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生态工业是指人类仿照自然生态系统物质循环的方式来规划工业生产系统的一种经济发展模式。生态工业园(eco-industrial parks,EIPs)是生态工业的重要实践形式。EIPs中的生态产业链(eco-industrial chain,EIC)系统构建是工业生态学理论的重要研究领域。面对日益严峻的资源短缺和工业污染问题,人类的工业活动应当模仿自然生态系统,使工业系统和谐地纳入自然界物质循环和能量流动的大系统中,一个生产过程的废物或副产品成为另一个生产过程的原料,使整个工业体系“进化”为各种资源(物质、能源、水和原料)循环流动的闭环系统(closed-loop circle),实现经济效益、环境效益和社会效益的有机统一。
Eco-industry (EI) refers to this situation that human being imitates the material cycle approaches of the natural ecosystems to plan a system of industrial production model to promote economic development. Eco-industrial Parks (EIPs) is an important EI forms of practice. The construction of eco-industrial chain( EIC) system is a very important theoretical research in the field. In the face of increasingly severe industrial pollution and resource depletion problems, human's industrial activities should mimic the natural ecosystem, so that the industrial system can be resoluted harmonily into the giant system of material circulation and energy flow of the natural ecosystems. Waste or by-product from one production process can be changed into raw materials for another . The entire industrial system will evolute into a variety of resources (material, energy, water and raw materials) circulation of the closed-loop circle system, and realize the oganic unity of economic, environmental and social benefits at last.
     In this paper, the research methods of empirical research and normative research, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, theory and practice of combining are adopted to build a comparative study of the EIC system in EIPs. EIC system involves in a lot of research contents, for which, I carried out very long time to inspect and heckle the relevant research literatures in the field first of all. On this basis, I goes in for the international comparative study of EIPs Practice in order to obtain some empirical supports for the entire study. At the same time, combinating this research, I have an in-depth, detailed research and study as to the EIPs construction in Qingdao city. Facing the weak links for studies related at home and abroad, I carried out the 3-dimensional studies—from the EIC interlinking analysis and eco-efficiencial evaluation ,EIC systems construction,and based on the operational risks of EIC system and assessment of the stability,and paying attention to the topic between the inherent logic and relevance. In the course of the study, using comprehensively the theory of circular economy,eco-industrial, transaction costs, game theory, system organizations and other relevant research methods. On the basis of empirical research and studies , this paper launches study concerning the corresponding countermeasures aimming at the security and stability of EIC in EIPs ,and puts forward the evaluation index system and evaluation model to maintain EIC system stability assessment.
     This paper first analyses the related theories about EIC in EIPs on the basis of a systematic overview. In order to obtain the general rules and to find useful lessons from the planning practice of the typical EIC in the world, this paper chooses some EIPs which have been formed or are in the process of building from Denmark, the United States, Canada, Fiji, Japan and China and other countries, by comparison from their development policy implementation, industry background, industry characteristics, the forming path of EIC system,in order to provide references for China's EIC construction in EIPs . This paper proposes the concept of the EIC and analyses the driving force mechanism of EIC interlinking basing on the synthesis depiction of the related study of theory and practice of the EIC .And analyses the interlinking relations among the EIC system combinating acase: one-to-one interlinking, one-to-many interlinking, many-to-one interlinking, and interlinking mixed. By the game relationship analysis of EIC enterprises we can find that: in order to achieve the outcome of the game“the upper reaches supply, the lower reaches receive”in a EIC system, besides the government playing an important role which is not ignored in this process, a number of specific factors about using waste or by-products of the upstream and downstream enterprises will influence the decision-making of enterprises, which need to evaluate the EIC eco-efficiency. After these, this paper proposes 4 EIC system modes of operation basing on the switching characteristics between the upstream and downstream enterprises in an EIC system: the independent EIC-system(single-center ,multi-center), the equality EIC-system, the mixed EIC-system, and the virtual EIC-system. And this paper also studies the scope and conditions of application concerning different EIC system modes. This paper has preliminarily revealed some laws concerning exchange of waste and by-products by the analysis of materials and resources. And taking the EIC system in Hexibu EIPs(located in Jinchang,Gansu province)for an example, this paper makes a real case analysis. Then this paper researches the potential risks and stablity of the EIC system.
     There are many risks in the process of operating of EIC systems, including: the risks led by speculations of enterprises of EIC system, the structural risks and the relationship risks, and the risks based on different cultural backgrounds and different geographical habits, etc. Therefore , this paper evaluates the stability and security of the EIC system after determining the evaluation indexs. And we can obtain several conclusions as follows: No 1, proving that the diversity and the stability of the EIC-system interlinking are relevant; No 2, it is easy to reach a steady state of the EIC system for single-center dependent-EIC system, and it is an ideal model of industrial symbiosis; No 3, the single EIC length is anti-related with the stability. Finally, taking Qingdao Haier EIPs and the New Industrial Parks in Vein of Qingdao for examples, this paper makes analysis of the evidence, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions of the further development about the two EIPs.
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