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     收待出、雏/厂的店人力资源们Q中的油用州X 引页
     量吉果。HF Do the right things,not do the things right.
There is a Chinese saying that, fish and bear palm, you can not get
     both. The challenge for human resources professionals of tourist
     hotels is to get both. That means the interests of both the investor
     and the associates must be considered at the same time.
     As the competition in the tourism industry becomes more and more
     fierce, the labor cost increases, the investors of hotels or hotel
     properties are more focused on the return of their investment since
     the resources they own and control are very limited. They demand
     the hoteliers, especially the human resources managers to maximize
     the output of the human resources input.
     On the other hand, with the development of national market
     economy, there are more and more job opportunities available. The
     education and quality level of labors are improving, their
     expectations of jobs are ascending accordingly. They are no longer
     contented with one job only, but seeking for continuous
     improvement of professions.
     What does this competitive challenge mean to the human resources
     managers It means that human resources managers have to satisfy
     their two main customers: the investor (or organization) and the
     associates. The first reason is that human resources managers serve
     in the system of an organization. They must ensure the smooth
     operation of that organization. For instance, the management
     activities of the recruiting, the turn-over control and the career
     development. The effectiveness of those activities has to be judged
     on how they help in enhancing the organization抯 competitiveness.
     Secondly, the human resources have to serve the function. That is to
     assist in obtaining the competitiveness of their customer: investors
     and associates. In a bid to obtain or establish the competition
     advantage, human resources managers must focus on the end result
     of their work, not only satisfied with having some job done. For
     example, they should learn how to measure the end result by
     creating competitive capability, not by the cornfortability of the
     Thus, as hotel human resources managers, they have to consider
     how to solve the following problems:
     1. How to consider the mutual interests of both sides of the
     employment at each stage (recruiting, turn-over control, associate
     satisfaction and their career development) of hotel operation
     within the direct control of human resources management?
     2. How to assist the investors (organization) and associates to obtain
     their competitive capabilities?
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