function, the paper haveconstructed the selection index system from eight aspects, such as the industrialspecialization, the related degree of industries, the environmental impact, and so forth,it also have proposed some methods or measures for the supporting industries thataround the leading industry, leading industry, which enable them to achieve theresource integration in industry chain effectively. Furthermore, from the perspectiveof the operating principle of the analytic network process (ANP), this article haveconstructed the development performance evaluation index system for regionalindustrial clusters from six dimensions, which are cluster economic benefits, clustersocial benefits, cluster growth capabilities, cluster innovation capabilities, clusterstakeholders and cluster eco-environmental benefits, there are30two-level indicatorsand72three-level indicators in total, this paper have used the system to conduct anempirical analysis or evaluation on the case of the steel industry cluster in Tangshan,and then have proposed some countermeasures to improve its development level.Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis above, to better the cultivation anddevelopment of industrial clusters in the main functional areas, this paper hasmentioned several countermeasures and suggestions in detail from six aspects, thoseare to support core industrial clusters, to implement supporting industries, to developregional special industries, to promote institutional innovation, to advocateexport-oriented economy and to plan the resources utilization scientifically.
     The theoretical researches on industrial clusters issues in China’s academia havebeen relatively mature, but it’s a relatively new problem when it is placed in theframework of the main functional areas that should be studied. The main innovationsof this paper are as follows: Both the main functional areas and the industrial clustersare regarded as two relatively independent economic systems to each other, by themeans or methods of the biological symbiosis system theory and the network systemstheory, this paper have explored the main symbiotic mode between them and haveanalyzed the various symbiotic mechanisms respectively that between the participantsin the regional symbiosis system, then have get some conclusions about severalsymbiotic conditions that are conducive to promote the symbiotic effect powerfully; ithave mentioned the view that industrial clusters are the main supporting force for achieving a comprehensive development for the main functional areas, it have madesome analysis on the interactive development relations between them and havesummarized all kinds of functions or effects in the process of how industrial clustersto promote the development of the main functional areas; For the more, the paperhave constructed the leading industries selection index system that conform with therequirements of the main functional areas, which have incorporated the indicators ofthe industries’ impacts on ecological environment, it have also mentioned that it isnecessary to cultivate and develop the regional leading industrial clustersemphatically by improving the supporting industries; Moreover, the article haveattempted to establish the performance evaluation index system of industrial clustersthat in the main functional areas, which can highlight the role of its social benefitsindicator as well as its eco-efficiency indicator, by means of this index system, thispaper have conducted an empirical analysis on the case of the steel industry clusterdevelopment in Tangshan, then have proposed several corresponding improvementsfor it; In addition, the paper have propounded many countermeasures and proposalsabout how to cultivate or develop industrial clusters in the main functional areassystematically, all of these can provide a theoretical reference for promoting thecoordinated development between them.
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