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AJong with people research and understand on gas, already rfom traditional object ofleading to disaster to the object of resource mining and using, gas extraction technologybecomes the study emphasis of people for this reason, the zchievements of the current stagehave been applied in gas extraction to some degrees. However, by the influence of vairousfactors, for example thought ideas and geological conditions and extraction technology ect, gasextraction technology didn't get effective application, the one important reason is gasextraction efifciency is low,this lead to the phenomena of gas over limit still exist duringmining on coal face atfer implement of extraction. In the view of the above, combined with theenlightenment rfom oil and gas research field, start rfom the two key problems, they areimproving gas extraction eiffciency and preventing gas over limit, carry out the experimentstudy of external solution invasion impact on gas desorption about coal with gas, the purpose isto provid a new thought and a new way to solve the above two problems.
     Combine with current situation of experimental facilities in gas desorption field and theneed of study, autonomously research and development the expeirment device about gasdesorpiton of coal with gas during external solution invasion, and the experiment device aboutgas desorption of coal with gas atfer external solution invasion, they are expeirment devices ofliquid replaces gas and water lock. Based on this, separately carired out gas desorpitonexperiment during external solution invasion, and gas desorption contrast experiments aboutexternal solution invasion or no extenral solution invasion in the condition of pressure oratmospheric pressure.
     Through the experiment of gas desorption during external solution invasion, conifrmed thephenomenal of liquid replaces gas exist during JFC penetrant solution intrude into coal withgas, summarized the relation between the obvious degree of liquid replaces gas and JFCpenetrant solution concentration and gas adsorption balance pressure level, and then start rfomthe point of view of interface adsorption, analysed the generated reason of liquid replaced gas.Through the gas desorption contrast experiments about extenral solution invasion or noexternal solution invasion in the condiiton of pressure or atmospheric pressure, conifrmed thewater lock exist atfer water and0.025%concentration penetrant solution intrude into coal withgas, and the water lock impact on gas desorption quantity and desorption speed, the resultsshow that water lock can reduce gas desorpiton and release quantity, and can delay gasdesorption and release speed at the same time, and then analysed water lock generatedconditions and mechanism. According to experiment analysis results, combine with engineering practice, put forward the new thought of using liquid replaces gas to improve gasextraction efifciency, and the new way of using water lock to prevent gas over limit on coalface.
     The innovates of paper is: autonomously research and development the experiment deviceabout gas desorption of coal with gas during external solution invasion and atfer externalsolution invasion, enrich experiment equipment conditions in the gas desorption study ifeld;conifrmed the phenomenal of liquid replaces gas exist during external solution intrude into coalwith gas’ and the water lock exist after external solution intrude into coal with gas, analysedtheir generated reason; started rfom the two key problems of improve gas extraction eiffciencyand prevent gas over limit on coal face, put forward the new thought and new way to solve thequestions.
     The study has a certain academic reference and application value to improve gasextraction efficiency and prevent the disaster occuring of gas over limit on coal face.
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