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Zhou Dunyi’thought is from the angle that Qi feel each other, running through
    two main lines always, a cosmology regarding Wuji as cosmos origin and a
    cultivation considering Cultivating mind a core. Say in brief, that is “primitive and
    ultimate”. The “primitive”is a cosmos born, the “ultimate”is that nature and man
    unite as one—Zhujing that is to cultivate mind. The creating theory in cosmos is for
    cultivate mind to provide its born basis; cultivating calm for the creating theory in
    cosmos offers the possibility of the apperception. These two main lines act in
    cooperation mutually, and benefit by association together. They are all for the sake of
    guiding the person to cultivate mind and body that realize happiness in the world,
    attaining the sage state of KongYan’enjoying place. It may be said “with the result
    that the most large but to the utmost deeply subtlety”. Wuji is Tao that has one Yin and
    one Yang, passing by Taiji, YinYang, Wuxing etc. which belong to Qi’feeling
    function to creates this living world without stop; Mind, although being one of
    everything in the world produced by Qi, contrarily become spirit of everything and
    make the world properly clear. Only have mind then can make this world full of
    organic life with brilliant. Mind from Wuji took many orders and talents there, Wuji is
    invisible, Yinjing, and expedite, which is an endless process for one coming then one
    going; Mind also is immateriality, Zhujing and spirit, which come naturally from but
    return again and aware of self in Wuji. The unification of Mind and Wuji is for
    realizing life and everything smooth. Honest is a guarantees for Honest originates and
    inherit God’s way in the whole things: internalizing in person of five natures is Honest
    nature, transcending good and evil and attaining perfection is Honest condition, and
    changing orderly the world is saint virtue. Saint virtuous is manage state affairs which
    based on the stratagem of considering passion-nature and judging time the situation
    for planning, because they can make the public stabilize and have great foresight for
    the future. So managing state affairs should try to be practical as the point of
    departure, use Li-Yue as means, purify heart as to importance, civilize world for self-
    term, and regard world peace as to the managing ideal. To sum up, Zhou Dunyi
    syncretize the value idea of Confucian, Buddhism and Taoism in a creative way. not
    only did Zhou regard Qi—feeling as jumping-off point, master the God’s way and
    humanism, and put forward the truth such as YinYang turning life, anyone
    representing the integral whole creation, Jing being and motion using; But also with
    well expedite for state, Zhou indicated to be lustless, cultivate mind, pure mind,
    respond subtlety etc. the wisdom for expecting unhindered, practical, flexible, joining
    creating life.
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