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  • 英文题名:Research on Negative Transfer System Diagnosis and Correction of Chemistry Learning
  • 作者:王世存
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:课程与教学论
  • 学位年度:2013
  • 导师:王后雄
  • 学科代码:040102
  • 学位授予单位:华中师范大学
  • 论文提交日期:2013-03-01
In this paper, based on the two theories of learning negative migration and teaching diagnosis, secondary first-line questionnaire and classroom experiments platform, a rating scale of "negative transfer" and "learning negative migration diagnosis model as a tool to learn the negative migration of high school chemistry the status quo, characteristics, influencing factors detailed analysis, and try to find the way to solve the knowledge of different types of chemical learning negative migration. According to this idea, the content of each chapter is arranged as follows:
     Introduction. First on the origin of this study and its significance; then in the analysis of a large number of the existing literature on the basis of clear direction of this study; core concepts (migration, negative transfer, chemical learning negative migration, diagnostic, teaching diagnosis, etc.) clearly defined; pointed out that the specific content of this study and the research methods used; proposed framework and theoretical innovation of this study.
     Chapter one. The theoretical basis of the study of chemistry migration negative diagnosis. This part is to carry out chemical learning negative migration system diagnostics theoretical foundation and conditions for support. First meaning migration interpretation of the system, and pointed out the direction of migration, migration, migration effect characteristics. Second, the article describes the theoretical basis of the diagnosis, detailed characterization concept, cognitive concept learning concept theoretical support migration. Furthermore, the focus of this part of the Review of domestic research on chemistry learning negative migration, summarized the seven characteristics (broad, shallow, stubborn, spontaneous, specificity, negative migration study of chemistry, the representational and hidden), and the negative migration theory study of chemistry tentative expansion, put forward the concept of "negative migration degrees" to build a negative migration diagnosis model it as a tool for the empirical part of the different classes of students Learning Chemistry negative migration on the amount of analysis and comparison.
     Chapter two. Learning Chemistry negative migration process. This section is mainly negative migration Diagnosis and correction process chemistry learning comb, mainly describes two aspects: First, the object of this study and the carrier. A more detailed introduction to the study of chemistry as negative transfer and chemical teaching diagnostic study, analyzed the theoretical support for the implementation of the research study and research tools. Carrier as this study of a secondary school in Henan comparative test selection process, as well as the overall situation of the experimental class students are introduced. This section also carried out a detailed introduction to the main methods used in this study (questionnaires, interviews, class test, born thinking).
     Chapter three. Chemical theoretical knowledge learning negative migration studies. This chapter is part of the thesis of empirical research, the main content is divided into four aspects:First, the chemical characteristics of the learning of theoretical knowledge (a high degree of generality, effective thinking the contributory and scientific educational). Negative Transfer chemical theoretical knowledge of empirical research, article mainly from four aspects (teaching methods, training factors, academic achievement and gender factors) for the experimental group and control group students of chemistry learning negative migration test analysis and comparison. Third, for the results of the empirical part of the study, the analysis of chemical theoretical knowledge of negative migration factors. Chemical theoretical knowledge of the negative migration correction teaching strategies, mainly from the teachers to teach and students to learn two specific corrective strategies, and provide the specific case of correction.
     Chapter four. Chapter chemical factual knowledge learning negative migration studies. This chapter is the second part of the paper empirical research, the main content is divided into four areas: chemical factual knowledge learning characteristics (basic life and complicated sexual). Empirical research of chemical factual knowledge learning negative migration, the article main the chemical experimental group and a control group of students from the four aspects (teaching methods, training factors, academic achievement and gender factors) learning negative migration test, analysis and comparison. Three for the empirical part of the research results, the analysis of chemical factual knowledge of negative migration factors. Chemical factual knowledge of the negative migration correction teaching strategies, mainly from the teachers to teach and students to learn two specific corrective strategies, and provide the specific case of correction.
     Chapter five. Chapter chemical skills knowledge learning negative migration studies. This chapter is the third part of the paper empirical research, mainly divided into four areas:First, it describes the characteristics of the chemical skills Knowledge Learning (abstract inquiry and methods). The second is the empirical research of chemical skills of the knowledge learning negative migration, the article mainly from four aspects (teaching methods, training factors, academic achievement and gender factors) for the experimental group and control group students of chemistry learning negative migration test analysis and comparison. Third, for the empirical part of the research results, the chemical skills knowledge learning negative migration factors. Chemical skills knowledge of the negative migration correction teaching strategies, mainly from teachers teach and students learn two specific corrective strategies, and give a specific case of correction.
     Chapter six. Chapter chemical problem solving learning negative migration studies. This chapter is the fourth part of the paper empirical research, the main content is divided into four aspects: First, the introduction of a chemical problem solving characteristics (understanding pluralism, diversity and complexity of the mechanism). Chemical problem solving empirical study of negative transfer, article mainly from four aspects (teaching methods, training factors, academic achievement and gender factors) for the experimental group and control group students of chemistry learning negative migration test, analysis and comparison. Solving chemical problems for the empirical part of the research results, the negative migration factors. Chemical problem solving the negative migration correction teaching strategies, mainly from teachers teach and students learn two specific corrective strategies, and give a specific case of correction.
     Chapter seven. The study concluded. This section throughout the course of the study of the article summarized the conclusions of the research article:concealed stubborn:chemical learning negative migration widespread; strategies and methods:chemical learning negative migration can be diagnosed can overcorrection; tests and analysis The:Chemical learning the negative migration incentives complicated; evaluation criteria:chemical learning negative migration attending straightening basis. Reflection part of the study, the article pointed out that the negative migration diagnosis and correction of future efforts in three directions:study of chemistry and chemical learning negative migration theory should be further improved; negative migration test to be further in-depth study of chemistry; chemical learning negative migration attending straightening pending further work.
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    ② Katerina Salta, Chryssa Tzougraki.Attitudes Toward Chemistry Among 11~(th) Grade Students in High Schools in Greece DOI 10.1002/sce.10134 Published Onlinein Wiley Interscience(www.interscience. Wiley.com),2004,4(26): 535-547.
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    ④ Farenga S J,Joyce B A.Intentions of young students to enroll in science courses in the future:An examination of gender differences.John Wiley & Sons,Inc,1999:55-75.
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    [206]Owens L, Stration R.The development of a cooperative, competitive and individualized learning preference scale for students[J].British Journal of Education Psychology,1980,50:147-161.
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    [208]Menis J.Attitudes towards chemistry as compare with those towards mathematics, among tenth grade pupils(aged 15)in high level secondary schools in Israel[J].Research in Science and Technological Education,1983,1(2):185-191.
    [209]Katerina Salta, Chryssa Tzougraki.Attitudes Toward Chemistry Among 11th Grade Students in High Schools in Greece DOI 10.1002/sce.10134 Published Onlinein Wiley Interscience(www.interscience. Wiley.com),2004,4 (26):535-547.
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    [216]Bob Jacobs, Joe Blizman, Paulette Karas.Grades by gender 1999-2000[EB/OL]. http://www.chemistrycoach.com/grades by gender 1999.htm.
    [217]Menis J.Attitudes towards chemistry as compare with those towards mathematics, among tenth grade pupils(aged 15)in high level secondary schools in Israel[J].Research in Science and Technological Education,1983,1(2):185-191.
    [218]Katerina Salta, Chryssa Tzougraki.Attitudes Toward Chemistry Among 11th Grade Students in High Schools in Greece DOI 10.1002/sce.10134 Published Onlinein Wiley Interscience(www.interscience. Wiley.com),2004,4 (26):535-547.
    [219]Farenga S J,Joyce B A.Beyond the classroom:Gender differences in science experiences Education,1997(117)563-568.
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    [223]Rowan Hollingworth. The R ole of Computers in Teaching Chemistry Problem Solving. Chemical Education Journal[J],2001,5(2):5-25.
    [225]Owens L, Stration R.The development of a cooperative, competitive and individualized learning preference scale for students[J].British Journal of Education Psychology,1980,50:147-161.
    [226]Katerina Salta, Chryssa Tzougraki.Attitudes Toward Chemistry Among 11th Grade Students in High Schools in Greece DOI 10.1002/sce.10134 Published Onlinein Wiley Interscience(www.interscience. Wiley.com),2004,4 (26):535-547.
    [227]Farenga S J,Joyce B A.Beyond the classroom:Gender differences in science experiences Education,1997(117)563-568.
    [228]Baker D.Gender Differences in sciences:Where they start and where they go.Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association for Research and Science Teaching. Atlanta.GA,1990:4.

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