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In recent years, while our domestic economy grows at a high speed, the individuals have increasing demands for their wealth management, which promotes the further development of the individual wealth management business. Meanwhile, the large profit produced by the business resulted in the intense competition between domestic banks and foreign ones in the focused market. However, the development of our legal environment lagged behind. The same kind of business conducted by different financial institutions is regulated on different criteria. These lead the confusions of the market and regulation overlap. In order to make our banking individual wealth management product market develop better, we have made a deep research on the regulation of banking individual wealth management products.
     The comparison method is used here to analyze the regulation on banking individual wealth management product markets in different countries to search for more effective legal principles to solve the problems existing in regulation. Also we use economic and legal theories such as the theory on necessities of regulation, provision principle of security, principle of investment contract and principle of trust to do the research on the emergence of banking individual wealth management products, the necessities of legislation, regulation and judicature, and the legality and sociality of those products.
     The significance of this dissertation on theory and practice lies in the breaking-up of the old research framework, and making a new and comprehensive research from the view of Trust Law, Security Law and Investment Fund Law, and thus enriching the regulation theories for banking individual wealth management.
     This dissertation indicates that there are four kinds of legal relationship in the banking individual wealth management business, they are service relationship, proxy relationship, credit-debt relationship and trust relationship. And it is also pointed here that banking individual wealth management products should be regulated according to different legal relationships above. According to the analyses of the credit-debt product and the trust product, the conclusions are drawn here that the credit-debt product should be considered as“security”so that the regulation scope of Security Law can be expanded to banking individual wealth management product market, and that the individual wealth management product of trust should be regulated by Trust Law because of its trust quality. Also, the publicly-offered product has the quality of security investment fund, and should be regulated by Investment Fund Law. According to the analyses above, it is pointed out that functional regulation should take the place of organization regulation on banking individual wealth management product market and the information disclosure should be outlined to protect investors. These will add more to our banking individual wealth market product regulation and make great significance for regulation practice.
1 胡云祥:“商业银行理财产品性质与理财行为矛盾分析”,《上海金融》,2006 年第 9 期,第 72 页。
    2 王传芸:“我国商业银行个人理财业务的风险管理”,《金融经济》,2006 年第 8 期,第 88 页。
    3 刘荣:“商业银行个人理财业务中存在的问题及对策”,《浙江金融》,2007 年 5 月,第 26 页。
    4 刘春彦、黄运成:《美国证券制度选择及对我国证券市场监管的启示》, 《证券市场》,2005 年第 12 期,第 48-49 页。
     6 孔晓红:“商业银行理财业务的性质、风险与监管探析”,《金融纵横》,2005 年第 9 期,第 41 页。
    7 同上,第 41 页。
    8 李春林:“商业银行个人理财产品业务的风险分析及对策”,《甘肃金融》,2006 年第 4 期,第 36 页。
     9 窦勇:“证券监管的国际比较及对我国的启示”,河北大学经济学硕士学位论文,2003 年 6 月,第 2 页。
     14 魏振瀛,《民法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社,2000 年 9 月第一版,第 303-304 页。
    23 董华春:“美国证券法投资合同的法律辨析”,《证券市场导报》,2003 年 4 月号,第 70 页。
    24 同上,第 71 页。
    26 前注 23,第 72 页。
    27 Securities Act Release No.5341, Securities and Exchange Commission, January 4, 1973.
    28 United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 1974, 497 F.2d 473; 1974 U.S.App.LEXIS 7641; Fed. Sec. L. Rep.(CCH)P94,710.
    29 United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, February 1, 1973, 474 F.2d 478; 1973 U.S. App.LEXIS 11903; Fed.Sec.L.Rep.(CCH)P93,748.
    30 SEC v. Glenn W Turner Enterprises, 474 F 2d 476, p 482; Miller v. Central Chinchilla Group Inc, 494 F 2d 414, p418; SEC v. Koscot Interplanetary Inc, 497 F 2d 473, p.483.
    31 Smith v. Gross, 604 F 2d 639 p643; R v. Great Way Merchandising Ltd, 855 F. Supp 1258.
     32 杨越:“证券投资基金法律监管研究”,中国政法大学硕士学位论文,2004 年 5 月,第 15-16 页。
    33 SIB, “The Financial Services (Regulated Schemes) Regulations Reissued-Text Rulebook Amendments and Additions” 1991 Release 129.p.98.
    34 陈春山:《证券投资信托契约论》,(台)五南图书出版社 1987 年版,第 179 页。
    35 George G. Bogert, Dallin H. Okas, Cases and Text on the Law of Trusts, fifth ed, The Foundation Press, Inc, 1978, p.313.
    36 王苏生:《证券投资基金管理人的责任》,北京大学出版社 2001 年版,第 33 页。
    37 刘美琼:“我国私募基金法律规制研究”,北方工业大学硕士学位论文,2006 年 4 月,第 8-9 页。
    38 同上,第 8-9 页。
    40 夏斌、陈道富:《中国私募基金报告》,上海远东出版社,2001 年,第 125-129 页。
    41 前注 37,第 13 页。
    50 宋迎春:“法律视角看人民币个人理财”,《农村金融研究》,2005 年 4 月号,第 39 页。
    51 卫功琦、蔡友才:“商业银行个人理财业务的发展及监管”,《金融会计》,2006 年第 7 期,第 13 页。
    52 前注 5,第十一条。
    53 周详:“我国商业银行个人理财业务的风险防范研究”,郑州大学硕士学位论文,2006 年 5 月,第 39 页。
    54 前注 5,第二条。
    55 前注 12,第五条第三款。
    56 《商业银行理财产品的性质与风险分析》(课题结项报告),2005-2006 年,第 447-448 页。
     57 严太华、易世明:“构建以信托为主导的个人理财新模式”,《经济论坛》,2005 年第 24 期,第 108-109。页。
    58 张建春、冯义秀:“商业银行个人理财与投资基金的比较”,《银行家》,2006 年 8 月号,第 65 页。
     62 贺坤:“关于商业银行个人理财业务的几个问题”,《中国金融》,2006.18,第 52 页。
     63 刘荣:“商业银行个人理财业务中存在的问题及对策”,《浙江金融》,2007 年 5 月号,第 27 页。
     64 陈美芸:“我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展现状及策略”,《经济师》,2007 年第 7 期,第 248 页。
    [1] 胡云祥,“商业银行理财产品性质与理财行为矛盾分析”,《上海金融》,2006年第 9 期,72-74 页。
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    [7] 董华春,“美国证券法投资合同的法律辨析”,《证券市场导报》,2003 年 4月号,70-74 页。
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    [12]贺坤,“关于商业银行个人理财业务的几个问题”,《中国金融》,2006.18,52 页。
    [13]陈美芸,“我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展现状及策略”,《经济师》,2007年第 7 期,247-248 页。
    [14]刘旭光,“商业银行个人理财业务的风险管理”,《中国金融》,2005 年第 24期,48-49 页。
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    [17]胡云祥,“我国商业银行理财业务风险分析”,《北方经贸》,2006 年第 12 期,71-72 页。
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    [20]赵立航,“我国个人理财服务的历史发展”,《上海经济研究》,2007 年第 3期,93-97 页。
    [21]窦勇,《证券监管的国际比较及对我国的启示》,河北大学经济学硕士学位论4 文,2003 年 6 月。
    [22]杨越,《证券投资基金法律监管研究》,中国政法大学硕士学位论文,2004年 5 月。
    [23]刘美琼,《我国私募基金法律规制研究》,北方工业大学硕士学位论文,2006年 4 月。
    [24]周详,《我国商业银行个人理财业务的风险防范研究》,郑州大学硕士学位论文,2006 年 5 月。
    [25]魏振瀛,《民法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社,2000 年 9 月版。
    [26]夏斌、陈道富,《中国私募基金报告》,上海远东出版社,2001 年。
    [27]陈春山,《证券投资信托契约论》,(台)五南图书出版社 1987 年版。
    [28]王苏生,《证券投资基金管理人的责任》,北京大学出版社 2001 年版。
    [30]《商业银行理财产品的性质与风险分析》,课题结项报告,2005-2006 年,。
    [31]Securities Act Release No.5341, Securities and Exchange Commission, January 4, 1973.
    [32]United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 1974, 497 F.2d 473; 1974 U.S.App.LEXIS 7641; Fed. Sec. L. Rep.(CCH)P94,710.
    [33]United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, February 1, 1973, 474 F.2d 478; 1973 U.S. App.LEXIS 11903; Fed.Sec.L.Rep.(CCH)P93,748.
    [34]SEC v. Glenn W Turner Enterprises, 474 F 2d 476, p 482; Miller v. Central Chinchilla Group Inc, 494 F 2d 414, p418; SEC v. Koscot Interplanetary Inc, 497 F 2d 473, p483.
    [35]Snith v. Gross, 604 F 2d 639 p643; R v. Great Way Merchandising Ltd, 855 FSupp 1258.
    [36]SIB “The Financial Services (Regulated Schemes) Regulations Reissuied Text Rulebook Amendments and Additions 1991 Release 129.p.98.”
    [37]George ,G.Bogert, Dallin ,H. Okas, Cases and text on the law of Trusts, The Foundation Press, Inc, fifth ed, 1978, p.313.

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