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Thirty years’reform and opening up has witnessed China’s continuous growth in economy, and the annual growth rate of GDP has reached 9.8%. However, the development is attained at the expense of resources and environment. Although pollution issues caused by intensification of industrialization and urbanization have received extensive attention, and the assessment of its impact on the economy has a lot of research, the agricultural pollution and its impact on the agricultural economy in China was ignored sometimes by society. With the increase of agricultural inputs, the pollution caused by agricultural production becomes more and more serious. Existing studies have shown that agricultural pollution has become one of the main sources of water pollution, and a threat to drinking water sources. Thereby, it’s necessary to re-estimate the growth and the composition changes of China's agricultural total factor productivity. Focusing on the increasingly serious problem of agricultural environmental constraints, this paper analyses the agricultural productivity growth. The main research content and results are as follows:
     Firstly, on the basis of reviewing the early researches related to traditional total factor productivity and DEA method , this paper introduces the related concepts of Malmquist-Luenberge environmental productivity index.
     Secondly, we apply the directional distance function to estimate environmental technology efficiency of agriculture in 30 provinces from 1999 to 2008, and use Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index to measure the agricultural TFP growth rate in 28 provinces which was late divided into technological progress index and technical efficiency index. And then compare Malmquist-Luenberge index with environmental technology efficiency of agriculture and good product.
     Thirdly, compare Malmquist-Luenberge index with Malmquist index to analyze the impact of environmental factor.
     The results show that: the environmental technology efficiency in east China is much higher than that in middle and west, and the middle environmental technology efficiency is lower than the west. All ML indexes from 1999-2008 are larger than 1, which means the continuous annual growth of China’s agricultural productivity. In addition, the technological progress motivates the improvement of agricultural productivity growth, while the mean technical efficiency is 0.997, which is worse than before. Moreover, we find that if ignoring agricultural pollution, the average annual TFP growth rate would be overestimated.
     Finally, on the basis of the above findings, the paper proposes some corresponding policy recommendation on promoting healthy agricultural TFP growth.
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