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Zhou Mi was so famous in Ci creation in 13 Century that he was named "Two Chuang"together with Wu Wen-ying.As a chief of past Song Dynasty's Ci writer,some of his Ci were highly praised after Nan Song was destroyed.But two-thirds of his Ci were written in Nan Song.In this paper the author tries to investigate his creative psychology from the change of quality and quantity of his Ci ,and look into his personality ideal.
    Chapter one provides Zhou Mi's creative psychology before Nan Song was destroyed .There are three parts in this chapter.The first part gives some background information about his living and creation.He came from a noble and cultured family ,so he was well-educated by his father ,his teacher and his friends.He had been an official because of his grandfather,but he did not well ,so he put lots of his energy into Ci creation in "The West Lake Ci Association ".The second part expresses the thought and style of his creation.In this stage, the thought of his Ci is poor -no more than glorifications of beautiful scenery .But he did very well in art.He was good at observing and describing scenery ,good at drawing on language,like use tasteful words ,like organize curious sentences,like apply allutions.Someone praised his Ci "perfect like chiseling ice and log", "beautiful as knocking gold and jade,as chewing snow and washing flower" .The failing of the Ci in this period is pretending emotion,so they have no moving st
    rength.The third part conclude his creative psychology of this period:spending time, acting relish and boasting talent.
    Chapter two provides Zhou Mi's creative psychology after Nan Song's destroying.There were also three parts here.The first part expresses the change of his circumstance.The war of Yuan ruins Song made so many Chinese lose their lives.After the war,the Yuan government practiced strict grade policy,so the people of Nan Song and the clerisy were suppressed in the underneath of society.Zhou Mi couldn't escape from this adversity: one year before Nan Song's destroying he was appointed Magistrate of Yi Wu County,now he had to leave to his hometown.Unfortunately,his house in Hu Zhou was ruined in war-he had no place to live.Some years later,he lived with Yang Da-shou-his brother-in-law in Hang Zhou.Here he spend his old years,amused himself by writing history .The second part expresses the change of his creation.He had written
    some Ci to express his sorrow just after Nan Song's destroying,but his Ci were reducing till he redacted two or three years before he died.The creation of this period are as tasteful as before,but there were deep emotin,come to a supernal region,were highly praised by so many critics.lt is the peak of his creation. In the third part the author tries to look into the change of his mentality and the power of his creation brought by the change of his living and creation-expresses the sorrow of losing homeland;spends his lonely time; keeps the trial of his life.
    Chapter three discusses his personality ideal from his creative psychology.Zhou Mi was always in the conflict of real personality and ideal personality. His ideal personality is gentlemen personality of Confucian.He was not prosperous in his politic way,so he put his energy into creation.The attemption of unitying these two personality motivated he persuing his mentle homestead.The experience of this conflict let he had a tolerant heart.
    In short, Ci took up an important position in Zhou Mi's life. The change in quality and quantity of his Ci are all because of the change of his living and mentality. What runs through this change is his stable personality ideal.The inside and outside reason acted together to form the physiognomy of Cao Chuang Ci.
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