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     临床研究:采用随机对照的临床试验设计,纳入2011年10月至2012年2月在广东省中医院妇科门诊就诊的月经不调患者56例,按就诊顺序随机分为2组:治疗组和对照组,其中治疗组收集病例26例,对照组26例。两组各服中药8周,治疗前、治疗4周后、8周后分别进行一次SCL90量表、月经情况评定,并在治疗前后检测血清FSH,E2的浓度和卵巢基础窦卵泡数,同时检测血、尿常规、肝肾功能、心电图等一般安全性项目,填写观察表,记录不良反应。实验研究:分6部分进行。第一部分“怒”对雌性大鼠行为学影响的评估及比较,分别观察了正常组、模型组、养阴舒肝胶囊低、中、高剂量组五组的水平运动、垂直运动及旷场实验总分情况。第二部分“怒”对雌性大鼠生殖内分泌的影响,观察比较五组大鼠AMH、INHB、E2的情况;第三部分“怒”对雌性大鼠脑神经递质的影响,观察比较五组大鼠海马区的5-HT、5-HIAA、NE、 DA的含量:第四部分“怒”对雌性大鼠下丘脑-卵巢雌激素受体的影响,观察比较五组大鼠下丘脑、卵巢ERβ积分光密度;第五部分养阴舒肝胶囊对大鼠心、肝、肾形态学的影响,观察服用养阴舒肝胶囊4周后大鼠心肝肾形态学改变;第六部分养阴舒肝胶囊对大鼠血清ALT、CR的影响,观察服用不同剂量养阴舒肝胶囊4周后大鼠血清ALT、CR改变。
     6.各组大鼠血清AMH、 INHB、E2含量比较结果:
     下丘脑ERβ IOD:与正常对照组相比较,模型组下丘脑ERβ积分光密度下降,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与模型组相比较,各给药组下丘脑ER β积分光密度增加,中药低剂量组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);中药中、高剂量组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);各给药组相比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
     卵巢ERβ IOD:与正常对照组相比较,模型组、低剂量组卵巢ERβ积分光密度下降,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与模型组相比较,各给药组卵巢ERβ积分光密度增加,中药高剂量组差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);中药中、低剂量组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。各给药组相比较,中药高剂量组ERβ积分光密度较中、低剂量组高,高、低剂量组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);中药中、低剂量组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
     10.各组大鼠血清ALT、 CR比较结果:养阴舒肝胶囊中、高浓度组ALT比正常组稍高但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。养阴舒肝胶囊高浓度组CR较正常组稍高,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
     4.经“怒”应激后的大鼠E2、INHB、 AMH含量均较正常组降低,提示大鼠经怒不良情绪应激后卵巢功能受损。养阴舒肝胶囊各剂量组AMH、 INHB、E2含量均较“怒”模型组增高,提示养阴舒肝胶囊对卵巢功能有一定的恢复作用。其中高剂量组AMH、INHB含量较正常对照组稍有增高,而E2含量则接近正常组水平,考虑可能与养阴舒肝胶囊短期内能明显促进卵巢窦前和小窦状卵泡发育有关,当然亦不排除实验及检测误差带来的可能,尚需进一步研究证实。
     5.经“怒”应激后大鼠海马区NE、 DA、5-HT、5-HIAA均升高,可能与怒不良情绪的应激,导致神经内分泌失调有关;经养阴舒肝胶囊干预后发现,高浓度剂量组明显降低海马区4种递质的含量,而中剂量组能明显降低5-HT含量。考虑高剂量浓度的养阴舒肝胶囊对改善“怒”应激引起的神经内分泌的改变作用为更好。
     6.经“怒”不良应激后大鼠下丘脑、卵巢ER β积分光密度均下降,但差异无统计学意义,表明经“怒”不良应激后大鼠下丘脑、卵巢生殖内分泌功能轻微受损,经养阴舒肝胶囊药物治疗后下丘脑、卵巢ERβ积分光密度不同程度的恢复至正常水平。且低剂量养阴舒肝胶囊使下丘脑ER β积分光密度显著升高,高剂量养阴舒肝胶囊使卵巢ERβ积分光密度显著升高。考虑下丘脑对养阴舒肝胶囊的药物起效作用可能先于卵巢。
     7.经对服用养阴舒肝胶囊的大鼠进行心肝肾形态学及血清ALT、 CR的检测发现,大鼠服用3种浓度剂量的养阴舒肝胶囊4周后均未出现心肝肾组织器官的功能损伤;提示3种浓度剂量的养阴舒肝胶囊均在对大鼠未造成损害的安全范围内。
     As a negative emotion, anger will affect the physiology and mental hea lty, interrupt emotion communication, friendship, romance and so on. a lot of researches have revealed that anger leads to reproductive endocrine ch anges, and causes to different diseases of reproductive endocrine, such as amenorrhoea, Menstrual disorder, infertility, premenstrual syndrome, prematu re ovarian failure. TCM treatment can not only improve the symptoms of an ger, but also have good effect in correcting endocrine disorders for anger. The aim of paper is to explore the effects of method of nourishing Yin an d discharge Gan in curing menstrual disorders because of liver depression and qi stagnation. And explore mechanism of nourishing Yin and discharge Gan in regulating endocrine disorders for anger, it can provide theoreti cal foundation and basis for Clinical guidance on the application of nour ishing Yin and discharge Gan method.
     Clinical research:a randomized controlled clinical trial design, bri nging in52menstruation disorder patients in Guangdong Province Traditio nal Chinese Medical Hospital from October2011to February2012. Accordin g to the visiting sequence were randomly divided into2groups:The treat ment group, control group, In each group26cases are collected. Both grou ps take medicine for8weeks, patient have a SCL90scale, menstrual situa tion assessment before treatments4weeks after treatment and8weeks aft er treatment. Before and after treatment, Serum FSH, E2concentrations and ovarian antral follicle count are tested. At the same time, blood and uri ne routine, liver and kidney function, electrocardiogram and general secu rity project are also tested. Fill in the watch, recorded adverse reacti on. Experimental study:divided into six parts. The first section:to esti mate and compare behavior of Female rats undergoing anger stress, investi gate horizontal movement, vertical motion, open field test scores of Norm al group, model group, Yangyinshugan capsule groups concluding low, mediu m, or high dose. The second section:the influences of reproductive endoc rine caused by anger stress, observe values of AMH、 INHEB、 E2of five groups of rats. The third section:the influences of Brain neurotransmitter of fe male rats undergoing anger stress, compare with5-HT、5-HIAA、 NE、 DA values in five groups in the hippocampal region;The fourth section:the influen ces of hypothalamus and ovarian estrogen receptor of female rats, observe Integral optical density in the region of hypothalamus and ovary; The fi fth section:to investigate the influences of morphology of heart, liver an d kidney after taking Yangyinshugan capsule4weeks later;The sixth secti on-:to investigate the influences of ALT、 CR in serum caused by Yangyinshu gan capsule in4weeks.
     1.Comparison of clinical efficacy:we evaluate clinical effect based o n comparison of menstruation before and after treatment. To heal, remarka ble progress, progress is to efficiently compute, the treatment group in the total efficiency was84.62%, the effective rate of control group was84.62%. Comparison between two groups, the difference was not statistical ly significant (P>0.05), It shows that the treatment group and the contro1group has the similar efficacy, has no significant difference. According to comparison of each symptom items of hostility factor before and after treatment. Two groups has lower score in the symptom of easy worried and excited, unable to control temper after treatment (P<0.05).Two groups h as the similar efficacy in improving the symptom of anger hostility (P<0.05).
     2. SCL-90hostility factor total score comparison:SCL-90hostility fac tor total score comparison of treatment for4weeks and before treatment: Within group comparisons, two groups have lower hostility factor total sco re after treatment for4weeks, but the treatment group has no statistical ly significant difference after4weeks treatment (P>0.05).However, the control group has statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Both tw 0groups have lower hostility factor total score after treatment for4we eks, but the decline rate has no significant difference (P>0.05).
     SCL-90hostility factor total score comparison of treatment for4wee ks and8weeks:Within group comparisons, two groups have lower hostility factor total score after treatment for8weeks than4weeks, but the contr01group has no statistically significant difference (P>0.05).However, t he treatment group has statistical1-y significant difference (P<0.05). Al so both two groups have lower hostility factor total score after treatmen t for8weeks, but the decline rate has no significant difference(P>0.05).
     SCL-90hostility factor total score comparison of treatment for8wee ks and before treatment:Within group comparisons, two groups have signifi cantly lower hostility factor total score after treatment for8weeks tha n before treatment (P<0.05), two groups has no significant difference (P>0.05).
     3. Comparison of FSH、E2、 Antral follicle count before and after treatm ent:Within group comparisons, both treatment and control group have no st atistically significant difference before and after treatment (P>0.05); C omparison of each two groups, both have no statistically significant diffe rence before and after treatment (P>0.05).
     4.Both treatment and control groups had no obvious (serious) adverse reactions, and safety testing showed no abnormality.
     5. Behavior test results:open field experiment:model group has signif icant higher score in horizontal movement, vertical motion compared with normal group (P<0.01); however, compared with model group, high dose grou p and medium group has lower score in horizontal movement (P<0.05), sign ificant lower total sore (P<0.01); Model group has higher score in vertic al motion compared with medium group (P<0.05), significant higher score c ompared with high dose group (P<0.01); low dose group has statistical low er score in vertical motion (P<0.01), no statistical difference in horiz ontal movement score and total score (P>0.05); Low dose group has higher total score than high and medium dose group (P<0.05), and has higher scor e in horizontal movement than medium dose group (P<0.05);
     Comparing with normal group,model group has longer central square, mor e fecal pellets, less decorating times (P<0.01); low dose group has longer central square time, less decorating times (P<0.05); medium dose group ha s longer central square time (P<0.05); Comparing with model group, high do se group has fewer central square time (P<0.01), less fecal pellets;more decorating times (P<0.05),medium dose group has fewer central square tim e (P<0.01), decorating times and less fecal pellets (P<0.05);the high and medium doses groups have fewer central square time (P<0.01), no stati stical difference in decorating time, fecal pellets (P>0.05).
     6.The results of AMH、INHB、E2content:model group has lower contents in AMH、INHB、E2, compared with normal group (P<0.05), has statistical di fference in AMH、INHB、E2(P<0.01); Compared with model group, high dose group has higher contents in AMH、INHB、E2(P<0.01);Medium group contain s higher contents of AMH、INHB (P<0.01) and higher E2(P<0.05).Low do se has more INHB、 E2(P<0.01) and AMH (P<0.05). High dose group contain s higher contents of AMH、 INHB than medium dose group in all groups (P<0.05)
     7.The results of Brain neurotransmitter content of hippocampal regio n:
     NE in hippocampal region:compared with normal group,the content of h ippocampal NE in model group, medium, low dose group were higher (P<0.01); Compared with model group, high dose group has lower contents of NE(P<0.01);there were no significant statistical difference in medium, low dose g roups (P>0.05).High dose group has lower contents of NE than medium, low dose groups (P<0.01).
     DA in hippocampal:compared with normal group, model group has highes t contents of DA (P<0.01), medium, low dose groups were higher (P<0.05); however,high dose group contains as similar as normal group. Compared wit h model group, high dose group contains less DA than model group(P<0.01); there were no statistical differences between medium, low dose groups and model group.
     5-HT in hippocampal:compared with normal group, model and low dose g roups contains more5-HT (P<0.01), whereas high, medium dose groups contai n as similar as normal group. The contents of5-HT in high and medium gro ups were less than model group (P<0.05).No statistical differences displ ay between low dose and model groups (P>0.05). In addition, high and med ium dose groups has less5-HT than low dose group (P<0.05).
     5-HIAA in hippocampal:the content of5-HIAA in model group was higher than normal group (P<0.05);the statistical differences existed between high (P<0.01) dose groups and model group.
     8. ER β Integral optical density in the region of hypothalamus and ova ry:
     Integral optical density in the region of hypothalamus:compared with normal group, the Integral optical density in the model group has no obv iously deduced (P>0.05); Integral optical density in all groups increase d comparing with model group, displaying statistical differences between low dose group (P<0.05), medium, high dose (P>0.05); there were no sta tistical differences among all groups (P>0.05).
     Integral optical density in the region of ovary:Integral optical den sity in model group, low dose group declined, compared with normal group, h owever, no statistical differences displayed; compared with model group, Integral optical density in all groups increased,there was statistical di fferences between high dose group and model group (P<0.05). in addition, the high dose group contained more ER βIOD than medium, low dose groups (P <0.05);no statistical differences existed between medium and low dose gr oup (P>0.05).
     9. Morphology of heart, liver and kidney in all groups:normal.
     10.ALT> CR in serum in all groups:medium, high dose groups contained a bit higher than normal group, but no statistical differences existed (P>0.05). Meanwhile, the content of Cr was a little more than the conte nt in normal group, no statistical differences displayed (P>0.05)
     Cone Iusion
     1. Yangyinshugan soup and Xiaoyao powder both have good effects in imp roving menstrual disorder and symptom of easy worried and excited, unabl e to control temper, and two groups have the similar effects.
     2. Yangyinshugan soup and Xiaoyao powder both can reduce SCL-90hostil ity factor total score. It shows the most significant effect after treatm ent for8weeks, and has significant difference compared to score before treatment. Two groups have the similar effect, have no statistically sign ificant difference. Two groups have no effect in improving FSH、E2、 AFC.
     3. In the experiments of behavior, horizontal movement, vertical motio n scores, excitability, sensibility of female rats rised obviously caused by anger stress. However, longer central square time investigated the ra ts have reduced cognitive ability of space. Fewer decorating time, more f ecal pellets reflected weak adaptability to new surrounding, stronger ner vous. Since Yangyinshugan capsule can reduce horizontal, vertical, total score, central square time, fecal pellets, increase decorating frequency, displaying the capsule could relief excitability and tension obviously.
     4. AMH、 INHB、 E2contents of rats influenced by anger was lower than no rmal group, which estimated ovarian function impaired after continued imp ulse. AMH、INHB、E2contents of all dose groups were more than model group, displaying the capsule could recover ovarian function to extent, high do se group has higher contents in AMH、 INHB, but E2close to normal level. It may related to the development of ovarian preantral and small antral foil iclesm Also it cannot be ruled out likely the experiment and detection er ror, further research is needed done.
     5. NE、DA、5-HT、5-HIAA contents in the area of hippocampal region aris ed clearly because of anger stress, since Yangyinshugan capsule intervene d, high dose group reduced obviously the contents of4kinds of neurotran smitter, while medium group can diminish the content of5-HT\5-HIAA, low dose group can diminish5-HIAA. It shows that all of three groups could r educe content of5-HIAA. We can conclude that high dose group would play an important part on recoving neuroendocrine disorders caused by anger.
     6. Integral optical density in the region of hypothalamus and ovary de clined for a long time, caused by anger; which suggested the function of reproductive endocrine impaired, however, Yangyinshugan capsule would be helpful to recover the function to some extent. Low and high dose group c ould rise Integral optical density of hypothalamus and ovary respectively. Different feedback mechanisms would be considered.
     7. The changes of morphology of heart, liver and kidney and ALT\CR in serum of rats didn't happen after4weeks, which estimated all kinds of groups would be safe for rats.
     According to female rats model influenced by anger, we observed behav ior, endocrine, neurotransmitter and estrogen receptor, which suggested pa thogenesis mechanisms of nerve, reproductive endocrine caused by anger. Ya ngyinshugan capsule would relieve excitability and tension, also can regu late endocrine disorders, so can recover the body environment. It conclud ed from the clinical research that Yangyinshugan soup has the same effect as same as Xiaoyao podwer, which enriched clinical treatment and Increas ed choice. From this paper, It provided a theoretical basis for Yangyinsh ugan capsule in treating "anger" mood related diseases. The experiment s uggested that the effects of high dose group was better than medium, low o nes, and morphology of heart, liver and kidney is normal after treatment f or8weeks. So the the reasonable and effective dosage of Yangyinshugan c apsule maybe need further research.
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