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Currently, the problem of new product and service innovation has been constantly drawnattention of the researchers, especially from this century; more related research about newproduct has been conducted. According to previous studies, they paid more attention on thedevelopment of product itself in term of technology or focused on how to commercialize newproduct based on market strategy. There is no systematic research about how to solvecomplicated decision making problems during the process of new product innovation.
     In order to maintain sustainable development, enterprises have to spare their no effort toinnovate new product or service continuously. As the new product innovation is of complicatedprocess, which is facing various contradictions conflict coming from technology aspect,commercial perspective, or from both technology and commercial. What contradictions conflictenterprises will be encountering, and how to resolve these contradictary conflicts effectively hasnot been fully studied yet up till now. That means that we do not have such method guidingenterprises how to innovate new product and service at present situation. TRIZ is to solveinvention theory from perspective of engineering technology. It will be starting to work bysolving all kinds of conflict technical invention during the process of new product innovation.This study is to apply TRIZ theory into business field, starting from induction of all kindscontradictory conflicts happened in course of process of new product innovation, which aims totake effective measures to resolve the conflicts. As a result, it is essential step to constructcontradiction matrix by using TRIZ theory.
     Based on the previours literature research, the author conduct survey interviewing withmore than30companies located the city of Beijing and Tianjin or other cities, Through the195valid questionnaire analysis, combined with typical case analysis, and this thesis ultimatelyselected22influence factors which are commonly concerned from the process of new productinnovationin. These22influence factors are transformed in into contradictory parameters in newproduct innovation by using expert evaluation method, which is similar as39engineerparameters in TRIZ. Therefore, the conflicts matrix in new product innovation is constructed byusing22influence factors. After that, the conflicts matrix has been demonstrated its usefulnessby applying it into business imaging industry. At last, the paper, combined with the actual case,illustrate solution method about how to apply new product innovation conflicts matrix intoscreening optimal solution from contradictory conflict.
     In summary, this thesis research mainly made the following several aspects of the results:
     (1)The whole system of product innovation has been created by defining, extractingparameters, classifying, innovating, and evaluating the framework of product innovation.
     (2)New product and service innovation model was proposed, screen out the new productinnovation conflict parameters, constructs the new product innovation conflict matrix.
     (3)combined with case analysis, present application of the new product innovationconflict matrix by screening out new product innovation solution method.
     (4)The usefulness of confilct matrix in new product innovation constructed by this thesisis verified through actual case anlysis.
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