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With globalization of knowledge and network economy, the development of regional economic development has gradually shift to innovation-driven mode from the production factors driving mode, which gives a greater emphasis on the importance of knowledge, information and other innovative resources. The innovation pattern has changed from the traditional linear innovation to network-based innovation. The regional innovation networks have come into being, and become an important driving force for regional economic development gradually. Therefore, we should pay more attention on regional innovation networks structure, function, co-evolution and other issues, which can contribute to scientifically formulate corresponding policies to enhance regional innovation capacity, and promote the rapid development of the economy.
     Since the1980's, scholars has been studying on the concepts, features, functions and other aspects of regional innovation networks from different perspectives, but the lacking in the relationship between structure of regional innovation networks and innovation efficiency, operating mechanism, especially empirical study of the evolution of the state of regional innovation networks. So this paper takes30provincial regional innovation networks in China to study these issues. Specifically, using regional innovation, technological innovation and other theories to analyze the structural characteristics of regional innovation networks, and employ Stochastic frontier production function to explore the impact of network size, network openness, network relational structure characteristic variables holes and network link on innovation efficiency. Then using complex system theory to study the system structure of the regional innovation networks, on this basis, we use complex systems coordination degree model to measure the co-evolutionary status of30provincial regional innovation networks, and analyze the weaknesses of regional innovation networks. We build the evaluation criteria for its evaluation. At last, we employ synergetic theory to construct collaborative operating mechanism of regional innovation networks, which can provide theoretical in promoting the practice of regional economic development.
     The main contents of this paper as follows:
     (1) Defining the concept and functions of regional innovation networks. In this paper, we analyze the changing of the patterns of technology innovation and regional economic development to explore the background of the formation of regional innovation networks. We combine with innovation networks, regional innovation networks and others literatures to define the concept and functions of regional innovation networks, which can provide methodological foundation for the study.
     (2) Analyzing structural features of regional innovation networks. We employ social network analysis method to analyze the structural characteristics of regional innovation networks, and divided it into network size, network openness, network structural holes and network links from the structural and relational dimensions. We also analyze the impact of network structure of regional innovation network theoretically.
     (3) Exploring the relationship between structural characteristics of regional innovation networks and its innovation performance. We employ social network analysis method to analyze the structural characteristics of regional innovation networks, and divide the structural characteristics into network size, network openness, network structural holes and network links. Then we use stochastic frontier analysis to study the relationship between the structural characteristics and its innovation efficiency, and evaluate the innovation efficiency of regional innovation networks.
     (4) Measuring the co-evolutionary status of regional innovation networks. We use self-organization theory to analyze the evolutionary stage and connotation. Then we divide the system structure of regional innovation networks into policy support, technology development, technology diffusion, and technology application four sub-systems. We use complex systems theory model to measure the evolutionary status of regional innovation networks, and construct evolutionary state evaluation criteria for the evolution of30regional innovation networks. At last, we explore the weaknesses of each regional innovation networks.
     (5) Enhancing the co-evolution of regional innovation networks. Through the static and dynamic analysis of regional innovation network, summarized the evolution of regional innovation network coordination problems. We use synergetic theory and other related theories to construct collaborative operation mechanism of regional innovation networks, and provide some policy recommendations to achieve coordinated development of regional innovation networks, such as improving regional innovation policy system, building research cooperation network, optimizing the structure of regional innovation network, building regional collaborative innovation network platform and so on.
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