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As Sutton (1991) told us that there is interrelation between advertising investment and R&Dinvestment and both of them elevate intangible assets of the firm. Firm invests R&D to improvethe quality of its products and then uses advertising to send the information of its products to theconsumers. Besides, Brander and Lewis (1986) argued that product markets and financialmarkets have significant linkage. So based on Brander and Lewis (1986) and Sutton’s (1991)theory, this study investigates the relationships between debts, advertising and R&D investment.
     We establish our framework after reading and researching other studies carefully. Firstly, weframe our theory model based on the theory of Brander, Lewis (1986) and Sutton (1991). Then,we obtain our propositions by model analysis. After that, we employ China’s A-share listedcompanies’data to test and verify the propositions and acquire our final conclusions.
     The main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows. Firstly, debt both hasstimulating and inhibitory effects, which stimulates advertising investment while inhibits R&Dinvestment for the different targets of advertising and R&D investment. Secondly, currentliability motivates advertising and Nun-current liability heightens R&D investment, generally.Thirdly, advertising is complementary with R&D in manufacture industrial but substitute withR&D in non-manufacture because the investment elasticity of advertising and R&D is low inmanufacture industries while high in non-manufacture industries. Fourthly, manufacture firmhighlights R&D investment but non-manufacture firm prefer to advertising investment whichmeans the marginal profit ratio of R&D investment is high in manufacture industriesbut the marginal profit ratio of advertisement investment is high in non-manufacture industries.Furthermore, the difference of advertising and R&D investment is large between manufacturefirms but small between non-manufacture firms.
     This study both has theoretical and practical values. The conclusions of this paper promotethe development of the theory of industrial organization and they can also be regarded asguideline for firms.
    2Sutton, J.(1991): Sunk Costs and Market Structure: Price Competition, Advertising, and the Evolution ofConcentration, MIT Press Books, The MIT Press. Sutton, J.(1998): Technology and Market Structure:Theory and History, MIT Press Books, The MIT Press.
    4来源于Sutton(2007)文章“Market Structure: Theory and Evidence”,载于产业组织手册第三卷第35章。
    6市场份额函数表达式借鉴了Baye(2009)的研究:Baye M.R., Morgan J.,“Brand and Price Advertisingin Online Markets, Marketing Science”, Vol.55, No.7, July2009, p.1141.
    12数据收集过程中发现有些公司曾经发生过兼并重组,此类公司的设立时间则以兼并重组的时间为准。13采用证监会行业分类标准是因为所下载数据即已经按照证监会行业分类标准进行了行业分类。14R&D投资成本函数参考Liu and Wang (2011), Sacco and Schmutzer (2011), Chen and Nie (2012)等人的研究。
    16具体内容请参阅Brander, J. A. and Lewis, T. R.1986.“Oligopoly and Financial Structure: The LimitedLiability Effect,” The American Economic Review,76(5), pp:958.
    17该效用函数形式参考了泰勒尔的《产业组织理论》,人民大学出版社1997,pp.133和Armstrong andPorter, R. H.,“Hand Book of Industrial Organization”,2007, p.1751.18成本函数在Liu and Wang (2011), Sacco and Schmutzer (2011), Chen and Nie (2012)等人研究基础上,稍有调整。19同前文,即第3、4章分析类似,我们忽略时间因素。假设企业广告、R&D投资决策几乎同产出决策同时进行。
    22个别行业除外,制造业细分行业中食品饮料、纺织服装和木材家具行业有广告投资的企业数量高于有R&D投资的企业数量,而非制造业细分行业中的采掘业发生R&D投资的企业数量高于发生广告投资的企业数量。23如沃尔玛除销售其他生产商产品之外,同时销售自由品牌Great Value、Mainstays和Simply Basic系列产品。详情请见:http://www.wal-martchina.com/promotion/pb/index.htm。24产品间的替代关系由广告的竞争效应体现。
    25请参阅Karray和Zaccor(2006)、Xie和Wei (2009)、Yan(2010)和Zhang和Xie(2012)的研究,其基本模型类似。26如果销售商边际收益比生产商边际收益大,那么实力强的生产商会选择并购销售商,以获取销售过程利润最大化。27补贴率谈判问题的详细分析参见Huang和Li(2002)的研究,本文对之不做分析。28但该结论的实证研究没有很好地支持理论命题,关于两者更为准确的结论还需进一步的深入研究。
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