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Tourism island is an island in which the tourism industry is taken as the leading industry Today,with the tourism industry booming, the island do not only become a popular tourist destination, but also become the point of concern of people, and hot research spot of developers and scholars, especially after the State Council issued "A number of opinions of the State Council about Promoting the construction and development of international tourism Island in Hainan Province, "in the January 4,2010. As we are known, success of the construction and development of the tourism island or not has a lot to the depth with various theoretical and practical point of view, macro and micro research from scholars and developers. In particular the ecological building of tourism island is very important, because this is a fundamental problem for the success of the sustainable development in the tourism island. This paper is to grab the key issues to study.
     Firstly, in theory, the paper has researched how to build the model of landscape ecological health assessment based on the restoration ecology, landscape ecology, ecological theory of landscape and sustainable development, and to use specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and optimization from the large-scale, mesoscale and small-scale point of view to achieve a tourism island with harmony green, beauty, and cultural-heritage based on the analysis of evaluation results about the tourism island, when the landscape ecosystem of tourism island is damaged or degraded, affecting their sustainable development, after it affected by natural and human disturbance in the development process of its tourism industry. Then the paper reseached from the practice. It took Meizhoudao Island as a case, which is the first educational and exemplary base model of ecological civilization among the country, National 4A scenic areas, State-level tourist resort, the birthplace of Mazu culture in the world, the world's intangible cultural heritage "Belief in Mazu," relying on ground. Based on the detailed analysis about the natural and social profiles, and the status of tourism development in Meizhoudao Island, and in accordance with previous theoretical results, it did the landscape ecological health assessment for the Meizhoudao Island, and analyzed the evaluation results, and based on the analysis conclusions to explore specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and optimization on large-scale perspective for landscape pattern and landscape features in Meizhoudao Island, and to study the specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and optimization on small scale for the vegetation landscape of island land, water landscape of island land, bare rock landscape of island land, beaches landscape of intertidal island, mudflats landscape of intertidal island, coastal wetlands, construction landscape of island land, cultural landscape of Mazu in the Meizhou Island.
     Paper is divided into four parts, nine chapters. The first part is Chapter 1-- the Introduction. The second part is theory research, including the Chapter 2 to 5. The third part is some empirical research, including the Chapter 6 to 8,and the fourth part is Chapter 9, Conclusions and Outlook, as follows:
     Part 1:It mainly described the background and significance of this paper topic selection, and identified the research contents and methods, and interpreted the main basis of theory of research need.
     Part 2:Firstly, based on the analysis of the concept of Island, the concept of tourism island was defined. Through analyzing the types and characteristics of tourism island home and abroad, research progress of the island tourism was summarized. Based on the analysis of the concept of ecological restoration and ecological reconstruction, the concept and features of landscape, and the concept of landscape optimization and ecological restoration and optimization for tourism island was defined. Domestic and international Studies on landscape ecological restoration of tourism island and the international research on ecological environment of island under effected by the tourism development was completed.
     Secondly, the concept, pattern, scale, function of landscape ecosystem of tourist island was defined, and composition and characteristics of landscape ecosystem of tourism island was proposed. The main interference from natural and human aspects for the landscape ecosystems of tourism island was analyzed.
     Once again, Based on the analysis for the concept of landscape ecological health of home and abroad, the concept of landscape ecological health of the tourism island was defined, and the evaluation model, evaluation index, evaluation methods, evaluation criteria and rating scale about landscape ecological health of the tourism island was proposed, and its evaluation results was analyzed.
     Finally. The basic principles followed by landscape ecological restoration and optimization of tourism island were proposed, and then according to landscape ecological health assessment results of the tourism island, the measures and methods of landscape ecological restoration and enhancement of the tourism island respectively from large-scale, medium scale, small-scale were explored.
     Part 3:Firstly, natural and social profiles of Meizhoudao Island were introduced and tourism development situation of Meizhoudao island was analyzed.
     Secondly, landscape ecological health assessment model for tourism island was used to evaluate the Meizhoudao island, and to analyze the overall situation of the landscape ecological health, the pressure, state and response areas, and to analyze the damaged or degradation about the specific factors of landscape ecological health.
     Finally, based on the principles and methods of landscape ecological restoration and optimization for the tourism island,how to do ecological restoration and optimization for landscape pattern and landscape function in Meizhoudao Island from the angle of the large-scale, and how to use the specific and system methods and measures of ecological restoration and optimization for the different types of landscape in Meizhoudao Island from the angle of small scale,in order to make the construction of the international eco-tourism and the world's Mazu cultural center in Meizhoudao Island has completed.
     Part 4:The conclusion,the research innovation, and the place where need to be further researched in this thesis was explained.
     Innovation of this paper:(1) The concept and types of the tourism island were defined. Its characteristics and distribution was analyzed. The concept of landscape ecological restoration and landscape optimization of the tourism island was defined. The concept, scale, structure, function, composition, characteristics and the main interference of landscape ecosystem in the tourism island was defined.
     (2) Referencing on the existing method of landscape health assessment, and supported by the RS and GIS technical, the assessment model and the evaluation index system of landscape ecological health for the tourism island was established. According to the actual situation of tourism island the evaluation indicators and evaluation methods were selected, and the rating scale was determined.
     (3) Based on the existing methods, the paper has explored the measures and methods of landscape ecological restoration and enhancement for the tourism island in different areas of large-scale, medium scale, small-scale in theory, and researched the specific measures and methods of ecological restoration and enhancement for landscape functions including landscape ecological functions, tourism function, production functions, development functions in tourism island; and studied the measures and methods of ecological restoration and enhancement for the tourist attractions, living landscape, the background landscape in Island's mainland part, and the beach landscape, mudflats landscape, rocks in the inter-tidal part, and coastal wetland landscape in the tourism island.
     (4) The paper took Meizhoudao Island as a case to calculate the index of the integrated and its pressure, state, response of the landscape ecological health, and dentally analyze the issues of it reflects. The basis of these problems, and combined with the above theoretical results, it specific study the measures and methods of ecological restoration and enhancement for landscape pattern and landscape features from the angle of large-scale in Meizhoudao Island, and research the specific measures and methods of ecological rehabilitation and optimization in the small scale point of view for the vegetation landscape, water landscape, bare rock landscape of island land, and beach view, mudflats landscape of inter-tidal, and coastal wetland landscape of the natural environment, and for the construction landscape, Mazu cultural landscape, tourism environment of cultural environment in Meizhoudao Island. This research provided a scientific basis for the construction of International Eco-tourism and the World's Mazu Cultural Center in Meizhoudao Island.
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