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The Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture is the important carrier of contemporary leading culture, technique, philosophy and the direction of architecture development. The aesthetic character they carry represents the crowning aesthetic ideal in present age. On the point of shape, the research on Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture is an important way of unscrambling the labyrinth of contemporary architecture aesthetics and an important visual threshold of forecasting the architecture development in future.
     In this paper, a variety of aesthetic characters of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture are explained on four aspects, popularization, dehumanization, technicalization and philosophieren, on the basis of which cultural sociology is introduced and the Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture is concerned as a research object, on the point of architecture shape, with the research findings of modern architectural theories and aesthetic theories. And the entire aesthetic overview and trends of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture is grasped as a whole.
     The autologous speciality of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture is summarized by hackling his original viens in this paper. The delicate relationship of aesthetic idea between contemporary art and architecture is interpreted by analyzing the aesthetic genes constitute of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture. The objective necessity that diversity aesthetic ideas of shape come into being is interpreted in the process of analyzing the aesthetic context of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture.
     The concept of Mass and Mass Culture are defined, and the shape aesthetics of a fraction of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture presents the aesthetic character in the popularization tendency. According to three culture types, traditional classic, daily life, universal entertainment, the aesthetic characters are unscrambled by analyzing the typical creation ways. Pointing out that the aesthetic representation of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture shapes is that avant-garde architect breakthrough the unifying aesthetic predicament of modern architecture timely, the realm of aesthetic objects is enriched and the liberating process of contemporary architecture switches on.
     The shapes of a fraction of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture present the aesthetic tendency of dehumanization. The aesthetic character of the architecture is unscrambled on three aspects of non-perfection, non-order, non-stability by interpreting the aesthetic character of dehumanization. The aesthetic representation indicates that the aesthetic experience on Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture break with traditional architecture thoroughly. It liberates people’s aesthetic thinkingmodels and explores a new direction for the widening of the contemporary architecture aesthetics domain.
     The role that technique plays in the aesthetic representation of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture is analyzed in the paper. And technique extending to be a culture is involved in the realm of architecture aesthetics. According the technical penetration in the aesthetic representation, the important influence that the technique has on the aesthetics of architecture shape is discussed on three aspects, terminal technique, art technique and digital technique. The technicalization aesthetic representation of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture abrogates traditional architecture technique aesthetics. It exploits the technical aesthetic properties in the contemporary architecture thoroughly and strengthens the technical status and significance in contemporary architecture aesthetics.
     The concept of intertextuelle is induced to discuss the relevant issues that philosophy participates in the aesthetics representation of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture. Firstly discussing the role transition that centre of postmodernism philosophy plays in Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture; secondly, interpreting the role that the events of structuralism play in the irrational creation of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture; lastly, analyzing the intrinsic relationship between the aesthetic character of a fraction of Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture and the new theories, and finding out the boundary and trace that contemporary philosophies have effects on architecture aesthetics.
     In a word, this paper researches on Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture on the point of shape aesthetics and concludes a theoretical result. The issues discussed are related to the aesthetic representation of architecture shapes. According the aesthetic characters that Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture present, the paper tries to have a typed research from the points of culture, art, technique and philosophy to interpret the Contemporary Western Avantgardism Architecture generally with an explicit research structure.
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